We bundled the kids in the car last night excitedly, everyone wanted to go to the beach. So we headed for Sheringham, its one of my favourite ones and definitely the kids favourite!

We didn't realise the carnival was on so what we thought was just going to be fish and chips and a walk up the beach was much more entertaining.
You could hear the music pelting out so we followed it and ended up dancing away to the sounds of two great live bands, the first was a young girl singing all modern stuff (she was brilliant) and then the main act came on.. They were an Irish band but as soon as they opened up with the Killers hit 'Human ' we knew we were in for a good night, these guys were amazing...
Sheringham is so quaint, its kept its charm and everyone is friendly as we walked through to the beach there were groups of people all dancing away in the warm night air, what a way to enjoy the sea side.. it was beautiful. Watching that sunset fade away leaving just that huge moon was lovely..

After the band finished we headed for the amusements with the kids all carrying bags of coppers ready, i headed straight for the candy floss shop and came home I'm ashamed to say with a huge bag full of Jos things i really shouldn't be eating, but I'm going to anyway, you cant have a trip to the beach and not come home with a memento or two..lol

Ive got one more day with my fella today before he goes away for work Monday for a week now! (im not complaining or moaning in case he makes it two weeks!)but we will be having a quiet one today. I'm going to need some energy for all this decorating im planning and the gardening of course, my neighbour bought the plants round yesterday and theres loads of them! so im going to have my hands full, that was such a lovely thing to do, we are really lucky having David next door im constantly popping round (not for sugar) but for gardening utensils..lol hes told me to eat all the tomatoes off his plants too! so salads all next week kids ! lol
So today will be spent out there in the sunshine, making room for these new guys..its going to look amazing out there, and hopefully if i get the painting finished my fella will walk home to a bright new home...
Have a great weekend everyone, we're knackered !!
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