Its been a bit hectic this morning, my fella pinched the car so i didn't think I'd make the jumping lesson, thankfully Jean came to the rescue and came and picked me up, i hate to miss it, Ive been looking so forward to it all weekend.. the amusing part was my fella had all my gear in the boot of the car! Kevin was brilliant and leant me just about everything so i could ride, but the back protector wouldn't go over my bust (it was a kiddies one) so i had that flapping about every time i took the jumps...lol I was waiting for it to fly up covering my head, it was one of those old fashioned ones that has a large girth that's supposed to go under your crotch !! hehe.... not likely.. I left that flapping about too so the girls were threatening to take photos and load me onto facebook... how embarrassing would that be, the kids would disown me, they know how much i love riding or should do now, i looked like something out of a bin but didn't care less as long as i didn't miss it.. the horse doesn't mind, so may as well give everyone a laugh today while I'm at it.. hopefully i should have my gear for tonight's lesson, were out hacking (yippee) its my first hack this year.
The lesson went well although Ive now got to go like mad to get everything ready for tomorrow here ~ my fellas just told me hes taking the car this week now :( so I'm going to get some food and paint in and get prepared, its not going to be much fun stuck in all week without any transport so ill try and make the most of it and get the kids painting again and doing stuff here, they like it.
Most places we can walk to like the park etc, so as long as we have lemonade sparkle ice lollies in that freezer (every ones favourites) I'm sure we will be fine..
Saturday we went to Ingham fete with our friends to help with the demo Cuban salsa dancing display, it was such a good afternoon, the kids won me 2 necklaces on the tombola (which are gorgeous) and we were playing with a lama (yes you read that right!) he was lovely, Ive never seen one before and found it highly amusing watching him following his master about with his beak about 2 cm's away from his head, he was such a character, but my kids wanted to take it home... can you imagine it...lol
Right its time to hit Homebase and get some food in ........
Have a great afternoon everyone.......
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