When do you say to yourself enough is enough? I really need go to bed but I'm trying to get this bloody painting done, I'm knackered, i stink, I'm hot and sweaty, covered in paint but not done yet!
My fella phoned so that cheered me up, but hes staying an extra night! which is probably a good job looking round at this place... Why do i do this to myself?
I wanted him to come home last week surprised and love what id done (which he did ) but muggins has took it in her blonde thick head that she wants to decorate the house, am i nuts ? (don't answer that please, i already know the answer)...lol
The kitchen is just about done, just a couple of top coats to the utilities end, but then i have the hall to top coat all over! its a mess, I'm tired and it wont make for good painting as Ive discovered tonight.. more like the 'wonky tonk woman'
The funny part of the day for the kids was mum falling off the worktop (oh yes i can perform acrobatics whilst painting too!) ......they found it highly amusing to see me and Lauren fall in a heap, perhaps they thought they were tears of laughter as Callum came in took one look at us, poured himself a glass of water and walked out as calm as a cucumber !
We couldn't help but giggle even though we were hurting, so i guess it brought a smile to the afternoons misfortune...
Poor Lauren was a bit battered as i fell on her, complete with roller still in hand, head first! Luckily shes bendy and saw the funny side later!! ill count the bruises i have tomorrow when im not so ratty and try to remember, not to stretch while standing on a wet draining board... or better still buy some step ladders and use those!
The hair colour definitely matched the brain cell today.... Oh shit! doesn't provide a safety net, I can painfully vouch for that......
Tomorrow night come what may I'm not going anywhere near a pot of paint, so ill get up early and get this done out of the way, the next time i come up with " Ill keep myself busy while hes away idea" i know what to do... Go riding instead !
Hes going to be away a few days every week now by the looks of it and theres no way i can keep this lot up, Id forgotten how hard it was to juggle, my work, kids, sleepovers (theres 6 up there tonight) packing orders and redecorating as ive discovered today.. I'm dead physically
Probably why my house hasn't been painted for yonks......... (I waited until id forgotten the last time) hehe
I stink, am a lilac shade everywhere, have a bedroom full of moths waiting to pounce, but i just don't care tonight...
......... Ahhhh Sleep is all i can think about...
Sounds wonderfully bliss doesnt it.......... Its 12.29 am so bugger anymore painting tonight...
Im going to bed, hopefully that lot up there will quieten down and let me sleep now. (why do they call them sleepovers, they DONT GO TO SLEEP!) lol
Goodnight all ...
I was knackered just reading that. And yesterday, it was HOT.
You don't do things by halves do you?
Have you thought about acquiring sloth as a new vice?
Lol.. Im really feeling it this morning, im so tired my eyes dont want to stay open. Brandon kept me up til 3.40! I kept hearing noises so was up every minute checking, until eventually I caught him playing on his playstation under the duvet..
I think sloth may rear its head today, i ache, im fed up with mess and paint and have to get it done today out of the way.
Tonight im hiring a dvd and just sitting here with a bottle of anything alcoholic..And a huge bar of Bourneville...
Sounds like a good plan.
Enjoy honey!
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