Yesterday's riding lessons were a total failure, I did my jumping lesson with Jean as usual we were in the outside arena as the sun was in full bloom and lovely, but could i get it right! No is the answer.
I was so annoyed at myself, the jumping and taking the jumps is fine, we are up to 5 jumps but i couldnt get my legs right all the other time..lol
There is such a thing as trying to hard, Wendy said i was doing fine, but you know in yourself when things just wont go so right..
Everytime i tried to get the horses into canter were my legs stiffening up, i can feel them doing it but cant seem to work out how to stop it, its happened before when i first went to red hall, but i felt that part was getting better ~ until yesterday.. one step forward 3 back..lol
I came home dripping with sweat stood in a cold shower for over an hour and went back for my evening lesson with the group, theres a new guy in class whos irish and really excellent at riding, he was telling me he usually does cross country and has been riding a long time and this is the same all round with the ones i seem to be with, so im always the novice girl in the group and the one who messes it all up, i think i was even worse than usual as he was trying to help me..
In the afternoons jumping class i rode Solomen and Jazz, Wendy swaps us about every 15 mins so she can see the reactions of the horses to our riding, mine was easy to see, slow and go slow, last time we were cantering over them all this week i can even get a canter..
I was hoping last night would restore my faith in myself so went back with what i hoped was a less defeative attitude, but i got a bugger of a horse who spent the night trying to buck me over his head..
Its amusing to think of today as he was being really naughty and Kevin said hes known to do it, but apparently i got him on one of his worst days where everytime we went past Kevin the bloody thing bolted and bucked away showing his dislike, acting just like a spoilt brat whilst spitting his dummy out! he really wouldn't play ball.
I managed to stay in the saddle so im proud of that part but came home nearly in tears as i really was trying so hard ,yet everything i did lead to the horse sticking his head down and his arse up in the air as far as he could get.... hehe
Walking him back to the fields i was giving him a real good talking to, I refused to give the horse a mint for the first time and hope i dont get him again! but knowing Kevin and his sense of humour, ill be lined up on him again next week ! Bring back Jack eh... even hes good compaired to Shamus last night...
I hurt in places today i didnt know i had muscles, and am lined up for 3 back to back nights of salsa starting tonight so hopefully that will go better than yesterdays performances at the stables... The ironic part is i wish i could go back today and try again, i know where i went wrong and will have to wait til next week now to see if i can get it right. its just the same as this people thing i struggle with..
Im not just bloody soft with people, its horses now too........
Give me a deserted island and my fella anyday...
At least i dont need a whip to get him to ride................hehe
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