What a night that was ~ What a party! it was brilliant guys !!
I'm totally dead this morning, my feet are throbbing (and my head) but my house is still all sound asleep thankfully, im leaving my poor fella up there til at least 1pm. how he managed to do that last night without having any sleep the night before ill never know ~ I'm so glad he did though, it was totally brilliant !
Leandro is something else to watch (hes extremely sexy with it ladies) this guy gets his hips to move in ways well lets just say it gets the mind boggling (or is it just mine) hehe.... filthy woman stop it !

Its going down in the books for 'A Night To Remember' from everyone who was there, im sure..
I didn't think they could top that last party, but yes ~ its been done! Sharon & Richard you guys really are something else....
Where did you get all that energy from? and can i get some please........... its those mojitos Richard? ..... hic........ you were dancing for England!
I know we haven't been dancing for a couple of weeks due to my fellas work, but walking back in there last night, it felt like we've never been away... I even had a dance with Richard and didnt stand on him !! well if i did hopefully he didn't notice ~the mojitos were going down well...
I'll post some photos once i ask Richard if i can pinch his (hurry up and get them on your site Richard we want to see them) I gave my fella my phone as i was drinking and have a history of ringing friends up telling them, "what a wunderbul time im having ~ hic" well you don't think to check the time when you're having fun do you .....oops
Anyway i need to soak my feet in cold water and get my straighteners out, I made the mistake of curling my hair for the party so look like the 'wild woman of Borneo' this morning. A few of the guys got tangled in it when i was dancing with them too... imagine a birds nest and you'd be on target...lol
Today i have to be at the stables at 2 as Lauren is in the gymkhana there (and i want to see the horses and hopefully convice Kevin to let me ride one) but today dads coming with us ~ OMG
(he asked to come!) then its back for another shower and get ready for tonight... its the Salsa Boat Party !
(he asked to come!) then its back for another shower and get ready for tonight... its the Salsa Boat Party !
if you haven't booked your tickets, its not too late ~ you can pay on the boat door ~departing from Wroxham bridge at 6.30pm.... a boat full of mad people ~ all taking picnics and blasting out salsa down the broads while we dance the night away, waking up the ducks...
All on an open topped boat...... Sounds brilliant doesn't it .... last year was !
So all you lovely people out there, have a great day and enjoy the bank holiday weekend, the rest of our weekend is free so we are playing it by 'ear'..... when of course i can get this reggaeton beat out of it first..... it feels like i can still hear it!
A huge THANK YOU to Richard, Sharon, Leandro and Sexy Sasha this morning (Jane calls him mr guiness as hes so smoooth) You guys gave us all one hell of a night to remember last night..
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