I went to bed last night and the strangest thing happened, my fella is now convinced theres someone in my house..lol
For the last 2 nights ive been woken up by the floorboards creaking upstairs, its creapy as i keep thinking the kids are out of bed as Brandon is prone to sleepwalking and often goes wandering downstairs still asleep, he even scares the dogs as he screams when he gets to the bottom of the hall.. we are more used to it now so any movement upstairs and i just wake up automatically... its a mums thing..
Well last night i was just about to fall asleep and he appears in the doorway again, he looks awake so i took him back to his bed give him a reasuring hug, and tucked him up, he soon drifted back off, so couldnt have been fully awake.. but about half an hour later the floorboards start again, so out of bed i get ! to see nothing....... the kids were all sound asleep?
It was just as if someone was walking about around us , it must have been loud as my fella woke too...
So he gets up when the noise was there and loud, peeks round the corner into the boys room and said they were both still sound asleep.. yet he could still hear the noises from that room just couldnt see anything? .......lol
So he then decides to hide up in the bathroom to see if it is the kids, waits til it starts again and then pounces out like a mad thing... (i wish id have had a camera handy)
to a room of nothing .... the kids were out for the count... but the footsteps were there in that room ?
...... I really dont know what to make of this one, as there is no rational explantion for it...i could understand if a window was open somewhere as the wind could cause a draft, but not one that moves the floorboards like feet and stops and starts when you look...lol
An hour passes, non of us could settle so my partner goes downstairs and sleeps on the sofa..lol leaving me upstairs with the duvet over my head hiding up all night .....lol
It was creaking randomly all night, yet as soon as i moved it stops, my sister is convinced i have a ghost in my house, always has been (claims to have seen him a few times too) and today is giggling about our story saying she told me so..
As a child i read The diary of Anne Frank, so tonight im going up into our attic just to double check noones living up there secretly.. last night was beyond explanation ..no i wasnt under the influence either ! although i maybe tonight though if it continues...lol
So ive either got extremely talleted kids that can play act perfectly and are really throwing a party once im asleep, or moving floorboards that stop when i look..
Can anyone explain this one to me ? lol
I've had encounters in the past with ghosts. In the main, as long as they don't bug me, I'm okay with them. It's when they start being a nuisance - waking up the Boy, knicking stuff, freaking out the dog, glaring at me - that I get pissed off. If it persists you can always do a house cleansing. If you need some help sorting it out, e-mail me. We can talk about it over coffee.
Thanks Roses..
I thought my sister was winding me up when she said she had seen a him floating round my bedroom (my side of the bed too!)we were always close but not like that.
The physic ladies said Neils spirit was still with me but i was sceptical.
Last night honestly i was totally spooked.. there wasnt anything there yet i could hear steps all around me? so i did the girl thing and hid up singing away to myself under the duvet til i eventually dozed off..hehe
So i may have to try something soon.
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