Today we had an unexpected visitor in fact 2 ... arnt they beautiful
It makes me think of spring and the my favourite time of the year.......
Thats the beauty of where we work, we get all types of visitors that bring a smile each day, we have a fox so many magpies and two healthy friendly rabbits...
lol.......I bet you all thought judging by the title it was something battery powered ! tutt tutt
These are far better, they are a pleasure to have visit us and reminds me that spring is just round the corner .....
I miss the flowers and the sunshine, so today brought many smiles at our place..
What with all these friendly animals and our diet coke bloke (yes we still take extended breaks when he pulls in) im sure that springtime will be something special here, bunnies, foxes and Barron back in those shorts again.....lol
Ill of course be watching the animals and leave stelli to study mother natures other temptations...............lol
I love the wildlife we get round here too, especially the winter when you see the pheasants & then the spring when everything has new life & it's all waking up again.
Read your latest post about horseriding. Completely agree, it's the same for me. When you're with your horse there is nothing else in the world that matters, the only things that are on your immediate mind are yourself & your horse.
I'm planning to start side saddle riding this year so will post about how it goes, it will be a challenge but so worth it I think. Keep going with the riding, it really is worth it but I think you've already gathered that :o) xx
Hi and welcome
Ive wanted to try riding for so long, im totally hooked, ive put in for another evening and morning job too .. theres a lady who lives right where we work and she needs some help grooming and turning the horses out etc, so ive volunteered, i can then ride with her after work occasionally then, i dont want as its not just the riding i love being up the stables and near the horses.
I bet side saddle is hard, please let me know how you get on, im always reading your blog and loved the post you wrote about riding, it was as if i was there... great stuff
It's the best thing ever!
It's the same with me, it isn't just the riding but the horses, just being near them & having the contact with them is enough.
Will definitely keep you updated on the side saddle riding, it isn't supposed to be all that difficult once you have the balance & the style sussed so we'll see. Have already found an instructor which is an excellent sign :o)
Thanks for that, really enjoyed writing that post, it just seemed to flow onto the page so glad you enjoyed reading it too :o)
I loved reading it, what you put itto words i think explains beautifully how it feels to ride, its the best thing ive ever done and now a part of my life..
Ill read with interest.
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