Sunday, August 5

Tanning days

How beautiful is this weather....

I spent an afternoon as usual putting the house back to good , bores me silly but I'm the only one that does it here so cant be

We went to a few beaches last night, started off at Sea Palling, waxham, Happisburg, eating far too many doughnuts and candy floss, and finished up in a pub garden watching the sunset... bliss

It was so warm all night, a perfect night for swimming (so i with the kids telling me about the sharks in there with

But it was a really nice night, just what was needed after this week esp Friday...

Im not allowed to work today Ive been told

So im gonna do all those little bits i didn't get time for this week and later this afternoon I'm gonna go out

Well you've got to make the most of it today haven't you , its gonna rain tomorrow.... so they say! lets hope they get it wrong again.......

I may also have another car coming very soon... (sooner than i thought anyway), my fella had one came in yesterday at his bmw place and they said it had Jo written all over it, shes gold and has 4 seats....he wont let me pay for it though, as the guy there sold mine and my fella has said hell take this car as wages for the last 2 weeks... i think he still feels bad mine was sold, but it wasnt practical anymore, as hes working i need a car to take the kids to the sitters house and you cant get 4 kids in a Z3 (i did try, i got 2 in the front and one in the boot ! ) lol

Happy Tanning everyone .........


Anonymous said...

I love reading your beautiful words, describing everything so beautifully even the very "boring" daily tasks...Have a beautiful day...Sun is shining here too...xx

brown eyed girl said...

welcome D ..
Glad youre enjoying the sunshine there too.
thank you for such kind words