I spent an evening last night, in the garden (yes i am weird)lol
but it was amazing....
I lit the whole place up with hundreds of candles and stuck on my classic chill out album..
The thing that made me giggle was the street seemed really noisey earlier on, and the moment i put on that album it all went quiet, i had a neighbour ask what it was over the fence, so it sounded like most of the couples around where i live ended up in their gardens too..no kids, no pets just peace and quiet and ambient noises coming from my garden stereo..lol yes i do have one,
You could hear a pin drop ...
It took me back when i heard one track to our fantastic holidays weve had, i remembered laying on my lilo floating about in the sea, with the sun on my face not having a care in the world... no work , no pressures just relaxation and over indulgence of food, drink and rest...
and the same thing happened last night, without the lilo ..lol
It was a beautiful night, i sat there watching the garden twinkling away...in my element
I could feel the stress just easing away, by 2am i was wrapped in a blanket, singing my head off (badly) and preparing to spend the night out there..lol (that may have something to do with too many cocktails)....
But its done the trick.... i feel so much better today...
The suns on my face and theres no work today, the hardest part of today should be keeping that horse on 4 legs....
Have a brilliant weekend everyone, go out and buy some candles.....lol
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