Wednesday, January 30
Tuesday, January 29
Car Crime

I'm on one
I got in my car today to drive to work and guess what?
I have no bloody lights left in the front... what has happened to society, everyones turned into arseholes ..
I had to sell my last car (she was beautiful) so i got this one to help me get about with the kids, its a 15 year old BM 3 series its only done 40,000 miles im really looking after it, shes been such a good car ........... or was... it now has no lights left is gonna cost me about 200 quid to now fix !
A few days ago 2 guys came knocking asking if i would sell her, i bet its those scumbags as a friend of theirs had bashed up his car and wanted mine for him... i bet they wanted my angel eyes, bumper and fog lights they really meant... arghhhhhh its no good calling the police i know, they wont have time to sort out something as trivial, i can imagine all the paperwork id cause...
Anyway im really pissed off now, fed up with society, its a waste of space, government should all be shot and all politicians should be whipped naked in town
We used to have police on patrol walking up our streets, looking after us, now they are so bogged under with paperwork and red tape its all down to those bloody pen pushers again, they have took the great out of britain... perhaps i should go out tonight and nick someone elses instead of being an honest citizen who's now got to work all week to pay for new lights... id probably go get caught knowing my luck....
I hate the government today................ what a bunch of arseholes.... go pinch one of their cars, they have the cheek to just put another down as expenses.............
I need to hire that dwarf to sit under my bonnet all night tonight... lol
Small packages
Its tuesday today should be a good test...
I have a whole day of photos (about 80 lines) so by the end of this afternoon i expect to ache, ive seen the weather and todays the day to get it done..
So weve got a full day of pictures including jeans and then 3 hours of dancing tonight..hehe
My fella keeps missing sleep and working through the nights so i had to giggle last night as he fell asleep at 6 and is still there... i cant quite work his logic he gets ahead then to fall alseep and get behind again... it must be a man thing .........
Anyway i have to just tell you the story i heard on the news made me giggle..
A coach firm that runs trips for brits around Sweeden has been targetted the worse, get this..
Theres a guy that hires dwarfs... he hides them in a sports bag and puts them with the luggage under the coach hold, when the coach is in transit this dwarf gets out starts going through everyones suitcases and pinches the jewellery money and electricals..
He then seals all the bags back up and climbs back into his holdall with the stuff hes nicked...
So everyone gets off the coach non the wiser until they arrive at their destinations and realise what they packed is not nessessarrily there.... the scammer just picks up his holdall (complete with dwarf )and sticks it on a trolley... hey presto job done...
And how the hell do they know its a dwarf doing it.... if they havent caught him...
I know i shouldnt laugh ,but what has happened to society......... lol
I have a whole day of photos (about 80 lines) so by the end of this afternoon i expect to ache, ive seen the weather and todays the day to get it done..
So weve got a full day of pictures including jeans and then 3 hours of dancing tonight..hehe
My fella keeps missing sleep and working through the nights so i had to giggle last night as he fell asleep at 6 and is still there... i cant quite work his logic he gets ahead then to fall alseep and get behind again... it must be a man thing .........
Anyway i have to just tell you the story i heard on the news made me giggle..
A coach firm that runs trips for brits around Sweeden has been targetted the worse, get this..
Theres a guy that hires dwarfs... he hides them in a sports bag and puts them with the luggage under the coach hold, when the coach is in transit this dwarf gets out starts going through everyones suitcases and pinches the jewellery money and electricals..
He then seals all the bags back up and climbs back into his holdall with the stuff hes nicked...
So everyone gets off the coach non the wiser until they arrive at their destinations and realise what they packed is not nessessarrily there.... the scammer just picks up his holdall (complete with dwarf )and sticks it on a trolley... hey presto job done...
And how the hell do they know its a dwarf doing it.... if they havent caught him...
I know i shouldnt laugh ,but what has happened to society......... lol

Monday, January 28

Ive come into work this morning to find feathers everywhere.... yep mr fox has been to visit my pet chickens...
I know its the way of life and her circle but it did get to me, the other chicken just sits there looking for him, so im trying to find someone today that can look after him, the fox knows theres still one here so i know hes coming back tonight...
I even brought the kids down last night to feed and put the straw in the bed so feel so mean today i started feeding them... perhaps if id ignored them they would have gone away and i wouldnt have been reponsible for them feeling at home here... they were so hungry though and looked so poorly......
Lifes a shit sometimes, i love animals but all of them, so as mother nature brings the new beginings it also ends chapters...
Apart from sitting at work all night chicken sitting, i cant do much else to help...
My fella wont let me take it home ! which i can understand, but i dont feel so happy this morning knowing whats round the corner tonight and a car park full of feathers tomorow..poor thing...
Anyway 'I am Legend' was good, not as good as some of Will Smiths films, but watchable, they seemed to put all the good parts on the advert for the film, so it didnt leave many surprises...
Sweeny Todd next... i dont care if its agood or bad film as Johnny Depp is in it so for me its a must ......... that is one sexy guy.. hes all over our wall here... lol
Weve found a good home for the surviving chicken, so were now leaving work to deliver her, shes gonna love it there the lady looks after them so well, so shes now free to run around all day .....theres 4 cockeralls to keep her happy
circle of life,
mother nature
Sunday, January 27
Springs Coming

What a day its been today, we left the house early and have spent the most enjoyable day out..
We went walking down Haveringland Lakes its so beautiful and goes on for miles, well you had to make the most of the sunshine today it was lovely..
All day weve been wandering around the lakes and Forrest, i was in my element so were the kids, they definitely take after me wanting to be outside in a natural enviroment, everyone was so happy...
I borrowed my sons mp3 player and couldnt imagine a better feeling than walking through the forrest listening to U2's beautiful day...what a blast !
I borrowed my sons mp3 player and couldnt imagine a better feeling than walking through the forrest listening to U2's beautiful day...what a blast !
We found a little tepee someone had made in the woods, so decided that was great place to stop and just spent hours chatting and having fun..

The lake is gorgeous and huge ! i cant believe ive never been there before, its somewhere im defiantly going to visit regularly now..
Walking through the woodland we came across a field with 5 horses in who all came rushing over to say hello and have some attention, the whole day really was magical ..
Tonight i am watching " I am Legend" so its a good ending to a perfect day..
The sunshine makes you feel so happy inside.. every ones smiling..
Walking through a field of pure white snowdrops all coming into bloom, tells me spring is on her way, and i for one cant wait for her long awaited arrival..........
The sun is shining, the flowers are now coming to life and i feel like i am too.........

fun. peaceful,
haveringland lake,
Saturday, January 26
Chasing Shadow

Im just back from riding.. what a blast , although it was a hard
Ive put my faith in Sarah and Nikita now and am just having a go at what they tell me to do, Shadow is so much stronger than anything ive rode before, you have to use your whole body strength even in trott to hold her back, as she wants to go, again i was asked to lead the group..
It was different today so fast i can remember sitting on her while in canter and releasing the reins when instructed ,and its like someone kicked everything up a gear.. ive had powerful soft top sports cars and had a go at so many fast things, but i can honestly say today felt like the fastest i have ever rode, my head was talking to me as i went round, keep straight dont lean, head up, look forward, heals down ....but shadow was going hell for leather and holding nothing back she is a totally brilliant horse...
My fellas insitant now i get fitted with a back protector, so hes taking me down there during the week to get me measured up, im the only one there that doesnt wear one, so for my fella's peace of mind ill go get fitted out properly..... its time now....
Another rider sadly fell today, she didnt want to get back on the horse, every week we see them come and go , but you cant ride horses and expect them to work like clockwork, they have good/bad days like we do all have such different characters, so like us we have to take the good days and stay postive.. i was a bit scared of the horses when i first started , they are so powerful, but thats gone now, as ive grown to love it and them so much and know somehow this will play a big part in my life now, the only difference is, i have nothing but respect for these creatures and never take anything for granted while im in that saddle......
She was riding Sorrel and didnt keep her heals down after she landed the jump......
God it doesnt half hurt, i did a very simular thing when i first started but managed to hang round Sorrels neck like a moustache.. so he didnt quite manage to throw me off completely, i ached for days.. so i hope she will be ok and come back.. its the way we learn ....
I waited til the end of the lesson to see how sarah thought i did today, its always when we get the rundown on the lesson, and ways to improve our riding skills, all i got was you handled shadow beautifully again,well done! and how come you keep smiling even when you are concentrating? most people look serious and stick tongues out and
I wasnt aware that i am smiling ,all im doing is enjoying myself and concentrating on what im doing, so it just confirms facially i guess how i feel ..
Totally happy inside and out.....
This is Shadow, hopefully soon ill have photos of me jumping with her...
Dont you think she matches my hair
Friday, January 25
Women and Lingerie

Ive had the toughest day hehe .. i get all the hard work here..those jobs nobody else wants to do !
All day ive had to look at womens perfect bodies running around in underwear....hehe
Were putting a range in the website shortly so guess who volunteered to do the images.....yep little old me.......
Well my fella gets all the best jobs so i thought id grab this one early...
So far these are my favourite 3.....
Yes i am talking about the
Tuesday, January 22
Dancing the night away

Were just back from a totally brilliant night out dancing, yes it was salsa and belly dancing time, my god this is just getting better...........
Me and my friend had a few drinks in the bar before we started so it was a really relaxed start, everyone was chatting its like we've never been away but better.......
The belly dancing was great as i was still really stiff from the fitness test Sunday (i scored really well and was pleased with what i could do) just very sore the next
Anyway the fellas joined us for the class and even more people than last week turned up, so it was great, I've made new friends learnt more steps and got to finish the night with my fella freestyle, its the first time we've danced together and it flowed......... his hips seemed to take on a mind of their own which in this dance is great all round......
My fella loves it (im so glad) is really good and looks forward to it as much as me now, yes he did get to dance a few times with the sexy latino girl lol ....... she is stunning, doesnt need make up , has curves to die for and is really nice too...some girls really are so
I've come home with a mind full of moves i want try later ,but as hes my live in partner i can also add on a few extras to steam things up, like that little lace up dress thats hanging up looking at
Feeling sexy definitely reared its head in every ones moves there tonight.... i was totally lost in the music and great atmosphere... i dont want to go to sleep tonight.......
We've made friends with the instructors and have been invited to a party Friday they are going to, its all salsa & meringue with a group of fun loving people who all like what we do, dancing music a good laugh and oh yes ......... alcohol.... hehe
I havent been to a good party for ages so its time to let my hair down and put into practise all this dirty dancing we are learning.......
So roll on the weekend im going horse riding on a hangover !! and sore
high heels,
new friends,
Sunday, January 20

Its sunday, isnt that supposed to be everyones funday? its not mine
Its the fitness test this morning, im not looking forward to it, but ill go along and see what happens..
Riding was cancelled yesterday, i was so dissapointed, we'd got ready and were driving up the road when the call came, so i kept driving and went and fed the chickens..... they look so much better and seem to have made their home now, but ive allocated a shed for them so they dont sit on my steps anymore and my fellas workmate bench as a new perch (which hes not so impressed about) lol
Lauren loved them and wanted me to bring them home. god my house is mad enough as it is without another 2 dizzy birds running around, i do a good headless chicken impression in the mornings when i cant find the kids shoes....
Anyway the good news is im not going to be joining the gym properly im going back to kickboxing, i found a photo yesterday that sealed my fate as soon as i showed my fella he agreed so ive made the call and start next week...........yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Monday i have an assesment in the pole dancing studio and am going to do an instructors course, so that and dancing will be enough to do whats needed, i can also have fun at the same time in those boots........
Have a great day everyone..........
Riding Lessons,
Friday, January 18
Weekend plans

Its Friday........yeah gym, swimming and a night at my favourite place...
My poor fella cant hardly move this morning, that fitness test has certainly tested him, he was even moaning when he moved when he was
I went last night just had height and weight heart done etc, i now weight 7 1/2 stone which is about right if im excercising hard, for my build, but as muscle weighs heavier ive got to loose some to be able to tone up and find my fitness as i was...... the strange thing is ive grown 1/2 inch taller .......... no i didnt have shoes on
Tomorrow is riding again, this week starts the jumping again , this time though its on the horse thats used to it , so i hope i can keep up with her... only one way to find out i guess...
Sunday this week im dreading.. i have a two hour class with an instructor, hes pushing me to the limits, i have been oops
He was easier on my fella he only got 5 mins to start on the treadmill, mine was far more, my legs dont enjoy running, i dont like running from anything, ill stand and kick like a
The manager stopped me last night and asked if i like to have a go at teaching one of the pole dancing classes... lol that could be interesting, dress code wise it would be thigh highs and hotpants which wouldnt be so good for the guys.... yes theres guys signing up to learn now... but ill just see how it goes, now if it was a womens kickboxing class id reconsider.....
Ive vowed ill get myself back in the best shape, but i just cant get my head arround a gym, all those machines.......mmm i prefer the old fashioned way, skipping ropes, and floor work, i still say it beats the gym hands down, i cant run on a treadmill but i can speed skip over an hour easily... its what i enjoy so its always more fun..
Anyway if i dont post sunday you'll know hes killed me .........
and if i dont like it im going back into kickboxing and getting that sexy black will match my
Thursday, January 17
Sexy New Birds At Work

lol...... I know im blonde but am i turning into Dr dolittle or something.....
For the past few weeks at work weve had foxes, rabbits and all sorts of creatures coming to visit...
This morning my nanny rings and asks me what shopping i need (she always gets me odds and ends on a thursday and goes to my house to see Sandra) so i order salad and a chicken for tea as imgoing my fitness test at 6... sounds ok, the normal thing to order right...
Well i pulled into work and guess what sits there on the modelling steps..... lol
A chicken !! hehehe
Hes so friendly but doesnt want to go home..... (and keeps pecking my nails) i thought it was the husband that got henpecked ..hehe
Weve fed it broad beans and ran up the road to buy it corn and now hes following me about everywhere ! bless it even tried to get in the toilet with me (you hear about 2 birds in loos together what they get up to)mmmmmmm
I went outside to grab a ciggy and the silly thing tries to sit on my lap... what is going on here, am i running a farm........ lol
The postman came with the mail and instead of a wiggle today, in behind him walks the chicken into my office.. he obviously wants a job
Anyway ive asked the chickens permission to use the photos and hes happy, so will now take over the modelling job for me, its definately skinnier than me and says it can do the job standing on one (see photo)
It makes me think about all this diet lark, see how scrawny a bird can look if she doesnt look after herself properly....hehe
Anyway please let me introduce Vinny.. our new j-lou model and Jos new best friend ..
Theres no way i can go home tonight now and eat chicken salad............

We went back out for our lunch but he had gone, left us to just our lonely selves... ive got no friends you know....
But he did !!! (no ... hes a blonde too jokes here .....please)
And he comes running round the corner head proudly in the air...........and has brought his friend !! see he didnt do a runner, he likes me and just went to tell his friend about the friendly blonde thats stupid enough to sit there and feed him her dinner !
So after we fed them all our lunch, they are happily snuggled up on the modelling steps and have gone to sleep...
Im praying my fox doesnt turn up for tea now......... oops

Wednesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 15
Wiggle it

I had such a terrific night last night ! my feet are still throbbing but it was worth it..
I started Egyptian Dancing class at 7 (belly dancing) lol It was great, so today im going to find myself a hip scarf full of jangly things and make myself a full skirt (& hotpants ) the teacher reminded me of G very bubbly and so lovely, so parts of the night i sat there thinking about chant and missed some
Estelle has been before so knows how to do the moves, but i was amazed there were around 40 women there... i thought it would be a good one to add to my belt in case i ever get invited to that
We finished the class at 8 grabbed a drink and then ran to the salsa class............... It really was every bit as good as i hoped..........
I picked up most of the steps quickly, and loved it, i get to wiggle in this one !
We had to move onto a new partner every minute and there were about 37 of us there, so it was good to have a dance with everyone, it gets people talking and interacting better, so now when we walk into class we are all familiar...
There was one guy there that knew me from years ago i couldnt believe he recognised me, but hes helping with the class and has been a professional salsa instructor 7 years, so i got a hand to pick up the turns quicker and try the advanced ones, although after about 8 i was a bit dizzy.... nothing new there
We've all given it the big thumbs up and are signed in regulary now, it helped my fella not to dance with me, (apparently i moan, oops ) only when i have to lead... thats the guys job.. lol
We do need more guys there though, why are you fellas not signing up, its like speed dating with frills........hehe
We finished at 10 so it was 3 hours of nothing but dancing... my kind of
And my kind of music...
Its taken me 2 years to finally get to a class, but it really is worth the wait...... This is definately the dance for me....
Next week im taking my swimming gear and leaving at 5 that way i can have a swim before i start
The best news is they are installing a pole dancing studio very shortly, somewhere i can go a few times a week on my own and get out those hotpants and boots...yes.......
Belly Dancing Salsa Night

Its salsa night............. i cant wait, ive been roped into the belly dancing class too earlier so the classes tonight start for me at 7 til 10.. that should work those muscles
Ive never done belly dancing but it sounded fun so i thought i may as well join in with that one too and have a night of wiggling..
I couldnt hardly move yesterday thanks to mother nature, but worked through it and did some excercise i was amazed at the difference , so if like me yesterday you women get bad period pains dont chuck pills down your neck get out and excercise, it really helps....
Im still debating whether to take a day off today and work from home, i wished i had of done that yesterday and got out the kickbag.........
My fellas just taken down my pole.. ( but its only temperary) its being moved somewhere where i can use it more without getting in the way... :) my lounge feels empty without it........
The sugar thing is working, the kids put 2 sugars in a cuppa last night by mistake and i couldnt drink it, it tasted like syrup.. so im doing well......
The thing i had to giggle at was my partner did his fitness test and did very well, and when they tested his lungs he scored the higest mark ? how did he manage that one ....he smokes lol
At least he want keep going on about stopping smoking for a few weeks now, i cant diet excercise and give up all my vices... its no fun
Im taking my camera tonight so if the teacher lets me ill post a few giggles tomorrow....
Monday, January 14
Children .. their fight
Ive been a bit of a disaster in the office today so decided id come home and referee the kids instead, they are either very tired or genuinely dont like each other this week, the boys were fighting at the top of the road, so i pulled up just in time to try and get to the bottom of it, but still non the wiser after talking to them both..
As working parents we try so hard to teach them what they need, but today it doesnt look like it is doing quite what we hoped. No doubt there will be many more days like today... it comes with the territory..
Its days like today i have to think back .......
When i first had the triplets they were born so prematurely at just 26 weeks, we were told not to expect any of them to survive as non had done so at such early gestation, you hear of one miracle pulling through, but not three at once, that night i remembered laying there wondering if i would even get to see them alive, so it does make me think .. Everytime i start to think how hard raising kids is, ill always look back to that night and count my blessings, day after day operations after operations with amazing medical intervention each one pulled through ,even when we nearly gave up hope...
I can remember hugging the surgeon when they took Lauren down to give her heart new valves, he was so huge and she was under a 1lb in weight, and yet he was so gentle with her, but day by day we watched our little ones fight.. they battled day by day through lists of things that tested us and them..
The biggest concern i had was when Callum had a brain hemorrhage, anything connected to the head scared the hell out of me and watching his head double in size overnight made me feel probably the lowest i have ever felt in my life.... you can only sit and wait and put your faith in those Dr's and nurses that work round the clock ...
The work these guys do at hospitals is amazing.. what medical help can achieve is amazing
Tonight i just read about an amazing little boy Jack Brown who needs help..
Ive read his story earlier and the pictures alone made my throat dry , i cant put into words how it made me feel, ......... please read it ............ link

Jack and his mum
As working parents we try so hard to teach them what they need, but today it doesnt look like it is doing quite what we hoped. No doubt there will be many more days like today... it comes with the territory..
Its days like today i have to think back .......
When i first had the triplets they were born so prematurely at just 26 weeks, we were told not to expect any of them to survive as non had done so at such early gestation, you hear of one miracle pulling through, but not three at once, that night i remembered laying there wondering if i would even get to see them alive, so it does make me think .. Everytime i start to think how hard raising kids is, ill always look back to that night and count my blessings, day after day operations after operations with amazing medical intervention each one pulled through ,even when we nearly gave up hope...
I can remember hugging the surgeon when they took Lauren down to give her heart new valves, he was so huge and she was under a 1lb in weight, and yet he was so gentle with her, but day by day we watched our little ones fight.. they battled day by day through lists of things that tested us and them..
The biggest concern i had was when Callum had a brain hemorrhage, anything connected to the head scared the hell out of me and watching his head double in size overnight made me feel probably the lowest i have ever felt in my life.... you can only sit and wait and put your faith in those Dr's and nurses that work round the clock ...
The work these guys do at hospitals is amazing.. what medical help can achieve is amazing
Tonight i just read about an amazing little boy Jack Brown who needs help..
Ive read his story earlier and the pictures alone made my throat dry , i cant put into words how it made me feel, ......... please read it ............ link

Jack and his mum
Sunday, January 13
Sweeping Leaves

I had a night in last night, ready for my day turning the house upside down and throwing out anything that doesnt move, its the only way im going to be able to keep this place tidy, after nearly falling down the stairs this morning on a pair of shoes the kids have left there, it seemed like a good idea to sort it
Its amazing really how much mess they make in a day, but yesterday was worth anything i get thrown at me today..
God knows what time my fella came to bed, he still wasnt up there at 3am so i got to do my impression of a starfish most of the night and pinch all the pillows.
Ive got up showered done my hair and put some make up on, its the first time in about 3 months ive actually felt like looking better, so even if it is to do the housework, what the hell... at least ill feel better doing
Ive got Radio Norwich on full blast all round the house and with luck if the DJ plays some good stuff ill get this house back into shape quickly..
Its my second day with cutting out sugar......
Anyone who knows me knows i drink far too much tea, i have 2 sugars in every cup and average 40 spoons of sugar per day... omg
so im cutting it out.......... its making my tea taste horrible without it, but ive been told ill get used to it ill keep going
Im supposed to be drinking more water, but thats the part i find hard, i drink loads of water when its sunny, its just not so easy when its cold........
Saturday, January 12
Running Free

What a day, do you ever get up feeling so invigorated and happy, i do today......
I feel like someones took a huge weight off my head and turned on the lights..
Its strange as its only little things that I've done but its made a huge difference to how i feel inside..
I had a talk last night to my fella about i felt that something was missing from my life, i was struggling to look forward to anything except riding and wasn't really my cheerful self, every ones been trying to help, but nothing made it go away..
Last night really helped as i had some time out and felt i took something back from my day to day life that i didn't want to go away, so i went to sleep very peaceful, i set my alarm for the usual 6am but didn't wake up til 8.30 which i don't do, so although i didn't do a lot of physical stuff just my swimming it made me switch off enough to sleep peacefully...
Today has been the total opposite, and adrenaline packed day and absolutely brilliant..
I went riding and was told i was being tested, now I'm not good any kind of tests i don't like the thought of having someone watch me, its invading my space and not allowing me to be myself, so I'm usually quite strange with things like that, but i trust Sarah and the girls and she just said nothing to worry about ill speak to you after the lesson......mmmmm
Anyway i was riding Shadow again this morning (the big white mare) a little sad as Sorrell keeps looking at me, and i miss him, but did as i was told, to then have probably the best lesson Ive had so far...
She was having a quick day and flew round, but also behaved impeccably for me, i was leading the group today too ! (its my first time) so i set the course for the group, god it was brilliant...
The girls were talking and watching throughout the lesson, and i tried not to notice (but did) lol
Til at the end of the turning in Sarah says "were not putting you back on Sorrel anymore, your allocated horse now full time will be shadow".....
Apparently i rode well last week enough for them to say if i did the same this week they felt i was advanced enough to cope with shadows speed and strength.... yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love the horses so i don't mind who i ride i just don't want to keep getting attached to them like i did but Sarah must have sensed it as Ive also been given 5 mins after each lesson to feed him Polo's and give him a cuddle, that way i feel that I'm still part of him ... i find it hard to let people in sometimes I'm the first to admit that, but its only as i have found if people get in too deep they can also cut deep , but hopefully horses don't work the same way.........
Anyway I'm happy that i must be getting good now, I'm back jumping next week on a horse that apparently clears any fence it jumps and who rides at hair blowing in the wind speed...
I came home grabbed a cuppa and then changed into wellies and jumper, Estelle was on her way, we went to Buxton to her grandads farm and had such a giggle, seeing the horses running wild in his fields was breathtaking, so in we went calling one of the horses names and all 5 of them cantering through the grass at high speed with eyes all firmly set on our bucket of
They are wonderful horses and trying to catch two was such a giggle, we had to walk them across the road to the stable and then my how to look after a horse lesson
With Estelle doing back flips off the saddle.. i knew this wasn't going to be
Ive learnt how to tack up saddle up and groom the horse from top to hoof, i put the saddle and stretched out his front legs (which i didn't know you did) and by the time id finished on pepper she looked stunning, Ive even learnt how to clean the hoofs ! lol
So its a regular date now Saturdays, I'm dropping off Lauren after lessons and going to Buxton to help out, I'm slow at the moment i know but with practise ill get there....
The surprise of the day was one of the girls from Kimblewick, shes lovely and has invited me to her place to help her ride and take care of the horses there.. all 17 of them............for them I'm a free hand and they find me amusing as most people don't want to get up early in the cold and turn out, but to me its priceless, i also love those early hours and have a good riding coat now and i find the idea of waking up jumping into my car and jumping onto a horse great ..
Have a terrific weekend everyone, its my fellas day away tomorrow so i get the kids..... although hes not grooming horses i hope he ends up feeling as good as i do today............
Friday, January 11

Its been a brilliant day, we went into work early and got the orders out, and did as i said... we finished at 2pm and took an afternoon off.............yesssssssssss
Ive swam more lengths today than i have all year, sat in the steam room til i was pruned (and rather hot) moved into the aroma therapy room for a chat then on to the jacuzzi.. hehe (it sounds rather posh but its not, it was also a freebie lol)
My god i had forgotten what its like to relax like that... the swimming is a big part to me getting back into my best shape, riding helps so much and swimming combined should be perfect, but it made me feel so happy relaxed and cheerful that i was actually doing something about my fitness again...
The funny part is ive booked my partner into a fitness test sunday.. lol he is gonna hurt, i did it last year when i was fit and i hurt then ! but im not mean to him im following him on monday and redoing mine, that way we can both giggle about the aches and pains together... (and stink of ralgex) lol
We met up with so many people we havent seen for ages, they made such a lovely effort to get us involved and i even got to meet up with a couple i knew when i was working in that fruit shop in wroxham for my step dad so many years ago, they dont look any older than they did then, and as he was a good friend to my dad ive now been given their number to give to him, so he will be really pleased..
I must have looked such a nit thou as i shouted out Nicki and Maxine the ice cream people ! its strange how your mouth doesnt quite say what your brain tells it too, they used to give me free icecream and help me carry 4 tons of potatos across the road to the chip shop every week , as my dad had heart problems then and couldnt carry them, so i used to take them.. i was only little then but i do have a big determination streak, if someone tells me im too small to do it......... i will whatever it takes.........its a woman thing
Im so glad i have my membership back, im booked in for some really great classes and looking forward to my next visit...i am gonna get so fit... at least til i can afford another model
Tomorrow is going to be a cracking day, im riding at 10.30 then coming home getting picked up by estelle and going to her grandads stables for the day and mucking out, grooming and meeting all the horses..... lol
I know it sounds mad, most people laughed when i told them tonight what im excited about tomorrow , but theres about 10 horses there that would love a dizzy blonde feeding them polos and giving them a pampering session, and this dizzy blonde cant wait !! lol
I am sqeaky clean tonight, shiny and actually feel so healthy and alive..... im coming back to life at last..........
And i cant wait to get dirty tomorrow with riding and my lesson on being a stable hand ..
Thursday, January 10
Animal Cruelty in Amersham Norfolk 2008

I have been following this story since it first uncovered and every day i read the more it disgusts me...........
Who on earth could do this to animals and not give a shit, who in the right mind could watch anything suffer, i just cant get my head round it..
Why is it that you murder people you go to prison, but you can murder animals and not face the same convictions, just because they cant talk it doesnt mean they hurt any less..
I watched a guy once walking his dog down drayton road and saw him kick the hell out of itl, i couldnt stand there, much to my mums horror i went across and took the dog away, that dog stayed with me for 15 happy years until he passed away loved..
I love my horses and enjoy my riding so much, so do so many others like me so hearing that all these horses, donkeys and poor ponies were just left to rot really hits a raw nerve and makes me sick to the core, there was a dog with severed legs, and dead carcuses everywhere and yet this guy didnt give a shit....................spit
Im sad that no one got there sooner, no doubt they had other people on that list who were also commiting cruelty, but the neighbouirs were complaining so i think the public should be told the reason why they didnt go in sooner, one neighbour saw him shooting dead horses and still noone investigated, it makes me totally sick.....
Original article content:
Sickening news from Amersham. Reports have it that eighty-four starving horses, donkeys and ponies have been rescued from a field, where they were discovered alongside thirty-one dead animals!
The emaciated animals were seized by the RSPCA from a farm in Hyde Heath near Amersham in Buckinghamshire. All the animals showed signs of gross neglect and the RSPCA had to put three horses to sleep almost immediately to prevent them suffering further.
More animals may have to be destroyed over coming days. It is further reported that dead animals were left to rot where they fell, amongst the living.
When the rescue team arrived at the farm, a scuffle was reported to have occurred with a 44-year-old man - said by neighbours to be a horse or meat dealer from a family of travellers. The man was arrested for both assaulting a police officer and criminal damage and the horses were loaded onto horse boxes.
A spokesman for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire RSPCA is reported as saying: “I am always horrified. As long as I am in this job, it never makes any difference and you can never see any sense in it.”
According to a representative of the equine charity Redwings Horse Sanctuary, which provided horse boxes and staff to assist in the evacuation, the horses were showing all the classic signs of neglect: matted coats, emaciation, parasites, sores and lameness from overgrown hooves. She said: “I was absolutely appalled. Our expert team have travelled to rescues on many occasions but rarely sees cruelty so far advanced that equines are seemingly forgotten and literally left to die.”
According to the RSPCA spokesman the farm outbuildings and fields where the horses were kept appeared to be used by horse dealers, and that the charity would seek a prosecution of the horses’ owner.
One villager described the arrested man as: “a former gypsy who I have been complaining about to the RSPCA for three years.
I don’t know why it has taken them so long to act.
I know I am not alone in complaining.
I first had a run-in with him when he was shooting horses dead in the field, at close range.
I went to investigate further and he chased me off his farm in a tractor.
From what I can see his horses are dirty, malnourished and poorly treated.
This move by the RSPCA will be welcomed by all around here.”
A neighbour also claims that she saw a Jack Russell terrier at the farm in a vet’s carry case, with its legs severed. She added: “The farm has a bad reputation, everyone knows about it. It could have been anyone in this village who called the RSPCA. It is sickening.”
Peaceful Days

I had a really good night, i went back to the hairdressers and spent 2 hours sitting there drinking tea whilst wearing tinfoil, having a gossip about our ex seems he saw me go in last time and made a passing comment that he would stay away as he knew i wasnt happy, neither would anyone be getting a 16,000 bill that im working my bum off trying to pay off quickly ,so i dont have to think about him every month, the sooner hes out of my life the better, im getting there, he made a comment about i must be doing better as my bill was decreasing fast... by spring he will be weeded out, im determined... dont you just love im preparing for spring...
Today im trying to focuss, im supposed to be doing photos and have sat here for 2 hours waiting for the photographer to finish one email, (one finger typing lol) so im running out of time and may even get to put it off until tomorrow.. procrastination is great
Today weve been listening to Justine Timberlake, Scissor sisters and Gary Moore.. so everyone here has their fingers in their ears as normal and im worse than normal as i have a sore throat, but isnt that the fun of singing, trying to get good, im trying all right (in their words)
Tomorrow im closing shop early and making fridays a half day here, we work silly hours so taking a few off is allowed in my eyes now, ive rejoined my tropical retreat and am putting Fridays along with Saturdays as one of the best days of the week... I am gonna sit in that steam room til im like a prune tomorrow....................yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Its been a good week this week, im relaxed in myself enjoying the work and redecorating of my house and feeling better in myseld really cheerful .. its that hormone thing, you get a good week then 3 bad... hehe
I had to giggle last night, i went into my facebook which i dont do very often as i prefer to blog...but i had been left a message, but went into the kitchen to prepare the kids tea, when i got back the screen was open on a video thingy and Ryan bless had filled in a quiz for me... lol i dont like tv or cartoons very much at all , much prefer music, talking and interacting, but some of the dvds he had scored surprised me (people dont very often not nicely anyway) ... So i learned something new about my son , he likes dance movies (i didnt know that, and wouldnt have believed it), so tonight im going to hire ' jump in' with him and take the night off... so if im out tomorrow buying skipping ropes them youll know i rather enjoyed
My fellas beard is here..........mmmmmmmm im not so sure now i like it lol, so weve have a vote at work and decided that he should try a goatie and designer stubble look instead, so tonight its good food (Tobagan chicken) and a night of rest and a shave for him.........
I went wondering round tescos last night pretty late as my daughter forgot to tell me she needs a swimming costume for today ! so i went and got one for her and decided to try the self checkout counter... omg i dont know what i did but the machine jammed, with an alarm going off , with the words please ask for help .. lol are they trying to tell me something.........
Happy Thursday everyone..... im going to go watch the bunnies and grab a cuppa....
Wednesday, January 9
Rampant Rabbits

Today we had an unexpected visitor in fact 2 ... arnt they beautiful
It makes me think of spring and the my favourite time of the year.......
Thats the beauty of where we work, we get all types of visitors that bring a smile each day, we have a fox so many magpies and two healthy friendly rabbits...
lol.......I bet you all thought judging by the title it was something battery powered ! tutt tutt
These are far better, they are a pleasure to have visit us and reminds me that spring is just round the corner .....
I miss the flowers and the sunshine, so today brought many smiles at our place..
What with all these friendly animals and our diet coke bloke (yes we still take extended breaks when he pulls in) im sure that springtime will be something special here, bunnies, foxes and Barron back in those shorts
Ill of course be watching the animals and leave stelli to study mother natures other
Tuesday, January 8
Things that go bump in the night

I went to bed last night and the strangest thing happened, my fella is now convinced theres someone in my
For the last 2 nights ive been woken up by the floorboards creaking upstairs, its creapy as i keep thinking the kids are out of bed as Brandon is prone to sleepwalking and often goes wandering downstairs still asleep, he even scares the dogs as he screams when he gets to the bottom of the hall.. we are more used to it now so any movement upstairs and i just wake up automatically... its a mums thing..
Well last night i was just about to fall asleep and he appears in the doorway again, he looks awake so i took him back to his bed give him a reasuring hug, and tucked him up, he soon drifted back off, so couldnt have been fully awake.. but about half an hour later the floorboards start again, so out of bed i get ! to see nothing....... the kids were all sound asleep?
It was just as if someone was walking about around us , it must have been loud as my fella woke too...
So he gets up when the noise was there and loud, peeks round the corner into the boys room and said they were both still sound asleep.. yet he could still hear the noises from that room just couldnt see anything?
So he then decides to hide up in the bathroom to see if it is the kids, waits til it starts again and then pounces out like a mad thing... (i wish id have had a camera handy)
to a room of nothing .... the kids were out for the count... but the footsteps were there in that room ?
...... I really dont know what to make of this one, as there is no rational explantion for it...i could understand if a window was open somewhere as the wind could cause a draft, but not one that moves the floorboards like feet and stops and starts when you
An hour passes, non of us could settle so my partner goes downstairs and sleeps on the leaving me upstairs with the duvet over my head hiding up all night
It was creaking randomly all night, yet as soon as i moved it stops, my sister is convinced i have a ghost in my house, always has been (claims to have seen him a few times too) and today is giggling about our story saying she told me so..
As a child i read The diary of Anne Frank, so tonight im going up into our attic just to double check noones living up there secretly.. last night was beyond explanation i wasnt under the influence either ! although i maybe tonight though if it
So ive either got extremely talleted kids that can play act perfectly and are really throwing a party once im asleep, or moving floorboards that stop when i look..
Can anyone explain this one to me ? lol
Monday, January 7
Need a massage

Ive just got home, have taken off the many layers (bag lady look) and am now going to try sort out my house.. again
Talk about de ja vu
I seem to pick up the same X box games off the stairs daily, never can seem to get to the bottom of that washing basket and have one hour to get it done, so what do i do ?
Sit and that's prioritising
Ive filled up the website, to as far as ive done and photoed, (pinched another jumper) and let out a little yelp of relief when i finally saw the light, ive left everyone to it at the unit and came home, i am so sore today its laughable, but am not going to tell anyone that i really want to go buy a can of ralgex and spray myself everywhere...i even yelped when i got into the car.. hehe
Im really pleased tonight i can eat something hot soak in a bath and get rid of some of these aches... i cant believe i was kickboxing 3 nights a week and just 2 belts off my black belt, i was so fit, today i feel like im fit to drop.. i should be ashamed of myself ... lol
Its salsa classes tomorrow at the oasis so that should just about see me off this week... Estelle came up with Egyptian dancing classes today......... is she trying to kill me ? hehe
I know im all up for trying everything this year (except bungee jumping or anything high) but its only week one, and im already booked into just about every class possible that does anything thats not
Anyway ive decided that as ive been a good girl (and very boring with it) im going to forget any more work tonight, patt myself on the back (well i would, if i could only move my arms) and go wandering off on my own somewhere nice and quiet.......
Well noones gonna come anywhere near me with that awful ralgex smell

Sunday, January 6

Ive woke up today aching just about everywhere, i guess riding that white horse has tested my fitness levels and judging by how much i ache, itmust be
So today ive decided to get myself back into shape, i didnt overeat at xmas far from it, so i havent put weight on, i just dont feel fit in myself, so that needs to change...
Starting today im going down the gym swimming regulary and along with salsa classes and riding that should help get me back up and running....
My fellas given himself til may to get back his 6 pack... he looked fantastic but didnt stop the diet bit, when we asked him to, so ended up loosing too much weight, which wasnt good....
I like my men with meat on so a little extra round the middle is fine in my eyes, its just more to hold on to... hugh jackman to me has the perfect manly body, hes hairy well built and totally droolable.. i watched a dvd last night and took the night off (yes honestly) i watched Swordfish so for anyone who hasnt seen it its a must see.......... For you men you get to watch Hale Berry strutt her sexy stuff, John Travolta play a terrifically good bad guy and Hugh Jackman make me drool with his scorching was a brilliant film, so please go hire it......

Saturday, January 5
Spiritual Lifts

Its Saturday...................yes that means i have a smile embedded on my face, ive been riding...
I got there today and Sarah told me she had changed my horse, another girl had to ride Sorrel so i was put back on the white horse Shadow...yes !
I was a bit nervous at first, as i started out on her but never got to canter or rise & trott on her, as she was too powerful for a beginner , so today was a great challenge....
I didnt realise when i first started the diferences in the power these horses have, but Shadow is an ex showjumper and fantastic to ride, amazingly powerful, so my arms are shaking as i had to keep the reins short and tight, she was a completely different ride very fast, smooth and responsive..
Ive come home in a hyper ... i havent stopped talking since i got back and am completely on a high now for the day, i wanted to ride like the wind and this horse can certainly do that..
6 months ago i couldnt ride, and was taking my daughter for lessons sitting there watching, it was one of the best decisions ive ever made signing up, ive never felt so happy challenged or determined as i am when im there, whatevers in my mind gets left behind, that feeling of being free and wanting to ride like the wind just takes over and im away...
The girls at the stables have turned from instructors into our friends, and saturdays are definately the best days of the week .....
There must me so many things we want to try in life but never do, we either worry about our age or how we may look to others, when i first started riding i was on a lunge rope for 2 weeks in a class full of kids that made me look silly, as they were flying round there without fear, as adults we fear far too much, what we look like to others usually being top of the list.. we shouldnt..
If i had of cared about that side i would never have learnt to ride, even my fella was laughing at me bumping up and down on that saddle completely making an arse of myself for a few weeks..
Its when we dont take ourselves too seriously that you find the fun, age doesnt take away the spirit, you just kill of that fun spirit by not being able to laugh at yourself first...
Ive met all different types of people on my journey so far, but the best people and ones we will remember were always the ones that have a sense of fun...
So if you make any resolutions this year, make that one of them... make a list of stuff youve always wanted to do (and never did) shut your eyes and stick a pin in.. you'll understand then where im coming from today.......... lifes too short, to worry about big houses, status or what we look like, its for experiencing and creating those moments, time can never take away....
Friday, January 4
It takes two

Its been quite a day, fridays are usually more calm but not today..
We were doing photos for most of the day again, my file is growing huge and i cant seem to get through it, as fast as i edit and populate i have more to do.. its frustrating sometimes, i just want to get
Thank god i have riding tomorrow, i have missed it so much, i know ill feel better once ive let off some steam, i feel pretty frustrated today, ill admit..
The good news is i pinched another top, the bad news is i didnt check properly and brought home the wrong size, i love it but know i mustn't keep everything, but its like me and my boots i just had to have it, so slung one in my modelling bag sneakily.......... why oh why didnt i check the size.......... blonde moment again !
I finally found out what it is my fellas been engrossed in today, its
hes been building a website that holds everything in it a computer geek like me needs to keep, without having your favourites bar filled to the bottom of the computer... how clever is that ...
I must say im really impressed hes learning so much now hes overtaken me by miles, i spent years learning java and html in my spare time (as i was bored feeding triplets) so i read as i went along , but hes really surprised me today as nobody seems to want to give anything helpful away online without charging for it so hes done an excellent job and it will really help people..
So feel free to save it to your favourites and see if you all find it as helpful as i do...
Next week i start salsa dancing classes....yeah
I've been waiting for the new year to start this class, ive always wanted to learn but never got round to doing it, so ive joined the group and am making sure i have a good go, ive been watching some of the dance scenes in dirty dancing 2 (havana nights) online and the dancing in that has me transfixed, my feet start first... then my hips and before i know it im shuffling about everywhere, if musics in your blood, its in there, so i have to give it a try, but i just love dancing and salsa to me is a must learn... if i get the bug my fellas promised to take me to cuba, its also in that top 4, i cant decide where dont really mind as long as i get a beach a horse (just for my birthday to ride up the beach) and somewhere where i can go wandering about, i love seeing the way others live and cant wait til my kids are older so i can take off discovering all those places ive dreampt about, if i work hard enough now it really could happen..........
They say if you give up your dreams you die, i have so many inside that i really want to experience life to its full.... and havana nights definately sounds great to me...........
Have a great friday everyone, ive just got to do these new tops and im turning off my computer tonight, im making myself a necklace and want to get it finished tonight...........
please save this site to your favourites and see if it helps you, hes worked really hard on it and it would be lovely if you all supported my fellas hard work...its really helpful
Thursday, January 3
Back to school and stubble
My friend just sent this through from our mexican night so i thought id give you all a giggle.. i had drunk quite a lot of sangria so that should help explain the expression...
What am i like ! i know.......... i wanted to wear that
Today was and guess what muggins was doing ? photos.. yes i am completely mad..
Its been a good week again, part of the buisness was really quiet but the website is doing me proud, so im doing everything i can do to keep getting the new gear in and keep working away..
Im slowly getting through those photos, im picking the knitwear and coats to photo as its easier at the moment but i have some stunning stuff that im gonna have to go brave the chill in and get it done..
Estelle has been great at work helping me get through the week, and im back to singing away while i type, so i must feel better in myself..
My fella is getting into all sorts of mischief this end, hes got stubble....... and is growing a moustache and beard, (its trimmed in areas) i totally love it so last night i cut everyones hair here and am feeling so pleased with myself, they all look great....
Im not sure why i like my partners growth so much but it really suits him , his eyes are alive and he looks as sexy as hell, so im encouraging this all the way....
Hes working on something at the moment for Norwich City and must be engrossed, as i got up this morning to find him still up and typing away, he had been there all night.... lol
Tomorrow is the last day at the office, then at the weekend im getting to grips with my home and getting out those paintbrushes..
Everything here seems half painted so its about time i got done....
Ive re designed all the kids bedrooms and one at a time now were gonna get them all done, trouble is with my lot by the time i get round to them all the first one will need doing again...
It was back to school for the triplets today which meant no more juggling work and sitters..............ahhhhhhhhhh
All those mums kissing at the gates saying 'miss you' and theres me waving flags while im running away from those school gates at lightning
Tuesday, January 1
New Day New Treasures

Ahh look what ive just had sent to me... its Lacey ...
I havent been to see her yet as i wasnt well over xmas and i didnt want to take any bugs round there to the baby but am going today with my snow white teddy in tow........
Shes beautiful, it seems to strange that i still remember Jade so clearly as a baby, everytime i went to visit (just about every day) i couldnt ever go round there without having seedless grapes in my handbag , she used to go straight for it.... i cant believe now she is a mum..
Her fellas a gem and is helping her through a few days of the blues, when like all new mums we feel fat, tired and like someones turned our lives upside down, its always hard with a first child...
So tonight i get to cuddle the new addition to the family and give Jade a huge hug..
Im always up for babysitting as i know just how hard it is to get one ! lol so will help all i can..
Ive lost a lot of things in the last year that were important to me, so i felt a little empty, but tonight a little gap just got filled, they say as one door closes another opens so ill keep hopeful...
My grandparents phoned this afternoon and thanked me for a brilliant night, apparently they didnt get up til oops, it was lovely to be with my family last night, even if they were all drunk, my fella says today hes quitting drinking (hehe) and today has started his getting back to best resolution, his confidence was low due to the way people were with him, so day by day im gonna put back what others took away.... i have enough spirit for us all here now, so im gonna go and spend some precious time away from a laptop and photo editing to keep whats inside alive and kicking and spend some precious time with our new arrival to the family..............
What a start to a brand new year.........
Welcome Lacey to 2008 .........
Happy New Year 2008

Well another ones done and dusted... im so excited about 2008 though, theres so much i intend to do and want to try so im going to try my hardest to make it the best year yet...
Last night was a blast, we held a casino night with friends and family and told them all to bring their
It was a brilliant night, plenty of food and drink the usual noise and excitement by my kids but all in all really good, my dad was there helping my fella try a list of different drinks he had been out and purchased for the
By the end of poker i was way up, had some brilliant hands, id forgotten half of the games i knew, but as soon as those cards were down it all came flooding back...
I grew up in a house where children were all shuffled next door to my grandparents house every Saturday and there would be about 8 adults all playing cards til the early hours, to me it was like Xmas every week, plenty of food and drink so we were always happy, theres about 12 games they play and last night was bringing back so many memories, my dad and fella were so drunk i ended up taking their drinks away (yes they were that bad) my fella was swapping cards, not thinking we would spot them, thats the good part of playing b**tard brag you can get delt 3 of a kind but have to split up the best hand, (thats why we call it b**tard brag) lol is .. but my fella was trying to make up his own rules as he went along..
This morning my dad is still asleep on my sofa (complete with shoes) his bum has fell down a gap so its actually on the floor, so im giving him another hour then unleashing the kids into the he got so emotional it was about 3am and he wanted to talk about my mum so i listened and tried not to get into the middle but i know now he will play a part in my kids life, i told him what i told you all, i lost my mum and there was no need to loose a step dad too........
Ryan was treated and joined us til about 2am my fella gave him his first beer (tutt tutt) but he loved the games and already knows half of them as he plays them online ? (ill ask some questions later i think about that )lol
But it was a great way to see in another year, my thoughts were with the people i love but sadly i wasn't with, so here's hoping 2008 is a fantastic one for them and for all my friends and loved ones out there....
I have 5 haircuts to tackle today, about 70 lots of photos to edit (that will probably get put back til tomorrow) and a house that looks like a bombs hit thankfully i did wash up before i went to bed..
Anyway as my fella is looking slightly rough this morning(that's an understatement) and bobs sound asleep im going to put that kettle on and start the new year as ill probably go on.............. running.... lol
Loads of love to you all... my sympathies are with you all that are hung over (im actually not) i stopped drinking when my fella and dad started .. so clear headed im wishing you all..
All the best wishes for the new year......
Ive started it off a few quid better off today (thats the good part of playing poker but a bunch of drunkards) they cant bluff...hehe
So i think ill treat myself to a bottle of good brandy and enjoy a night tonight of chilling out.....
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