Its been quite a day, fridays are usually more calm but not today..
We were doing photos for most of the day again, my file is growing huge and i cant seem to get through it, as fast as i edit and populate i have more to do.. its frustrating sometimes, i just want to get done.....lol
Thank god i have riding tomorrow, i have missed it so much, i know ill feel better once ive let off some steam, i feel pretty frustrated today, ill admit..
The good news is i pinched another top, the bad news is i didnt check properly and brought home the wrong size, i love it but know i mustn't keep everything, but its like me and my boots i just had to have it, so slung one in my modelling bag sneakily.......... why oh why didnt i check the size.......... blonde moment again !
I finally found out what it is my fellas been engrossed in today, its http://www.greatcolour.com/
hes been building a website that holds everything in it a computer geek like me needs to keep, without having your favourites bar filled to the bottom of the computer... how clever is that ...
I must say im really impressed hes learning so much now hes overtaken me by miles, i spent years learning java and html in my spare time (as i was bored feeding triplets) so i read as i went along , but hes really surprised me today as nobody seems to want to give anything helpful away online without charging for it so hes done an excellent job and it will really help people..
So feel free to save it to your favourites and see if you all find it as helpful as i do...
Next week i start salsa dancing classes....yeah
I've been waiting for the new year to start this class, ive always wanted to learn but never got round to doing it, so ive joined the group and am making sure i have a good go, ive been watching some of the dance scenes in dirty dancing 2 (havana nights) online and the dancing in that has me transfixed, my feet start first... then my hips and before i know it im shuffling about everywhere, if musics in your blood, its in there, so i have to give it a try, but i just love dancing and salsa to me is a must learn... if i get the bug my fellas promised to take me to cuba, its also in that top 4, i cant decide where dont really mind as long as i get a beach a horse (just for my birthday to ride up the beach) and somewhere where i can go wandering about, i love seeing the way others live and cant wait til my kids are older so i can take off discovering all those places ive dreampt about, if i work hard enough now it really could happen..........
They say if you give up your dreams you die, i have so many inside that i really want to experience life to its full.... and havana nights definately sounds great to me...........
Have a great friday everyone, ive just got to do these new tops and im turning off my computer tonight, im making myself a necklace and want to get it finished tonight...........
please save this site to your favourites and see if it helps you, hes worked really hard on it and it would be lovely if you all supported my fellas hard work...its really helpful
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