lol...... I know im blonde but am i turning into Dr dolittle or something.....
For the past few weeks at work weve had foxes, rabbits and all sorts of creatures coming to visit...
This morning my nanny rings and asks me what shopping i need (she always gets me odds and ends on a thursday and goes to my house to see Sandra) so i order salad and a chicken for tea as imgoing my fitness test at 6... sounds ok, the normal thing to order right...
Well i pulled into work and guess what sits there on the modelling steps..... lol
A chicken !! hehehe
Hes so friendly but doesnt want to go home..... (and keeps pecking my nails) i thought it was the husband that got henpecked ..hehe
Weve fed it broad beans and ran up the road to buy it corn and now hes following me about everywhere ! bless it even tried to get in the toilet with me (you hear about 2 birds in loos together what they get up to)mmmmmmm
I went outside to grab a ciggy and the silly thing tries to sit on my lap... what is going on here, am i running a farm........ lol
The postman came with the mail and instead of a wiggle today, in behind him walks the chicken into my office.. he obviously wants a job badly..lol
Anyway ive asked the chickens permission to use the photos and hes happy, so will now take over the modelling job for me, its definately skinnier than me and says it can do the job standing on one leg....lol (see photo)
It makes me think about all this diet lark, see how scrawny a bird can look if she doesnt look after herself properly....hehe
Anyway please let me introduce Vinny.. our new j-lou model and Jos new best friend ..
Theres no way i can go home tonight now and eat chicken salad............

We went back out for our lunch but he had gone, left us to just our lonely selves... ive got no friends you know....
But he did !!! (no ... hes a blonde too jokes here .....please)
And he comes running round the corner head proudly in the air...........and has brought his friend !! see he didnt do a runner, he likes me and just went to tell his friend about the friendly blonde thats stupid enough to sit there and feed him her dinner !
So after we fed them all our lunch, they are happily snuggled up on the modelling steps and have gone to sleep...
Im praying my fox doesnt turn up for tea now......... oops

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