My friend just sent this through from our mexican night so i thought id give you all a giggle.. i had drunk quite a lot of sangria so that should help explain the expression...
What am i like ! i know.......... i wanted to wear that
Today was and guess what muggins was doing ? photos.. yes i am completely mad..
Its been a good week again, part of the buisness was really quiet but the website is doing me proud, so im doing everything i can do to keep getting the new gear in and keep working away..
Im slowly getting through those photos, im picking the knitwear and coats to photo as its easier at the moment but i have some stunning stuff that im gonna have to go brave the chill in and get it done..
Estelle has been great at work helping me get through the week, and im back to singing away while i type, so i must feel better in myself..
My fella is getting into all sorts of mischief this end, hes got stubble....... and is growing a moustache and beard, (its trimmed in areas) i totally love it so last night i cut everyones hair here and am feeling so pleased with myself, they all look great....
Im not sure why i like my partners growth so much but it really suits him , his eyes are alive and he looks as sexy as hell, so im encouraging this all the way....
Hes working on something at the moment for Norwich City and must be engrossed, as i got up this morning to find him still up and typing away, he had been there all night.... lol
Tomorrow is the last day at the office, then at the weekend im getting to grips with my home and getting out those paintbrushes..
Everything here seems half painted so its about time i got done....
Ive re designed all the kids bedrooms and one at a time now were gonna get them all done, trouble is with my lot by the time i get round to them all the first one will need doing again...
It was back to school for the triplets today which meant no more juggling work and sitters..............ahhhhhhhhhh
All those mums kissing at the gates saying 'miss you' and theres me waving flags while im running away from those school gates at lightning
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