Its Saturday...................yes that means i have a smile embedded on my face, ive been riding...
I got there today and Sarah told me she had changed my horse, another girl had to ride Sorrel so i was put back on the white horse Shadow...yes !
I was a bit nervous at first, as i started out on her but never got to canter or rise & trott on her, as she was too powerful for a beginner , so today was a great challenge....
I didnt realise when i first started the diferences in the power these horses have, but Shadow is an ex showjumper and fantastic to ride, amazingly powerful, so my arms are shaking as i had to keep the reins short and tight, she was a completely different ride very fast, smooth and responsive..
Ive come home in a hyper ... i havent stopped talking since i got back and am completely on a high now for the day, i wanted to ride like the wind and this horse can certainly do that..
6 months ago i couldnt ride, and was taking my daughter for lessons sitting there watching, it was one of the best decisions ive ever made signing up, ive never felt so happy challenged or determined as i am when im there, whatevers in my mind gets left behind, that feeling of being free and wanting to ride like the wind just takes over and im away...
The girls at the stables have turned from instructors into our friends, and saturdays are definately the best days of the week .....
There must me so many things we want to try in life but never do, we either worry about our age or how we may look to others, when i first started riding i was on a lunge rope for 2 weeks in a class full of kids that made me look silly, as they were flying round there without fear, as adults we fear far too much, what we look like to others usually being top of the list.. we shouldnt..
If i had of cared about that side i would never have learnt to ride, even my fella was laughing at me bumping up and down on that saddle completely making an arse of myself for a few weeks..
Its when we dont take ourselves too seriously that you find the fun, age doesnt take away the spirit, you just kill of that fun spirit by not being able to laugh at yourself first...
Ive met all different types of people on my journey so far, but the best people and ones we will remember were always the ones that have a sense of fun...
So if you make any resolutions this year, make that one of them... make a list of stuff youve always wanted to do (and never did) shut your eyes and stick a pin in.. you'll understand then where im coming from today.......... lifes too short, to worry about big houses, status or what we look like, its for experiencing and creating those moments, time can never take away....
That is so true
I really enjoyed this post
Thank you and welcome,
i hope you understood my meaning, theres so much good stuff out there, its a shame to waste it.
Happy New Year beautiful,
I have missed your beauty and finally found this page again...
Love to hear from you...
Hi Darius
Happy new year ..
Im so glad youve found me again, how are you? im riding now as you can see ...
Ive missed talking to you, i hope things are good for you and you are keeping well
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