As working parents we try so hard to teach them what they need, but today it doesnt look like it is doing quite what we hoped. No doubt there will be many more days like today... it comes with the territory..
Its days like today i have to think back .......
When i first had the triplets they were born so prematurely at just 26 weeks, we were told not to expect any of them to survive as non had done so at such early gestation, you hear of one miracle pulling through, but not three at once, that night i remembered laying there wondering if i would even get to see them alive, so it does make me think .. Everytime i start to think how hard raising kids is, ill always look back to that night and count my blessings, day after day operations after operations with amazing medical intervention each one pulled through ,even when we nearly gave up hope...
I can remember hugging the surgeon when they took Lauren down to give her heart new valves, he was so huge and she was under a 1lb in weight, and yet he was so gentle with her, but day by day we watched our little ones fight.. they battled day by day through lists of things that tested us and them..
The biggest concern i had was when Callum had a brain hemorrhage, anything connected to the head scared the hell out of me and watching his head double in size overnight made me feel probably the lowest i have ever felt in my life.... you can only sit and wait and put your faith in those Dr's and nurses that work round the clock ...
The work these guys do at hospitals is amazing.. what medical help can achieve is amazing
Tonight i just read about an amazing little boy Jack Brown who needs help..
Ive read his story earlier and the pictures alone made my throat dry , i cant put into words how it made me feel, ......... please read it ............ link

Jack and his mum
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