Im just back from riding.. what a blast , although it was a hard lesson..lol
Ive put my faith in Sarah and Nikita now and am just having a go at what they tell me to do, Shadow is so much stronger than anything ive rode before, you have to use your whole body strength even in trott to hold her back, as she wants to go, again i was asked to lead the group..
It was different today so fast i can remember sitting on her while in canter and releasing the reins when instructed ,and its like someone kicked everything up a gear.. ive had powerful soft top sports cars and had a go at so many fast things, but i can honestly say today felt like the fastest i have ever rode, my head was talking to me as i went round, keep straight dont lean, head up, look forward, heals down ....but shadow was going hell for leather and holding nothing back ..lol she is a totally brilliant horse...
My fellas insitant now i get fitted with a back protector, so hes taking me down there during the week to get me measured up, im the only one there that doesnt wear one, so for my fella's peace of mind ill go get fitted out properly..... its time now....
Another rider sadly fell today, she didnt want to get back on the horse, every week we see them come and go , but you cant ride horses and expect them to work like clockwork, they have good/bad days like we do all have such different characters, so like us we have to take the good days and stay postive.. i was a bit scared of the horses when i first started , they are so powerful, but thats gone now, as ive grown to love it and them so much and know somehow this will play a big part in my life now, the only difference is, i have nothing but respect for these creatures and never take anything for granted while im in that saddle......
She was riding Sorrel and didnt keep her heals down after she landed the jump......
God it doesnt half hurt, i did a very simular thing when i first started but managed to hang round Sorrels neck like a moustache.. so he didnt quite manage to throw me off completely, i ached for days.. so i hope she will be ok and come back.. its the way we learn ....
I waited til the end of the lesson to see how sarah thought i did today, its always when we get the rundown on the lesson, and ways to improve our riding skills, all i got was you handled shadow beautifully again,well done! and how come you keep smiling even when you are concentrating? most people look serious and stick tongues out and stuff..lol
I wasnt aware that i am smiling ,all im doing is enjoying myself and concentrating on what im doing, so it just confirms facially i guess how i feel ..
Totally happy inside and out.....
This is Shadow, hopefully soon ill have photos of me jumping with her...
Dont you think she matches my hair well.............lol
Good idea about the back protector, it is definitely worth it & if you fall it definitely helps cushion it a bit. Hope the lady who fell off gets back on, it's the only way. I fell ff once & landed on my back, couldn't feel my legs for about 5 minutes & laid there for 10 minutes just getting myself together, it winded me & everything, was scary at first when my legs were numb too because I had nasty thoughts going through my head.
I got back on & just rode for 10/15 minutes or so, just to finish on a good note & felt much better for it.
Congrats on the progress, I'm sure you'll be doing poles before long at the rate you're going! I know what you mean about the smiling too, I either smile or purse my lips when I'm concentrating. Strange isn't it?!
Well done anyway hun! xx
Hello and welcome back, I hope you are resting up and getting back your strength, i am so sorry to hear about your ordeal, what a shocker..
Yes i wil get the protector now, i did a straight pole jump this week so i know its time as the horses jump so much faster, its amazing how much higher the poles being straight makes..
Ive got myself a little job starting april im going to help a lady out every morning before work groom and turn out so ill get to ride every day then (i cant wait)
Please stay in touch and let me know how you are feeling, we're all thinking of you.
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