I have a whole day of photos (about 80 lines) so by the end of this afternoon i expect to ache, ive seen the weather and todays the day to get it done..
So weve got a full day of pictures including jeans and then 3 hours of dancing tonight..hehe
My fella keeps missing sleep and working through the nights so i had to giggle last night as he fell asleep at 6 and is still there... i cant quite work his logic he gets ahead then to fall alseep and get behind again... it must be a man thing .........
Anyway i have to just tell you the story i heard on the news today..it made me giggle..
A coach firm that runs trips for brits around Sweeden has been targetted the worse, get this..
Theres a guy that hires dwarfs... he hides them in a sports bag and puts them with the luggage under the coach hold, when the coach is in transit this dwarf gets out starts going through everyones suitcases and pinches the jewellery money and electricals..
He then seals all the bags back up and climbs back into his holdall with the stuff hes nicked...
So everyone gets off the coach non the wiser until they arrive at their destinations and realise what they packed is not nessessarrily there.... the scammer just picks up his holdall (complete with dwarf )and sticks it on a trolley... hey presto job done...
And how the hell do they know its a dwarf doing it.... if they havent caught him...
I know i shouldnt laugh ,but what has happened to society......... lol

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