I have been following this story since it first uncovered and every day i read the more it disgusts me...........
Who on earth could do this to animals and not give a shit, who in the right mind could watch anything suffer, i just cant get my head round it..
Why is it that you murder people you go to prison, but you can murder animals and not face the same convictions, just because they cant talk it doesnt mean they hurt any less..
I watched a guy once walking his dog down drayton road and saw him kick the hell out of itl, i couldnt stand there, much to my mums horror i went across and took the dog away, that dog stayed with me for 15 happy years until he passed away loved..
I love my horses and enjoy my riding so much, so do so many others like me so hearing that all these horses, donkeys and poor ponies were just left to rot really hits a raw nerve and makes me sick to the core, there was a dog with severed legs, and dead carcuses everywhere and yet this guy didnt give a shit....................spit
Im sad that no one got there sooner, no doubt they had other people on that list who were also commiting cruelty, but the neighbouirs were complaining so i think the public should be told the reason why they didnt go in sooner, one neighbour saw him shooting dead horses and still noone investigated, it makes me totally sick.....
Original article content:
Sickening news from Amersham. Reports have it that eighty-four starving horses, donkeys and ponies have been rescued from a field, where they were discovered alongside thirty-one dead animals!
The emaciated animals were seized by the RSPCA from a farm in Hyde Heath near Amersham in Buckinghamshire. All the animals showed signs of gross neglect and the RSPCA had to put three horses to sleep almost immediately to prevent them suffering further.
More animals may have to be destroyed over coming days. It is further reported that dead animals were left to rot where they fell, amongst the living.
When the rescue team arrived at the farm, a scuffle was reported to have occurred with a 44-year-old man - said by neighbours to be a horse or meat dealer from a family of travellers. The man was arrested for both assaulting a police officer and criminal damage and the horses were loaded onto horse boxes.
A spokesman for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire RSPCA is reported as saying: “I am always horrified. As long as I am in this job, it never makes any difference and you can never see any sense in it.”
According to a representative of the equine charity Redwings Horse Sanctuary, which provided horse boxes and staff to assist in the evacuation, the horses were showing all the classic signs of neglect: matted coats, emaciation, parasites, sores and lameness from overgrown hooves. She said: “I was absolutely appalled. Our expert team have travelled to rescues on many occasions but rarely sees cruelty so far advanced that equines are seemingly forgotten and literally left to die.”
According to the RSPCA spokesman the farm outbuildings and fields where the horses were kept appeared to be used by horse dealers, and that the charity would seek a prosecution of the horses’ owner.
One villager described the arrested man as: “a former gypsy who I have been complaining about to the RSPCA for three years.
I don’t know why it has taken them so long to act.
I know I am not alone in complaining.
I first had a run-in with him when he was shooting horses dead in the field, at close range.
I went to investigate further and he chased me off his farm in a tractor.
From what I can see his horses are dirty, malnourished and poorly treated.
This move by the RSPCA will be welcomed by all around here.”
A neighbour also claims that she saw a Jack Russell terrier at the farm in a vet’s carry case, with its legs severed. She added: “The farm has a bad reputation, everyone knows about it. It could have been anyone in this village who called the RSPCA. It is sickening.”
I blogged about this too, it is absolutely beyond all comprehension. It make me angry & sad at once for those poor animals, no animal deserves to be mistreated or abused/neglected but horses are so loyal, so friendly & so protective that it is beyond me. Having one of my own & having that bond with her makes me sadder still, she is my girl & to think animals like her have gone through that is heartbreaking.
I hope he gets all he deserves & more.
PS, have finally got a link up to you after being a sometime commenter/lurker, sorry it wasn't sooner! xx
I prefer animals to most people nowadays they give love unconditionally, i cant believe the police and rspca are deciding whether to procecute though, theres no doubts in my mind what they should do, i was in the hairdressers when i first heard the news and my poor hairdresser was sick, shes like us and has 2 horses, everyday she goes to look after them. If they dont lock him up it will take away any faith i have in society..
Its made worse as they cant stick up for themselves, so i hope this guy gets locked up with a load of horselovers.
Im so glad you have come to visit, im like you and love commuting, i always read your blogs..
Im with you about animals.
They are loyal loving and deserve a good life.
I too felt sick to the stomach to hear about these poor horses. I am also concerned whether this disgusting man owned any dogs/other animals. Does anyone know if any have been rescued?
Hi Jane,
There was a dog rescued with wounds to his legs, ive been trying to find out what the outcome was, but it was mostly horses ponies and donkeys, i love animals so pray this guy gets locked up with others like ourselves..
If i hear anything i will let you know.
If the NAIS is not defeated we all need to be prepared for more cruelty and abandonment of horses. While our horses will never be aloud to suffer I fear for the treatment other horses will receive. Let me explain…
Diane and I fall into that small farmer category. We raise and train Arabian horses. If you recall, horses are not part of the food chain. They do not carry or transmit any diseases that affect other animals in the food chain. Yet, they are included in NAIS. Each horse requires a microchip. Every movement requires reporting to the Department of Agriculture within 24 hours. Each animal that leaves its birthplace is required to have a 30 day certified veterinary health certificate before it can be moved.
The simple act of taking a trail ride or attending a horse show or, as we sometimes do, taking a horse to a cancer fund raiser requires all of these expenses and red tape under NAIS.
Very simply put….We are out of business. We are trying to find good homes for unsalable horses. For more information about how it affects horses please check our website http://www.wiwfarm.com/doomsday.html
We each need to contact our state House and Senate members as well as Governor and voice our opposition to NAIS. The State Departments of Agriculture are receiving funds from the USDA to bring NAIS to the states so NAIS will be mandatory at the state level.
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