Its sunday, isnt that supposed to be everyones funday? its not mine today..lol
Its the fitness test this morning, im not looking forward to it, but ill go along and see what happens..
Riding was cancelled yesterday, i was so dissapointed, we'd got ready and were driving up the road when the call came, so i kept driving and went and fed the chickens..... they look so much better and seem to have made their home now, but ive allocated a shed for them so they dont sit on my steps anymore and my fellas workmate bench as a new perch (which hes not so impressed about) lol
Lauren loved them and wanted me to bring them home. god my house is mad enough as it is without another 2 dizzy birds running around, i do a good headless chicken impression in the mornings when i cant find the kids shoes....
Anyway the good news is im not going to be joining the gym properly im going back to kickboxing, i found a photo yesterday that sealed my fate as soon as i showed my fella he agreed so ive made the call and start next week...........yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Monday i have an assesment in the pole dancing studio and am going to do an instructors course, so that and dancing will be enough to do whats needed, i can also have fun at the same time in those boots........
Have a great day everyone..........
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