Sunday, December 30
Top 500 countdown 2008

Ive had the most brilliant day, thanks to a radio station....
All day ive sung my head off (without my fella moaning once) bless lol its that top 500 tracks thing on radio Norwich, its getting down to the good ones now so as they play (and i sing) im downloading them into my music blog, we all hear songs and think... ah i love that but never can remember them when we actually want to, especially when im in Youtube, i go in and forget what i went in there for and spend hours aimlessly wandering about..(its typically me always getting lost..... i know)
Today has helped me so much, ive noticed that U2 have just about all their tracks in the top 100 so the voters have excellent taste..lol im in my element today, and theres still 80 to play which are supposed to be the best ones yet, my blogs gonna be great by the end of tomorrow, as i hear them now im writing them down....
Old or new side by side they will sit in my blog so when i need inspiration on goes those earphones and into my own little world i will go...........
Grandads cooked my tea as a treat so my fellas now on his way back with the best curry ive ever tasted and im gonna sing my head off for the rest of the day...
Come on you lot get those tvs off, and lift your spirits, stick the radio on 99.9 fm.......
Sunsets and sunrise

What a night i had last night... sometimes the most special nights are definitely the ones that are not planned..lol
Ive tried Mexican food, wore a sombrero and discovered a place in the city that serves sangria and tequila in jugs..oops
My fellas still asleep so im waking up listening to nature and enjoying the silence, it gives me the best start to my day and allows me to wake up happily, so today is a good day already in my eyes..
I went out and brought some holiday brochures home yesterday, so i can 'oh and ahh' over the sunsets and hopefully find the beach i want to sit and watch the sunrise on, so far its down to 4 places but by the end of the month im booking and hanging those tickets up to torment myself with, Estelle has bought me back from America the sexiest cowboy hat so im all set, all i need is my passport and a bikini..lol

My fella was trying to get me back to Turkey, but we've done that and im not going backwards anymore so i want to go somewhere i haven't been where i can snorkel and dive, i also always wanted to do the Aztec and Inca trails , i know ill love the food there, so Mexico is definitely in my top 4....
Anyway i cant sit here dreaming of sunsets and beaches im gonna wake my lot of nicely, with a cooked breakfast and enjoy the day....The radios on, im smiling so what more could i ask for.....except of course a beach...lol
Saturday, December 29

Im supposed to be working today so decided to stop off catch up on my friends blogs and grab a cuppa.. i cant believe its saturday already, normality is nearly here....
The kids have been loud today (to say the least) so ive wrote my blogs with a head set on and just keep smiling when they keep wanting something..lol its great, i pretend i cant hear them and they will then wander off to mess up something else, my sister bought them all a mobile for xmas which at first i moaned about (i believe they are too young) but having just found a radio built in on them ive pinched one set grabbed my earphones and am happily singing away whilst i work...
I cant wait to get everything back to normal its like a lull after the storm and is boring me to tears, i just want to kick into the new year now and get this tree and tinsel taken down...
I also want to finish painting my kitchen and redecorate the whole house at the same time..lol so i may just grab a paintbrush tonight and start working on that list early...
Have a great weekend everyone.........
bored now,
get out,
time for fun
Someones dream

Im knackered.. ive been sitting here all night editing photos again, what happened to the week, its gone and im back to work avoiding the sales ...lol
The good news of the day is my neice Jade has proudly given birth to a much awaited little 'Lacy' a healthy baby girl 7lbs 5 oz ..... im so proud, my sister loves kids and i am sure will make the greatest grandma....... god am i gonna take the mickey now..lol (she doesnt read my blog hehe) no seriously i am so happy, everyones well and cant wait to give her a hug..
Todays gone in a blur, i went to work to start the mountain of photos, everything got left from Paris when we got back as it was too close to xmas to get it done, so today was a good start...... the wind was enjoying herself making it impossible to keep my hair from not looking like id been electricuted, but it was all lovely warm gear so i was spoilt and not cold ....lol
Im really looking forward to the new year, today i started trying to eat healthily again and have promised my nan ill start looking after myself a bit better, its so easy when youve got your head down to just keep going and not bother, so im trying to find a happy medium..
Tomorrow theres no riding as Sarah and the girls are having a week off (well deserved one too) so i wont be bouncing out of bed as usual, ive only missed one lesson and im already itching to get back there, theres not been much this end ive looked forward too and riding seems to fill a void, along with my music and keeps me semi sane.......lol
Anyway i promised myself a bath tonight so as ive finished editing what photos ive done today, im going to soak away the day, smile for Jade & lacy and fall into bed ....
Tomorrows another day ..........
Thursday, December 27
Music day

Its been a great morning i won the coin toss so was allowed to go into work today, leaving my fella to look after the kids....poor bloke we were both trying to go in..lol
The dreaded migranes finally gone after 4 days of no food and constantly wanting to go to sleep..
Its like someones lifted a pillow off my head and i feel soooo much better, shame ive missed xmas lol, so ive been into work done all the posting and have come home with a huge appetite and a huge smile...
I cant sit indoors long, about 2 days is my maximum limit then i want to go out and do something, or ill start pulling my hair out slowly.....
I've been singing along with the top 500 tracks this morning on the radio while i work, theres been some brilliant stuff playing..
How do people sit at home day after day watching soaps? id either be the size of a bus or hung myself ... if my life ended up like that it would probably be the latter , so id rather be busy and tired, looking forward to a day off rather than having nothing to get up for, xmas is always good to make you take stock and prioritise things and this year ive got my list ready....
As for new years resolutions ! im not making any ! (except im not making any more resolutions lol)
Im looking forward to whats coming this year and enjoying a few vodkas on the way...
Ive got a couple of new things on my ...want to try list, so no doubt ill let you lot know whats joining my horseriding this year....im getting worse and joining just about everything now..
Ive even had an invite to my aunts mansion to ride her horses with her! tally ho ! as my step dad showed her my riding photos and at the moment she pays people to go and excercise the horses 3 times a week( i only got the invite as shes as tight as a ducks a*** and looks on it as saving money) wise woman lol.... but as i love being near horses so much i will go and enjoy myself and thank her for inviting me of course.....i just got her house up on google and found a stunning hack id love to explore.. ...
Sometimes it really does pay off being blonde..... especially if its from a bottle..
You can allow people to treat you like dirt and put it down to yourself just being silly....hehe
If you get bored of tv repeats put the radio on.. they are playing some great music ...
Have a great day everyone and dont eat all those pies !! lol
Wednesday, December 26

Well the rush is thankfully over ,today is the first time ive actually got up without having to run around ragged ... what is it about the festive season that makes it all such hard work..
Xmas eve was preparing food and cooking all those little treats the kids demolish in ten mins flat, it ended up with me and my fella falling into bed at 1am totally shattered and 3 days of headaches for me...lol
This was the first year we didnt go to the woods to make my displays, so i was really sad one of the best parts got missed out, i was riddled with headaches and just wasnt up to it....
The day went well yesterday my grandparents came to spend it with us, its the part of xmas i always look forward to, giving my nanny a day off and pampering her silly, they loved the dinner (which i got through pill popping) and after 3 hours washing up i walked through to find partner, nanny and grandad all sound asleep........lol
The kids were thrilled with their gifts and were exceptionally good to me, my son sat there holding a bag of frozen peas on my head..lol but the day was for them and somehow we got through.......
Its been 2 months of relentless working this end, i was so looking forward to having some time off but by the time it got here i was totally done in, its hard with small kids, they have the energy of ten teenages...lol
My fella made me cry ,as we both said no gifts to each other this year, we're going away on holiday together and put the money we would have spent on each other off that, so what does he do ? yep goes and gets me a gift, only a stocking filler he said..
I opened up a little box that he had hidden up to find the most thoughtful gift , a little silver locket, its a hundred years old and is arts and crafts style, but it was when i turned it over it got me, the inscription read
"Where there is a heart full of mercy and discernment,
There is neither excess nor hardness of heart"
I knew what he was trying to say and it made me cry....
As much as we try to push things to the back of our minds sometimes they wont stay quiet, i always get lost deep in thought at times like these as i think of friends, loved ones who cant be with us, i hope their day brought good things ....
Today its cold meat pickles and bubble and squeak, mum gets a day off from cooking to have a bath , perhaps get that make up out thats be unused for weeks and the kids will enjoy making music together ......my son was teaching me his keyboard yesterday and by the end of the day i was playing jingle bells with both hands with a head banging away in bars to match like brandons drum kit.....lol
There may also be a christmas baby coming today, Jade was sitting all day with her legs crossed yesterday..lol but ive got a good feeling about today and think Lacey may just make her entrance...............
Where has the year gone ?
Friday, December 21
Time to reflect

Its friday ... were nearly finished.....lol
Its my last day at the unit today, the weeks gone by in a blur , its been just getting through to today so i can finish the orders and get home.....
Were off out tonight for mexican food and a dance, its just whats needed after the last month so im looking forward to some time out....
Were both so tired, my fella struggled to get up this morning and ive got to go shopping after work so need to get done as early as possible..
Ive broke last years list in half and agreed with everyone that we will all just buy for the kids in the family, to be honest its the kids we do this for anyway so it only seems fair...
My kids are now thankfully all done, we went after work yesterday and managed to get them what we wanted to so i came home shattered but very happy, last year i had to get them something betwen them all to share, as things were hard at xmas but somehow weve swung it round so i could get something really nice each...
I went and saw my dad last night, i havent seen him for a while but i went to my grandparents who live next door and i could see dad through the window, ive wanted to go in for ages but couldnt, so last night my fella just took the lead, im glad we went.......he looked so lonely so we had a huge hug and a cuppa and hes now coming to spend a day with the kids next week, its been about 4 years since hes been to mine and hes only ever visited once in 9 years, its not good to let so much time go by, when my mum left or tobago he was so hurt he couldnt find the strength to talk to us kids, as he is by law my stepdad, so as mum hurt he pulled away from us girls too. its such a shame but he was in a pub once and a friend of mine overheard him slagging us girls off saying no doubt we would all turn out like our mum, i can understand how hurt he must have felt and how much pain he was in but that hurt me so much inside, he lost his wife, we lost our mum, but why push his kids away and loose them too, we were there to support and love him unconditionally..
So yesterday was the first time ive seen him since that day, he regrets everything he said , and i regret the amount of time we could have spent together and happy times with his grandkids, he was a good step dad to me and brought me up well with good morals, my real father sadly we only saw at the pub occasionally when we would have to sit in his car, while he drank pints and occasionally through a bag of crisps at us, so having watch one dad walk out on me at the age of 2, i really didnt want my Bob to go too... he may have lost our mum but he has his family here, weve always been here, we were all mourning the fact mum was going to move abroad and noone wanted things to change... but sadly some things do....
she wasnt happy... she didnt have much of a life, she worked all the hours god sent and her hubby was always out down the bookies.....so we cannot take sides or judge just be there for both parents..
Everyone deserves to be happy and sometimes we have to follow our hearts sometimes.........
Many hearts get broken, weve all been there and felt that pain and anger,but all we can hope for is that, as one chapter closes another will open for us....
Anyway its something positive for this xmas , ive got a dad back, even if i will only see him once a year .. its a start.. and something to build from...... and im sure four little people will be very happy to see their grandad this year..... he loves horses and his house is full of pictures of them so this year his grandaugher will be joining his wall, he doesnt even know we both ride yet, so it will be a wonderful gift that imsure will bring a few more tears to add to last nights..
Its never too late to change things ... its only when we give up we cant.....
Tuesday, December 18
Changing colours

Well the days over thankully, it ended up a real pain in the backside, the good news is my boy hasnt got any problems with his eyes, its just hes behind due to being very premature, so if we all pull together and the school puts in the teachers they are considering im sure he'll soon catch up.. whatever he lacks in reading he definately makes up for with energy..lol
I was lucky enough tonight to have some time out, in a huge bath of bubbles with my music on, i treated myself to some beautiful candles that change colour so turned out the lights and sat there in sheer bliss, the room looked amazing, i felt totally at peace and really enjoyed just doing nothing but thinking, so im going to keep this feeling tonight and am going to leave my lot all to it and go to bed.........lol
Monday, December 17
Paris in Lights

We got back very late last night,what a drive, i dont know how my fella stays awake, i made a concious effort this time not to doze off so i was better company and somehow i did manage it, but my eyes were shot when we got home, i drove the last 60 miles and that was so hard, i could hardly see the road...........
Paris was simply beautiful, i wasnt looking forward to going, i still haven't done anything this end with gifts and getting ready for xmas, the kids are so excited so i cant let them down..although i did get a tree up Saturday afternoon, so its a start.........
We made good time it took us 8.5 hours to hit the hotel, they are all trimmed up for the festive period in blue/purple lights its wonderful, shooting stars and stunning displays, i actually felt quite festive...
The only downfall was it was so cold, it was -4 there yesterday and so cold i was wrapped up like a duvet and still had the reddest nose ever, It snowed in the afternoon, only lightly but it was snowing..we knew yesterday was going to be a hard one, but the cold made it really hard work, we walked all day til about 1pm then my back went..(i must be getting old) and i couldn't carry anything else to help Steve, and believe me carrying 180 pairs of jeans isn't funny, As it tuned out it was the cold that made it hurt, ive never been that cold that your kidneys hurt..
Paris isnt driving friendly you cant get cars anywhere near places, without having someone smack into the side of you, its the way they park, hit the other 2 cars enough and make your own parking space..lol
So ive decided im selling my car after Xmas and buying an old van, something that's reliable but will feel at home there, i noticed all the vans there are covered in graffiti so it doesn't matter about the paintwork.....
Looking at my car this morning, its gonna be another long day today, my fella cant come in to help as hes got to take Brandon to the hospital today for Mearles syndrome tests so its down to me and stelli to unpack today .... my fella packed the car so much i couldn't get another sock in it, and i know as soon as i open a door theres going to be a giggle watching it rain knitwear....lol
The trip was very successful, i think my best trip yet, and ive finally done whats been asked of me, so im gonna unpack it today and then start on my home tomorrow and get everything done so the kids have a good Christmas.... ive got 4 shopping days and ill have everything ready somehow..........I always do... its what us mums are good at....lol (according to my kids)
One more push for the kids and i can finally get to relax........... now thats something to celebrate in my eyes..lol
Saturday, December 15
Our Time

Its that best day of the week again, so i was up with the birds and enjoying my cuppa this morning..
I took a night off last night and feel so much better for it this morning, i actually sat and watched Pretty Woman, ive seen it so many times but never get tired of watching Richard Gere..lol
Riding was such a giggle. we had to play games with the horses and mine didnt want to participate..lol the worst part of riding is the getting cold, its early mornings and evenings when i ride and the last 2 weeks ive really struggled as i didnt have a jacket only a little cord thing thats so tight i cant even get a jumper under it.. so today my fella surprised me and gave me a stunning proper riding jacket, its fleece lined and feels so warm on, he wasnt going to give it to me ungtil xmas but Lauren was crying this morning as it was really cold and she didnt want my cold to get any worse, i am full of caugh and cold and he had let her in on the secret that it was a surprise gift for me.. bless.. so she let the cat out of the bag early..lol trust kids to not keep secrets..hehe
Having said that id rather have it now and be warm today, than have to freeze for another 3 lessons until xmas, im so pleased....I dont want gifts for xmas anyway, all i want is a gift of time, time to be with people i love and not having to work such stupid hours, ive done what ive needed to do to ensure my business stays up, now i would love time to relax and get back the intimacy i miss with my fella........ that all this works taken away....... so my gift to him this year is exactly that.......ourtime ..
Today i have a mountain to move i have a list as long as my leg a mountain of washing and ironing to do and somehow im going to get that tree up, we leave early hours in the morning for Paris and wont be back til probably tuesday, so ive got to get a tree up today for my kids somehow.......
Ive got a week to get organised for xmas, i havent done anything except worked so i have no gifts for anyone no decorations and no food in...oops
its a good job were doing something diferent this year or id be panicking by now..lol
Ive got a house full of guests for xmas lunch then everyones going home (so they can go to their own houses and fall asleep lol) and taking my lot out.. i cant sit watching tv and stuffing my face all day watching repeats..lol im gonna start the way i mean to go on and enjoy the time having a giggle.......
Thursday, December 13

The weeks flying by its thursday already...
Yesterday was a bit of a hard one my packer couldnt come in and as she was ill tuesday im doing her job this week too, im hoping shes back today so i can put the new gear into the website, its all ready and photoed i just didnt have any extra time..
I had to giggle last night as we were asked to go to the school band night, my daughter was playing her violin in the orchester so we had to go, but when we got there it was all carol singing...lol my fella wasnt too impressed
So i started to sing and that where it all went wrong, i turned to find him looking at me and went the brightest shade of red imaginable, how can i go red with a guy ive been with for an eternity?
I just couldnt sing........ yet ive been to chant and sung my head off without feeling embarrased....lol so ive now worked out that i was more comfortable there than i am in a school with my fella, he finds it amusing but im completely puzzled by that one, he sneaked off halfway through to go get the boys and i was fine, but i sing around the house constantly, so why did i feel so stupid.......
I have always had a real confidence problem with singing in public, ive been trying to put it behind me and have a giggle which i thought was working, yet last night i didnt have the confidence to let any notes out at all, and sat there like a beetroot......oops
Saturday, December 8
Like the Wind

Its Saturday again, my favourite day of the week...........yipeeeee horse riding lol
Its been a great morning, my fella arrived home safely but early at 6 last night, so we got to unpack and get it all out of the way so today's freed up, its been lovely to just get up, listen to my music, get myself ready and go... its a lovely way to start the day..
Today we finally got our calenders and photos, we are both so pleased, my mum and grandparents will finally get to see us both smiling our heads off riding, it will be a gift my mum i know will love..
The lesson went really well today i made the double jumps this time staying on that saddle..lol but Lauren did exactly the same thing as i did last week, so were now officially both clingons..lol
Laurens now learning to jump too and is taking it slow but surely...
I wont forget to keep those heels down and she'll make sure she leads the horse not visa versa..lol
I will take the calenders to work and scan it so i can post the images but as i don't have one at home , Ive taken a couple on a camera so they are not as good as the real ones but a good start...
I cant believe how far we have come in a few short months, im so proud and pleased im having time out with my little girl, and so happy i am finally feeling that wind through my hair ...........
Its amazing how a horse can make you feel like you can fly, its doing wonders for my confidence and every week now i just cant wait to get there.....
wind through hair
Thursday, December 6
Lost Soul

Isnt it amazing how a night can slip by without you getting anything done that you needed to..
I was trying to relax but i couldnt seem to shut my head down last night, my head went into overdrive..
I was thinking about things ive done over the last few years and how much ive learnt from them, i dont think you realise at the time just how important some experiences are but when you sit down later and think back it does put everything into prospective more..
At the time things can be such struggle its always yourself that youll cut back on either running yourself raged and not having enough energy to look after yourself properly or even having the drive to want to, but we mustn't forget that although life will sling so much crap at you sometimes, we have to keep true to ourselves and work out whats best for us, you can have the most amazing house but without that soul it will never be a home, and it works the same way with us as people, i would say we are all the same but thats only in biology, as inside we are each our own home with our souls being the only difference, making us warm or cold hearted people..........
Its all about furnishing what we are , and making good of what we are lucky enough to have...
Happy Birthday

Wishing you a VERY happy birthday today....
I have only found out this morning via G its today! we thought it was next week as you are always away for your special day and the partys not next week , so being blonde i was sending you your present then ?
So im sending our love this morning via the net as its the fastest way to wish you a fantastic day...and let you know we are thinking of you today
I wont say how old you are, its one of those only as old as you feel birthdays..lol
So well let you decide your age, but whatever.......... have a really good feel good day
Loads of love from him in paris and me stuck at work
Wednesday, December 5

I am so pleased today its just turned from a good day to an excellent one and its all thanks to my partner....
Hes been writing relentless emails to a company that didnt perform as they promised last year, i gave up as i got sick of the excuses and after a while im the type that will just walk when ive heard it time and time again, it drags me down listening to lies all the time so i told him to just leave it..
Its typical of my bloke he never does what i ask him and this time im really glad he carried on..
I just got an email tonight from the MD and they have just put a cheque in the post for enough compensation that will get some seriously good stock into my shop, im totally over the moon tonight... our luck really is changing for the better....
I moan at him sometimes ill admit but he said he wouldnt let me down on this and wouldnt stop until he put right some of the things from last year (no he wasnt unfateful)....lol
So tonight hes showed me that although he may take his time on things he will definately get there in life, hes restored my faith in business and put me in my place firmly... I love that kind of putting me in my place too ! lol
So dinner tonights on him, im having a take away finishing editing these photos and getting a bottle of bubbly out to celebrate.............
Hes off to Paris for me again tomorrow, i thought i was going but as the shops so busy im staying here and making sure i keep it flowing, but i shall put away the money until i can next go and make an extra day of it........
So ill get to ride my horse up that beach next year for my birthday for definate.............. and it wont be happisburg..........lol
Yipee for my fella.........................he is determined.......never listens to me......
And is totally great in my eyes tonight ...................lol
Pass that bottle..................
Breast of both worlds

Its a bit windy out there.. im supposed to be doing photos today..oops
Oh well, at least ill be able to do something else instead, it was hard the other day as the dresses kept blowing about, so im not even attempting it today..
I didn't want to get up this morning, the alarm went off at 5 and i must have hit that snooze button a dozen times, before finally deciding to get up so i didn't get my hour of peace, instead the kids got up with me and its straight into mummmmm..
Im so glad its Wednesday, although the closer that festive time gets, the busier i seem to become and i haven't done anything this end except work....
The kids are already singing Xmas songs....lol come on Stelli i desperately need some help now hurry home..........
My fella answered the phones yesterday for me when i was at Gails having my hair done, i spoke to the lady last night as the phone doesn't stop ringing all night now, and i had to giggle at what he said....
She asked what size she would need for a top as shes picked one of my creations and these need to be fitted right to look lovely, so he asks her politely what size bust she is..lol not a question a man should ask a lady....oops
She comes back with a 32dd-e and he comes back with "wow you'll look really seductive in that" ! (i think it was more the tone) but she couldn't stop laughing , so he told her to call me later...
When she did we were in hysterics at my fellas technique as he then started to give it the um, um , um and no words were coming out.. what is it with fellas and bust sizes, i thought you'd gotten used to the by now, the bigger the size the longer the pause on that phone seems to be...
Hence today i wont be letting him anywhere near it........lol
I love it when guys ring up and say " I want a dress please" "oh ! but its not for me its for my girlfriend", and then start an hours conversation talking round the fact so i don't believe its for them, i don't believe all men are cross dressers, i do supply a few though and love it when they can be honest enough to ring and say "I'm a guy and i want that dress" ..............now that's a refreshing change......lol
Tuesday, December 4

Its been a great day..........
I spent 3 hours sitting in a chair with my hair being pampered, im really pleased i went now, but she did cut my fringe in half.. i actually gasped when she chopped it, ive had 3 inches off all round and its now feeling great, Its even the same colour all over...lol
I bumped into the man i didnt want to but managed to only glare at him, i nearly said something but decided i wouldnt let him think he was that important so just carried on chatting and ignored he was there..lol it wasnt that bad and i wasnt as angry as i thought i would feel......
I just want to move on now and put the past behind me and carry on with my journey, so its no good holding grudges i never have been like that so i wont start now... its the future im interested in...
It was great to see Gail, id forgotten how much fun it is down theirs, she doesnt normally work tuesdays so my fella must have said something hes not telling me , as she went into work especially today and went out of her way to make me really enjoy my morning, and has invited me to go and ride with her soon and ive promised to pay her a visit every month now and not cut my own hair anymore..........lol
Its been a good one today........
Wake up call

This morning im up extra early, my fella booked me in to have my hair sorted out , i threatened to get the scissors out so my hairdressers stepped in to help, im apprehensive about going to the place i used to work, its where that landlord from hell is, so lets hope i dont bump into him this morning, im still paying the cost of that one, and dont want to be arrested on top, i dont really want to go up there at all, but i dont trust anyone else with my hair either, the last time i grew it to this length, i went to a place who ended up burning nearly all of it off, they blamed the fact id had triplets, not that they gave me an apprentice who left it on too long.. but i went in long and ended up with my fella dragging me down to Toni and Guys to sort it out, he hated it, i went from blonde and long to short and brunette in about 3 hours, it was ghastly, once a blonde always a blonde for me....... lol
So im up early getting everything printed off so i can actually take a couple of hours out and get this mop sorted out......
I did the rest of the photos yesterday, it was freezing out there, but i finally got to bring my dress home, it is as lovely as i hoped it would be, and ive been promised we are going somewhere nice so i can wear it, so that im looking forward to..
Stelli's back in on Monday, shes due to fly in Friday, so im hoping she comes to visit over the weekend, i cant wait to hear all about America, she has Indian blood and has gone to meet her grandparents for the first time, i know shes passionate about it, as she has the most beautiful tattoo on her bum of her heritage, so i hope its answered questions and helped put the pieces together for her.. I have really missed her, im keeping it running lovely, but i also realise how much she takes off my back... its been so busy, ive never known it like this so although im shattered im taking it while its here and getting it done, ill have help once shes back, and my singing partner back at work.........lol
Ryans joined the RAF Cadettes and wants to be a pilot, ive just got his report from school and hes making me so proud, it looks like one of us will get the chance to fly after all...
Although im also gonna get there now, but mines with more spiritual things, and its coming ...
Next weeks Paris (yes im going too) and a day out with Sandra, ice skating...lol
moving on,
time for a change
Sunday, December 2
Saturday, December 1
Head Over Heels

The days flown by today, i struggled to get out of bed this morning, but it was riding so i couldn't miss it...
It was a really eventful lesson, we did our normal class and were then getting into the car when Sarah asked if i wanted to have another go in the next lesson as there was only one girl and shes on the showjumping class, so back i went, Sorrel got double the amount of Polo's today too..lol
But that wasn't the best bit, we started off doing the normal jumps until they started doubling them up..
You have to stay in jumping position all the way through as the horse knows theres only one stride til he jumps again, so i was doing really well, until that 2nd jump !! lol
I did the first jump fine but when he went to take the next i brought my heels back a bit (thats a no no) (keep those legs forward and heels down ) so as he landed on the second jump out of the stirrups my feet came and off the seat i slid.. it happens so quick and at this stage im in canter as the jumps are quite high he cannot take them in trot, so canterings a must, i got to the corner and knew i was coming off and then it kicked in my version of a carry on film....... everyone up the stables was up on their feet shouting for the horse to stop, but he didn't...
Have you ever seen a mad woman ride in canter bareback around a horses neck ? hehe
I did...
My bum was off the saddle id moved forward in front of the saddle onto the horses neck, so i did what came naturally ......... clung on for dear life...lol
The strange thing is i knew then i wouldn't fall, so 3 times round the ring i went legs dangling round poor Sorrels head like a moustache as hes cantering round, with the girls now in hysterics, and Nikita wanting to get a camera................(that's so mean) but it was great fun..........
Sarah said shes never seen anything so funny in her life, im not coming off that horse in a hurry and proved that today... they said anyone else would have fell and cant work out how the hell i hung on, i must have really good balance... lol .. more like really good grip !
Believe me i was cuddling that horses head to well like he was Brad Pitt.... and it worked...
So today Ive learned bareback neck riding too.. i can stay on that horse if i hold on tight enough, and given the girls there something to giggle about for the rest of the week...
The funny thing was i wasnt at all scared, i probably should have been, but i couldnt help laugh when i could see the girls all cracking up trying to stop the horse, while im hanging there like a clingon with my polos in tow....lol
Roll on next Saturday......... this is now starting to get really exciting.......
whatevers next ...........lol
Friday, November 30
Tea break

Im having 5 min's off... ive taken the phone off its hook, im working away on my own and cant get done, so im taking 5 min's out having a cuppa and taking a deep breath...lol
Its been so manic today...................its brilliant because im so busy, but my god i dont know im im coming going or just been (probably the latter lol) i also got a box of chocolates through the post today, from a guy who says ive got him out of a pickle as his wife had nothing to wear for his works do tonight and i recommended something that's gone down a treat.. (Julie ate my chocolates though) people seem to be so nice this week, it must be that festive spirit (speaking of which i would love some) brandy that is..lol
I owe my friend a huge apology... you Roses..
I posted your gift back to myself !! i took delivery today of your surprise, what a blonde eh...lol
So please make sure someones at your place tomorrow as ive just sent it off again by special 24 hour delivery, i wrote you out a little note and folded my address at the front instead of yours (how bad is that!) its the first time ive ever done it, but at least i know im still human under this mountain of papers...lol
The phone hasn't stopped I'm selling out fast and now need to send my fella back off to Paris again next week ( id love to go with him, but cant) boy am i tired today.. hence why ive been so grouchy this week...
He read my blog and looked really upset so i do feel really bad for moaning about him yesterday as hes been brilliant today and is even packing for me to help.. bless..
I knew i wouldn't get through today in time for the kids so hes gone home to cook dinner get the kids wrapped up and then is coming back to pick me up... so I'm smiling today as although im so mean writing what i did yesterday hes more than helped me out today, and on a day when i really needed it too... so its not all bad, i think hes also tired... so the weekends no work, and plenty of rest in store..
Anyway i hope my friend likes her surprise, hope ive got the size right and it does what i hoped and brings a smile to her face as she does me with her little messages...
If work continues like this til Xmas i will get my holiday for my birthday, and the kids will get as more happy and relaxed mum. without the bags under her eyes like this week...lol
I bought a tent last night some camping gear and am wanting to go delving into the woods somewhere, so i am lining up a little surprise for my lot this Christmas that should be a real giggle...
Anyway five mins is now up.....back to work for me....
Its been so manic today...................its brilliant because im so busy, but my god i dont know im im coming going or just been (probably the latter lol) i also got a box of chocolates through the post today, from a guy who says ive got him out of a pickle as his wife had nothing to wear for his works do tonight and i recommended something that's gone down a treat.. (Julie ate my chocolates though) people seem to be so nice this week, it must be that festive spirit (speaking of which i would love some) brandy that is..lol
I owe my friend a huge apology... you Roses..
I posted your gift back to myself !! i took delivery today of your surprise, what a blonde eh...lol
So please make sure someones at your place tomorrow as ive just sent it off again by special 24 hour delivery, i wrote you out a little note and folded my address at the front instead of yours (how bad is that!) its the first time ive ever done it, but at least i know im still human under this mountain of papers...lol
The phone hasn't stopped I'm selling out fast and now need to send my fella back off to Paris again next week ( id love to go with him, but cant) boy am i tired today.. hence why ive been so grouchy this week...
He read my blog and looked really upset so i do feel really bad for moaning about him yesterday as hes been brilliant today and is even packing for me to help.. bless..
I knew i wouldn't get through today in time for the kids so hes gone home to cook dinner get the kids wrapped up and then is coming back to pick me up... so I'm smiling today as although im so mean writing what i did yesterday hes more than helped me out today, and on a day when i really needed it too... so its not all bad, i think hes also tired... so the weekends no work, and plenty of rest in store..
Anyway i hope my friend likes her surprise, hope ive got the size right and it does what i hoped and brings a smile to her face as she does me with her little messages...
If work continues like this til Xmas i will get my holiday for my birthday, and the kids will get as more happy and relaxed mum. without the bags under her eyes like this week...lol
I bought a tent last night some camping gear and am wanting to go delving into the woods somewhere, so i am lining up a little surprise for my lot this Christmas that should be a real giggle...
Anyway five mins is now up.....back to work for me....
Thursday, November 29
Autumn dryness

I may just get one tonight too..lol
The hosters 1and1 are who hosts most of our Uks sites have lost the connection about 4pm to all of their websites including mine ( i bet royal mail customers are swearing)... but they are working on it to get everyone back up and running but it made me smile as i am shattered and look like ive been dragged through a hedge backwards, partly as im slotting in photos every time i get a spare half hour and im processing and wrapping orders til im blue in the face.. So appologies for the sausage like wrapping service this week, but now you know why...
I have one sock on and one thats worked its way to the end of my boot.. so im not so comfortable just now, but the matter may have just been taken out of my hands to me having to work tonight...lol
Ive decided that the weekend im keeping free as i have a little something planned and as ive been such a good girl this week im treating myself and my fella (if he starts to help me out here, as hes not at the minute) to a night out with lobster on the menu, somewhere nice........ god im starving !(i wish i hadnt just mentioned food)lol
The good news is ive lost 6lbs in a week ... am another week closer to stelli coming home and getting really excited about my work again, id forgotten just how nice some people can be and it makes it all feel worthwhile........
We must both be very tired this end as we never argue..........usually...lol
But i was trying to explain (nicely) that i really needed and could use a little extra support at home after work as im coming home to what feels like mountains of stuff to do and asked my fella if he would please just pop one load of washing in for me, as the kids needed uniform changes and i was editing photos and loading the website to him answer "sorry i cant do that i dont know how to use the machine" fair enough........although i would have turned it on, just loading it would have been a help...
To.. if i do that then could you please me out later then to put away the 4 feet high pile of kids ironing on our bedroom floor into the kids rooms, before we fall into bed... to "sorry i dont know where they go" ...
So after i did it all, finished the jobs and editing and realised it was 1am again. i turned round and hes sitting there making banners up for the new year !!! that did it........oops
I Never rear up or shout............usually........
But i saw red ......said he needed a bloody servert and dogs body not a girlfriend ...
That it isnt how good you can do something as i would appreciate ANY help at the moment, as its the trying that counts in my books............and hes not trying to help at all....
Just very trying ..........! lol
So only with my fella's sense of humour could he look at me smirking and say........
"You should use your time more wisely and should slot in those jobs in that spare hour you have when you get up at 5 and everyone in the house is asleep, that way its all done before we get up!"
Its a good job i know what his sense of humours like by now, or he would have been having a very lonely christmas .....
Why is it when you are tired men seem to find it amusing to bring up womens rights and stuff like that........
I never burnt my bra........ as i dont wear them !
dont want voting rights .............as non of the above are any good anyway ,
dont mind working hard .............but how is it i still have to run the household as its the womens role ?...... lol
I didnt say that...... or ask for those rights.... and believe men can be wonderfully multi tallented around the home, in fact better at most things .....
Its just a shame im not that lucky.......................lol
Tuesday, November 27
Whiter shade of Pale

Today i got to play out a lady role and i thoroughly enjoyed it....lol
It was photo day again and although i was freezing its not any warmer at home so i thought id have a good go...
I saved the dress i love until last of course and one by one went through all the new range til there was one item left.... that black strapless number with Joanne written all over the bag ! lol
Anyway the good news was i got it all done bar 5 dresses (which i have to do tomorrow along with leather gloves and jewelry) please let it be a little warmer...
But the sad news is i didn't get to do my favourite black dress :(
I have done the other colours, but as i saved that til last it serves me right as it got too dark to get it done and i had to dash home to be on time for the kids to arrive home from school so its still hanging there all neglected.............
Every ones surprised by the style Ive fell for, its not something you would normally see me in, but its one of those love at first sight things, it just happened, so i thought id show you all the dress that's causing me to work totally unsociable hours...
The colours different (mines black) but the styles the same.... it will hang alongside my jeans happily so if my fella decides to get off Google and take me out somewhere nice, i now have a dress i really want to wear........
And by the way if i look pale its because i was ..... i was white with bloody cold...... so i hope you agree and back me up on this please ...... Ive truly earned it........lol

Its photo day again, and boy am i going to freeze......lol
Its been a really busy week again, ive ended up most nights having to print off invoices in between everything else, but the emails seem to be coming in thick and fast, so im taking the orders happy its coming right and determined to get everything photoed and up to date today..
My dress is in, its just as beautiful as i hoped and if i get everything done today, its mine, ill probably never get the chance to wear it, but if i dont keep it i know ill kick myself later, so my fella got one extra just for me...
Ive got a few surprises coming for the customers too, theres some jackets and jeans in that i got sooo right so and im passing the savings on to the buyers on this one and using them to get people in, as when they see the prices of these it should certainly do that.. i sold the same jacket last year at 64.99 and it was a flyer then, but that i am now able to offer the same jacket at a third of the price it should raise a few smiles and help a few guys with their partners must have gifts this Christmas...everyone is struggling at the moment financially, and Christmas is always expensive so its my bit to trying to help out, after earlier in the year i completely understand how it feels not to have food in the house and wonder how the hell you are gonna get through, all i can say there is dont give up..........just keep trying........
Things are definitely looking better this end, although i could do with some heating this morning (the boilers packed up and my house feels colder than outside) so its snuggling up round my cuppa today and hopefully ending up much warmer than i am this morning, god it really is going to be a test today.......wheres that brandy .. its time to make that flask.....
Monday, November 26

I had a real giggle today, i ordered myself some x/small half chaps to wear riding as the ones i bought were too big, so i was really happy as i thought id finally found a pair that would fit me, trouble is i didnt quite read the full description ..
I received them today... which was great...
but they werent quite what i thought they were...although im not terribly dissapointed there ..lol
These are full suede ones, just like Christina's in that dirrty video, so its gave me a pretty good idea for what i can do tonight! lol
I couldnt resist just trying them on so there i was strutting around the unit in them with my sister in fits of laughter at my impression of being dirrty, and in walks the neighbour........oops
Thankfully she is female and took in the post for me as the postman came early to the unit, talk about the colour red, my face must have been crimson...lol
I must admit though they feel really sexy to wear, I couldnt help but get that record straight into my head and off i want to go again, back on that pole...........
Its amazing what music can do to raise your spirit..
And sexy chaps can do to lower the tone of a woman...........
Wanna get dirrty...........its about time ..........lol
Sunday, November 25
Fantasy Women

lol.... I think im in the doghouse today and up for being replaced very soon...oops..lol
Ive been talking to my partner about women and what makes the perfect woman we all would include in those fantasies.. i have a few good ideas there and have a few , i would definately love to include in mine (Angelina firstly)... yes i am totally perverted.. but at least im very creative with it..lol
Anyway my fellas most highest ranked no 1 is Eva Mendes .........
I bet shes on a few million mens and womens top 5 lists.....
Shes dark, strikingly beautiful and one of the most sexiest women ive seen on screen so i have to agree with him wholeheartedly on this one......so for those who havent watched 'Hitch' , its worth watching it just to see her.....
Friday, November 23
Fridays Child
Well i took the kids to work with me, seems the teachers decided to have a training day.. talk about hard work...
Ive had my fella phoning every few mins asking me this and that, but i couldnt hear a word he was saying, trying to make decisions over a phone when i cant see what hes trying to describe me, customers ringing , all day with Brandon really pushing his luck so ive ended up with one almighty headache..lol
It ended up with me printing out stuff for them to colour while i got the orders out (which was great for an hour) and forgetting an order i promised to alter for a lady who needs it tomorrow.. oh S**t.. so back to the unit i went, kids intow, and ive just had to sew a dress and get it to the post office again (when ive already been today) lol.. my lifes definately not slow to say the least..
But my fellas coming home earlier than expected tonight, so ive now been asked to go back to the unit and unload it all at 9 tonight ... sigh.........
so much for that bath ! I dropped my drink in there with me last night...lol
I cant complain as he must be shattered, but the kids are in full swing this end and i cant get a sitter so far... so im ringing up Fay and offering her a chinese and double pay to come and help me out here tonight....
Ive stayed ahead all week, everythings done posted up to date, my house is spotless and so is the unit as and ive even been through there this afternoon hovering and polishing everyones desks, it looks great, so the thought of getting out of this house for a few hours even if it is for work sounds good to me tonight ...peace and quiet ...........lol
At least ill sleep well .......
Thursday, November 22
Feeling the Light

What a day........Its been a flyer ......
It started off with my fella leaving at 7 this morning and getting up at 5 to pack lunch get everything organised for him to go, prepare lists and sizes and get in front for the march of the kids that was just round the corner...lol
Sandra was with me this morning, so it was lovely to spend some time with her having our girly giggles, she is definitely one of the most loveliest people Ive ever met, always happy always smiling...she seems to carry this ray of light with her, can read my thoughts and knows when i need to talk so talk we tried to do.......lol
The only thing was the phone hasn't stopped today order after order, i thought last week was good but today ive broke records and am extremely happy tonight, im still managing to keep up though, so the faster they come in the quicker im determined to get...Sandra was amazed at how quick my typing's got too !! it has to be......
But its like someones finally turned those lights on...
I couldn't wait for my partner to phone and ask me about the day, it just went quiet and i think he thought i was joking when i told him as he laughed then went quiet...
Tomorrow im really excited, not because ive got to pack this lot up, but my fella has bought me a surprise home..... so i may just have to wait up for this one .. its a dress !!
Not any dress though, its the dress i fell in love with at first sight... take my word for it these are so very beautiful.. they are not complicated, which is probably why i loved it so much, but a dress i really am really wanting to wear, so that's a definite first... you'll see it on Monday in my website (front page) , but the size 8 will be missing as its got reserved already on that one, and im working my butt off this end to earn it now....lol
Ive also just been told that the triplets school is closed tomorrow so im going to work with 3 little ones in tow... so ive got some sewing for Lauren to do, the boys are beading mums belt and cleaning the modelling jewelery... lol .. they cant wait ! hehe
Im now going to grab a cheese sandwich and a cuppa, run myself a bath full of bubbles, take that phone off the hook for an hour and relax, my fellas pinched my Enigma cds in his car so ill have to sing to myself tonight, pat myself on the back and say well done..........
Its been a good day today....... with Sandra for company .. happy customers all day and getting it all done...
Now theres something i definately don't get to say everyday..........
Worked hard
Wednesday, November 21
Low Slung

The weeks dragging on or so it seems, theres been little fun or conversation at home as my fellas engrossed in something and doesn't seem to notice im there...lol
The kids are coming home and trying to wreck everything im trying to keep organised, but im not backing down, so its meant, come home eat, get washing done, clean up and bed... its what people call boring........
Today its my sisters birthday so im hoping the office will be a giggle, Estelle's been sending me texts from America, and making me smile though, it must be costing them a fortune, but shes got me a hat !! we go on about my loving cowgirl hats and their first day there apparently off they went to find one, so it really made my day, the hats sexy as hell, and will be coming with me on my next holiday for definite...
We've been talking about Christmas here and the over commercialisation of it all, its the run up that we all enjoy, every ones usually so happy, until it gets to the day itself and it bores the hell out of you, everyone eats too much lays there like a balloon and ends up asleep all afternoon...lol
My step dad would do it regularly and as a child the only part i used to enjoy was the Christmas eve cooking with my nanny, with grandad slipping me the odd port or sherry (telling me not to tell my mum) so im going to take the kids a step backwards this year ( not give the kids sherry) but pack a picnic and take them out Christmas eve, they are like me in regards they love being anywhere near water or nature, so im going to come up with something a bit different and hopefully give them some memories that are better than the ones i grew up with...
Next year ive promised were are going somewhere in a log cabin where its snowing and light the biggest fire we can build.....
I must have been bored last night i went shopping online and bought myself some new jeans, (thats !!!! pairs now) its crazy but when i saw them i was trying to choose a pair, and as i was a tad annoyed at my fella, i bought both pairs..lol its the first time ive done that or used retail therapy to cheer myself up, but it was good, these are 4.5 inch rise so im interested to see really just how low i can wear them, to date 5 inches is the lowest ive got, but anyone with a bum will fall short as you end up with a builders bum, so although im always moaning i haven't got curves or much of a bum, but when it comes to jeans it makes me feel better, as i can wear ones other jeans cannot reach...........lol
Monday, November 19
Helping hands

Lol...its been quite a start to the week for me...
Its been really busy at work so I'm very pleased although the idea of any help is out of the question after today...
(my fella offered to come and help out !) bless
The day started with getting in his car and it wouldn't start (flat battery) so i got my car out and jump started him... then we started off driving up the road and we got a puncture.... he really wasn't supposed to be working with me today..... ive gathered that now.............
we came home got my car out and set off, i am normally there at 8 today i finally arrive at 10... the phone is going mad with people trying to order and im still trying to print out the weekends orders and take them off my beloved stock sheet...... so i took the orders and prayed i had everything in stock... i was lucky and my stock sheet did me proud... this was the way i always like to work so i know exactly what i have in store... organised yes ! lol
The 5th call of the morning was that bloody pervert guy (sniffer) he called last week too (this guy doesn't give up) so i told him i was uip to my neck in orders and asked him to look through the website and that way he can see what they look like (without me having to describe what i look like in them) by this time im getting annoyed as i have a lot to do and am trying to get the first post out by 12.... half an hour later he calls again ...
So i passed his call across to my co worker again (yes Steve) and told him to deal with him......lolol
That's not the best bit.........this guys not fussy he wanted my fella to describe the items to him and didn't mind as long as someone would talk to him..............my fellas face was a picture !! by this time im under the desk in hysterics.. getting frowned at!! and he slams down the phone on him.. apparently he could hear movement like how do i put this cleanly... the guy was enjoying himself wildly over the phone..(he does make quite a bit of noise we've listened and taped him on my mobile) lol so it wasn't the best start to me getting a helping hand today.......
Anyway i got through the day finished all the orders 280 have you got this in my size, emails, telephone sales and was feeling pretty happy with myself that i got through Monday (its always manic because of the weekend) i was trying to just send a chap some photos of as gown he wants for his wife's present , and then could finally go home, so i asked my fella if hre could kindly put the parcels in the car ready ,but as i turned hes slamming down my laptop lid and pulling out my stock sheet wires .....................oh no....... and just caused me to have to work half the night going through all today's orders and taking everything out again................ i could cry......
were not talking about a few orders today, there was a lot... he didn't save the stock sheet changes so the day of stocktaking nearly went up the wall ...lol
I'm so glad I'm not completely blonde and did print out 2 copies of everything (for my accounts) but thankfully tonight at least i can put right the help i had today..............hehe
We were driving home and he just sat there smirking, i think he knows what hes done, ive worked all weekend to get ahead and wanted a bath and a hot meal tonight, instead its a sandwich and a laptop ....
He did manage to get me some car insurance, and that's what hes been doing all day while i ran 2 shops packed and pulled my hair out with telephone calls to people all day.........bless
When my boy asked what dads been doing today, he sat there thinking first then came out with .....
helping mum............ roflol
Sunday, November 18
Sunday or Funday ?

Sundays arrived.. the house is still asleep except for me im up and listening to the radio trying to find inspiration for the day..
I have to catch up with orders today as im not so organised as Estelle is, so im going to do an hour here and there and keep up as i go....... hopefully..lol it would be nice is my fella would get up though, but ive taken up 2 cups of tea and hes not stirring so ill leave be and enjoy the music down here ...
It wasn't much of a night last night, i watched tv for an hour got really bored and went and sat in the bath for an hour, i keep coming up with these weird and wonderful things to do but my fella wasn't listening so when all else fails call in those bubbles ........ so my nails are now beautifully painted for the first time in months and ive given myself a hair cut ! lol
I spoke to my hairdresser this week and shes not happy about the spiral thing so tried to sell me some rollers !!! shreeek i dont think so... im nearing 40 not 70, so I'm stuck with french plaiting or my scrunched messy look....... ive promised Lauren ill go buy loads of beads this week and have some fun beading her hair up.. so perhaps ill let the kids lose with mine...lol
Ive already got the washing in, done this weeks ironing and all the mundane stuff so hopefully today will be a good one... my fellas off to Paris for me this week to collect some more things ive sold out of and as i am the only person in the office now i cant go.... So its a Chinese, bottle of vodka and rock music as loud as i like night that night..... i was thinking of taking down my pole as ive not felt like getting on it for weeks... but its a bit like my kickboxing i gave that up as my fella was worried i was going to get badly hurt and couldn't model anymore... but isnt that part of life's mystery? i could also die tomorrow of boredom too if i take out anything in life that's dangerous or bad for you.. it leaves nothing...lol
So the poles staying up and im gonna just have to put on some feel good music and get back on it......... if you keep your mind alive the rest of you follows suit......... and its the suit i want to wear....lol
If you have nothing to do and are bored stupid, go get yourself a bottle of wine and a picnic, and get yourself down to your nearest beach... you can wrap up, but at least you will be able to watch that wonderous sea with the wind behind her and see how good doing nothing really can be...... you will come home feeling really good and happy to be back home in the warm....... hence no more boredom feeling for the day...............
Or you can always stay in and cook something special...... theres a very good recipe book i can recommend..lol
It isnt what you cook its how you cook it that makes it fun...............
Its a blondes way of thinking...........but it works......
Happy sunday.....................lol
Saturday, November 17
Dizzy Blonde
Its day one of running the business on my own so i know ill have to make the most of my time out as theres going to a be a lot to do my end, but im not going to let it get to me...
My fellas bought himself a bike today (hehe) so ive got to drop him off in a moment so he can bike it back, i really want to grab the camera and ride behind him (just for the hell of it) but as its cruel i wont do to him what he did to me with riding.......lol
Not much happening this weekend sadly, but im not worried, im still not feeling so lively and just cant seem to get enough sleep this week, so its early nights and jos music this weekend, sometimes its the little things that give the most enjoyment, and ive been neglecting my music blog (which im finding i need more than ever now) so im downloading some music putting my headset on and enjoying those tracks....
Its been such a great morning, riding again, its definitely the best time of my week, im jumping now every lesson and today i got up to waist height (im so pleased) every time i cleared the jump the next one got higher, they do look so much more bigger though sitting on the horse.. lol
I know you cant see my face properly but take my word for it.. im smiling my head off... but ill post the proper ones nexy week, including the devils horns one !
I cant post my proper riding photos til next week as the guys still doing them, but ive got the sample thumbnails (hense the photos so bad, i had to scan a thumbnail) lol, but they will be worth the wait, my little girl looks amazing, im so proud.. she does get one thing from me.. her zest for feeling that wind blow through her hair... .... and is gaining confidence by the day now...
we come home singing our heads off .. much to the guys in the white cars enjoyment.. lol we got a round of applause today at the traffic lights.... so i sheepishly turned my head and put my foot down.. talk about embarrassed.. i must remember to shut up when i get to traffic lights ..
Typical dizzy blonde.........lol
Ive now got free riding lessons for 6 months twice a week.......... lol
I swapped a whole new wardrobe for Sarah and Nikita at the stables for guaranteed Jos time out for 6 whole months.... so nothing will stop me now.. I simply HAVE to go.... or id be wasting money...hehe
Roll on next week.......
My fellas bought himself a bike today (hehe) so ive got to drop him off in a moment so he can bike it back, i really want to grab the camera and ride behind him (just for the hell of it) but as its cruel i wont do to him what he did to me with riding.......lol
Not much happening this weekend sadly, but im not worried, im still not feeling so lively and just cant seem to get enough sleep this week, so its early nights and jos music this weekend, sometimes its the little things that give the most enjoyment, and ive been neglecting my music blog (which im finding i need more than ever now) so im downloading some music putting my headset on and enjoying those tracks....

I know you cant see my face properly but take my word for it.. im smiling my head off... but ill post the proper ones nexy week, including the devils horns one !
I cant post my proper riding photos til next week as the guys still doing them, but ive got the sample thumbnails (hense the photos so bad, i had to scan a thumbnail) lol, but they will be worth the wait, my little girl looks amazing, im so proud.. she does get one thing from me.. her zest for feeling that wind blow through her hair... .... and is gaining confidence by the day now...
we come home singing our heads off .. much to the guys in the white cars enjoyment.. lol we got a round of applause today at the traffic lights.... so i sheepishly turned my head and put my foot down.. talk about embarrassed.. i must remember to shut up when i get to traffic lights ..
Typical dizzy blonde.........lol
Ive now got free riding lessons for 6 months twice a week.......... lol
I swapped a whole new wardrobe for Sarah and Nikita at the stables for guaranteed Jos time out for 6 whole months.... so nothing will stop me now.. I simply HAVE to go.... or id be wasting money...hehe
Roll on next week.......
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