Its that best day of the week again, so i was up with the birds and enjoying my cuppa this morning..
I took a night off last night and feel so much better for it this morning, i actually sat and watched Pretty Woman, ive seen it so many times but never get tired of watching Richard Gere..lol
Riding was such a giggle. we had to play games with the horses and mine didnt want to participate..lol the worst part of riding is the getting cold, its early mornings and evenings when i ride and the last 2 weeks ive really struggled as i didnt have a jacket only a little cord thing thats so tight i cant even get a jumper under it.. so today my fella surprised me and gave me a stunning proper riding jacket, its fleece lined and feels so warm on, he wasnt going to give it to me ungtil xmas but Lauren was crying this morning as it was really cold and she didnt want my cold to get any worse, i am full of caugh and cold and he had let her in on the secret that it was a surprise gift for me.. bless.. so she let the cat out of the bag early..lol trust kids to not keep secrets..hehe
Having said that id rather have it now and be warm today, than have to freeze for another 3 lessons until xmas, im so pleased....I dont want gifts for xmas anyway, all i want is a gift of time, time to be with people i love and not having to work such stupid hours, ive done what ive needed to do to ensure my business stays up, now i would love time to relax and get back the intimacy i miss with my fella........ that all this works taken away....... so my gift to him this year is exactly that.......ourtime ..
Today i have a mountain to move i have a list as long as my leg a mountain of washing and ironing to do and somehow im going to get that tree up, we leave early hours in the morning for Paris and wont be back til probably tuesday, so ive got to get a tree up today for my kids somehow.......
Ive got a week to get organised for xmas, i havent done anything except worked so i have no gifts for anyone no decorations and no food in...oops
its a good job were doing something diferent this year or id be panicking by now..lol
Ive got a house full of guests for xmas lunch then everyones going home (so they can go to their own houses and fall asleep lol) and taking my lot out.. i cant sit watching tv and stuffing my face all day watching repeats..lol im gonna start the way i mean to go on and enjoy the time having a giggle.......
How was Paris (you lucky cow)? Mind you, I'm sure you weren't sipping Champagne, on the Champs Elysees.
I look forward to hearing how you got on.
I feel like a zombie this morning, me and my fellas eyes have swelled up ! lol
Paris was brilliant, we were out of the hotel at 6am yesterday but ive never felt so cold, but it was a giggle ducking into every cafe bar to drink expresso to warm up.. thats stuffs excellent to keep you awake,my eyes were as wide as plates..lol hense the swelled up look this morning, ive had 4 hours sleep since saturday and will sleep for england tonight...
I look like a bag lady this week..(dont tell anyone) hehe
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