I may just get one tonight too..lol
The hosters 1and1 are who hosts most of our Uks sites have lost the connection about 4pm to all of their websites including mine ( i bet royal mail customers are swearing)... but they are working on it to get everyone back up and running but it made me smile as i am shattered and look like ive been dragged through a hedge backwards, partly as im slotting in photos every time i get a spare half hour and im processing and wrapping orders til im blue in the face.. So appologies for the sausage like wrapping service this week, but now you know why...
I have one sock on and one thats worked its way to the end of my boot.. so im not so comfortable just now, but the matter may have just been taken out of my hands to me having to work tonight...lol
Ive decided that the weekend im keeping free as i have a little something planned and as ive been such a good girl this week im treating myself and my fella (if he starts to help me out here, as hes not at the minute) to a night out with lobster on the menu, somewhere nice........ god im starving !(i wish i hadnt just mentioned food)lol
The good news is ive lost 6lbs in a week ... am another week closer to stelli coming home and getting really excited about my work again, id forgotten just how nice some people can be and it makes it all feel worthwhile........
We must both be very tired this end as we never argue..........usually...lol
But i was trying to explain (nicely) that i really needed and could use a little extra support at home after work as im coming home to what feels like mountains of stuff to do and asked my fella if he would please just pop one load of washing in for me, as the kids needed uniform changes and i was editing photos and loading the website to him answer "sorry i cant do that i dont know how to use the machine" fair enough........although i would have turned it on, just loading it would have been a help...
To.. if i do that then could you please me out later then to put away the 4 feet high pile of kids ironing on our bedroom floor into the kids rooms, before we fall into bed... to "sorry i dont know where they go" ...
So after i did it all, finished the jobs and editing and realised it was 1am again. i turned round and hes sitting there making banners up for the new year !!! that did it........oops
I Never rear up or shout............usually........
But i saw red ......said he needed a bloody servert and dogs body not a girlfriend ...
That it isnt how good you can do something as i would appreciate ANY help at the moment, as its the trying that counts in my books............and hes not trying to help at all....
Just very trying ..........! lol
So only with my fella's sense of humour could he look at me smirking and say........
"You should use your time more wisely and should slot in those jobs in that spare hour you have when you get up at 5 and everyone in the house is asleep, that way its all done before we get up!"
Its a good job i know what his sense of humours like by now, or he would have been having a very lonely christmas .....
Why is it when you are tired men seem to find it amusing to bring up womens rights and stuff like that........
I never burnt my bra........ as i dont wear them !
dont want voting rights .............as non of the above are any good anyway ,
dont mind working hard .............but how is it i still have to run the household as its the womens role ?...... lol
I didnt say that...... or ask for those rights.... and believe men can be wonderfully multi tallented around the home, in fact better at most things .....
Its just a shame im not that lucky.......................lol
My saviour's name is Donna. She is lovely. Once a week, she does her stuff to make sure that the flat is clean, relatively tidy and the dishes are done.
Yes, it only takes her 3 hours a week to blitz the flat. But those are 3 hours I can spend doing something else...like procrastinating and bothering my teenage son.
I must be over tired tonight and unusually grouchy, steves just cooked a lovely dinner, so its helped tonight, but im totally brain dead and just need to sleep.
so its time for bed....
I'll feel better tomorrow and be smiling again ...
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