Lol...its been quite a start to the week for me...
Its been really busy at work so I'm very pleased although the idea of any help is out of the question after today...
(my fella offered to come and help out !) bless
The day started with getting in his car and it wouldn't start (flat battery) so i got my car out and jump started him... then we started off driving up the road and we got a puncture.... he really wasn't supposed to be working with me today..... ive gathered that now.............
we came home got my car out and set off, i am normally there at 8 today i finally arrive at 10... the phone is going mad with people trying to order and im still trying to print out the weekends orders and take them off my beloved stock sheet...... so i took the orders and prayed i had everything in stock... i was lucky and my stock sheet did me proud... this was the way i always like to work so i know exactly what i have in store... organised yes ! lol
The 5th call of the morning was that bloody pervert guy (sniffer) he called last week too (this guy doesn't give up) so i told him i was uip to my neck in orders and asked him to look through the website and that way he can see what they look like (without me having to describe what i look like in them) by this time im getting annoyed as i have a lot to do and am trying to get the first post out by 12.... half an hour later he calls again ...
So i passed his call across to my co worker again (yes Steve) and told him to deal with him......lolol
That's not the best bit.........this guys not fussy he wanted my fella to describe the items to him and didn't mind as long as someone would talk to him..............my fellas face was a picture !! by this time im under the desk in hysterics.. getting frowned at!! and he slams down the phone on him.. apparently he could hear movement like how do i put this cleanly... the guy was enjoying himself wildly over the phone..(he does make quite a bit of noise we've listened and taped him on my mobile) lol so it wasn't the best start to me getting a helping hand today.......
Anyway i got through the day finished all the orders 280 have you got this in my size, emails, telephone sales and was feeling pretty happy with myself that i got through Monday (its always manic because of the weekend) i was trying to just send a chap some photos of as gown he wants for his wife's present , and then could finally go home, so i asked my fella if hre could kindly put the parcels in the car ready ,but as i turned hes slamming down my laptop lid and pulling out my stock sheet wires .....................oh no....... and just caused me to have to work half the night going through all today's orders and taking everything out again................ i could cry......
were not talking about a few orders today, there was a lot... he didn't save the stock sheet changes so the day of stocktaking nearly went up the wall ...lol
I'm so glad I'm not completely blonde and did print out 2 copies of everything (for my accounts) but thankfully tonight at least i can put right the help i had today..............hehe
We were driving home and he just sat there smirking, i think he knows what hes done, ive worked all weekend to get ahead and wanted a bath and a hot meal tonight, instead its a sandwich and a laptop ....
He did manage to get me some car insurance, and that's what hes been doing all day while i ran 2 shops packed and pulled my hair out with telephone calls to people all day.........bless
When my boy asked what dads been doing today, he sat there thinking first then came out with .....
helping mum............ roflol
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