Im knackered.. ive been sitting here all night editing photos again, what happened to the week, its gone and im back to work avoiding the sales ...lol
The good news of the day is my neice Jade has proudly given birth to a much awaited little 'Lacy' a healthy baby girl 7lbs 5 oz ..... im so proud, my sister loves kids and i am sure will make the greatest grandma....... god am i gonna take the mickey now..lol (she doesnt read my blog hehe) no seriously i am so happy, everyones well and cant wait to give her a hug..
Todays gone in a blur, i went to work to start the mountain of photos, everything got left from Paris when we got back as it was too close to xmas to get it done, so today was a good start...... the wind was enjoying herself making it impossible to keep my hair from not looking like id been electricuted, but it was all lovely warm gear so i was spoilt and not cold ....lol
Im really looking forward to the new year, today i started trying to eat healthily again and have promised my nan ill start looking after myself a bit better, its so easy when youve got your head down to just keep going and not bother, so im trying to find a happy medium..
Tomorrow theres no riding as Sarah and the girls are having a week off (well deserved one too) so i wont be bouncing out of bed as usual, ive only missed one lesson and im already itching to get back there, theres not been much this end ive looked forward too and riding seems to fill a void, along with my music and keeps me semi sane.......lol
Anyway i promised myself a bath tonight so as ive finished editing what photos ive done today, im going to soak away the day, smile for Jade & lacy and fall into bed ....
Tomorrows another day ..........
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