Well the rush is thankfully over ,today is the first time ive actually got up without having to run around ragged ... what is it about the festive season that makes it all such hard work..
Xmas eve was preparing food and cooking all those little treats the kids demolish in ten mins flat, it ended up with me and my fella falling into bed at 1am totally shattered and 3 days of headaches for me...lol
This was the first year we didnt go to the woods to make my displays, so i was really sad one of the best parts got missed out, i was riddled with headaches and just wasnt up to it....
The day went well yesterday my grandparents came to spend it with us, its the part of xmas i always look forward to, giving my nanny a day off and pampering her silly, they loved the dinner (which i got through pill popping) and after 3 hours washing up i walked through to find partner, nanny and grandad all sound asleep........lol
The kids were thrilled with their gifts and were exceptionally good to me, my son sat there holding a bag of frozen peas on my head..lol but the day was for them and somehow we got through.......
Its been 2 months of relentless working this end, i was so looking forward to having some time off but by the time it got here i was totally done in, its hard with small kids, they have the energy of ten teenages...lol
My fella made me cry ,as we both said no gifts to each other this year, we're going away on holiday together and put the money we would have spent on each other off that, so what does he do ? yep goes and gets me a gift, only a stocking filler he said..
I opened up a little box that he had hidden up to find the most thoughtful gift , a little silver locket, its a hundred years old and is arts and crafts style, but it was when i turned it over it got me, the inscription read
"Where there is a heart full of mercy and discernment,
There is neither excess nor hardness of heart"
I knew what he was trying to say and it made me cry....
As much as we try to push things to the back of our minds sometimes they wont stay quiet, i always get lost deep in thought at times like these as i think of friends, loved ones who cant be with us, i hope their day brought good things ....
Today its cold meat pickles and bubble and squeak, mum gets a day off from cooking to have a bath , perhaps get that make up out thats be unused for weeks and the kids will enjoy making music together ......my son was teaching me his keyboard yesterday and by the end of the day i was playing jingle bells with both hands with a head banging away in bars to match like brandons drum kit.....lol
There may also be a christmas baby coming today, Jade was sitting all day with her legs crossed yesterday..lol but ive got a good feeling about today and think Lacey may just make her entrance...............
Where has the year gone ?
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