The days flown by today, i struggled to get out of bed this morning, but it was riding so i couldn't miss it...
It was a really eventful lesson, we did our normal class and were then getting into the car when Sarah asked if i wanted to have another go in the next lesson as there was only one girl and shes on the showjumping class, so back i went, Sorrel got double the amount of Polo's today too..lol
But that wasn't the best bit, we started off doing the normal jumps until they started doubling them up..
You have to stay in jumping position all the way through as the horse knows theres only one stride til he jumps again, so i was doing really well, until that 2nd jump !! lol
I did the first jump fine but when he went to take the next i brought my heels back a bit (thats a no no) (keep those legs forward and heels down ) so as he landed on the second jump out of the stirrups my feet came and off the seat i slid.. it happens so quick and at this stage im in canter as the jumps are quite high he cannot take them in trot, so canterings a must, i got to the corner and knew i was coming off and then it kicked in my version of a carry on film....... everyone up the stables was up on their feet shouting for the horse to stop, but he didn't...
Have you ever seen a mad woman ride in canter bareback around a horses neck ? hehe
I did...
My bum was off the saddle id moved forward in front of the saddle onto the horses neck, so i did what came naturally ......... clung on for dear life...lol
The strange thing is i knew then i wouldn't fall, so 3 times round the ring i went legs dangling round poor Sorrels head like a moustache as hes cantering round, with the girls now in hysterics, and Nikita wanting to get a camera................(that's so mean) but it was great fun..........
Sarah said shes never seen anything so funny in her life, im not coming off that horse in a hurry and proved that today... they said anyone else would have fell and cant work out how the hell i hung on, i must have really good balance... lol .. more like really good grip !
Believe me i was cuddling that horses head to well like he was Brad Pitt.... and it worked...
So today Ive learned bareback neck riding too.. i can stay on that horse if i hold on tight enough, and given the girls there something to giggle about for the rest of the week...
The funny thing was i wasnt at all scared, i probably should have been, but i couldnt help laugh when i could see the girls all cracking up trying to stop the horse, while im hanging there like a clingon with my polos in tow....lol
Roll on next Saturday......... this is now starting to get really exciting.......
whatevers next ...........lol
I was gritting my teeth as I read about your adventures on horseback. I'm so glad you didn't come a cropper.
Your thighs must be like steel! I'm dead impressed. I'm going to have to work out now.
Hope your week goes well and you don't work too hard.
Lots of love honey.
Thanks Roses
Im up early and rearing to go today, its photos in the wind today..lol
Lots of orders so i have to be in at 7 one more week of bedlam then Estelle is back.. thankfully.
I really do ache badly today..that will teach me to not do as im told..lol
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