Its been a great day..........
I spent 3 hours sitting in a chair with my hair being pampered, im really pleased i went now, but she did cut my fringe in half.. i actually gasped when she chopped it, ive had 3 inches off all round and its now feeling great, Its even the same colour all over...lol
I bumped into the man i didnt want to but managed to only glare at him, i nearly said something but decided i wouldnt let him think he was that important so just carried on chatting and ignored he was there..lol it wasnt that bad and i wasnt as angry as i thought i would feel......
I just want to move on now and put the past behind me and carry on with my journey, so its no good holding grudges i never have been like that so i wont start now... its the future im interested in...
It was great to see Gail, id forgotten how much fun it is down theirs, she doesnt normally work tuesdays so my fella must have said something hes not telling me , as she went into work especially today and went out of her way to make me really enjoy my morning, and has invited me to go and ride with her soon and ive promised to pay her a visit every month now and not cut my own hair anymore..........lol
Its been a good one today........
A hair cut is just what the doctor ordered, you sound really chuffed with it too. Great stuff, you deserve the pampering.
Guess what? I have a package waiting for me in the Royal Mail depot. I just have to get into a car and get over there. Fortunately my Viking is over on Thursday, so we can pick it up then or Saturday. I can't wait to find out what you sent me, drat this work malarky.
I feel so much better for getting it done,its a shame i just came home and have to work, i would have loved to gone out somehwhere, but that will come when i get done i guess..
I hope you like your parcel, when i first saw it it reminded me of you so i had to send one, but if you dont like it please let me know as ill change it for something else, its nice to get things through mr postman, were doing all the work for others to have their festive celebrations so we should have our little treats for working hard, mine was a hair cut today, yours is ..?
I cant tell you that or it would spoil your surprise...lol
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