Its been a great morning i won the coin toss so was allowed to go into work today, leaving my fella to look after the kids....poor bloke we were both trying to go in..lol
The dreaded migranes finally gone after 4 days of no food and constantly wanting to go to sleep..
Its like someones lifted a pillow off my head and i feel soooo much better, shame ive missed xmas lol, so ive been into work done all the posting and have come home with a huge appetite and a huge smile...
I cant sit indoors long, about 2 days is my maximum limit then i want to go out and do something, or ill start pulling my hair out slowly.....
I've been singing along with the top 500 tracks this morning on the radio while i work, theres been some brilliant stuff playing..
How do people sit at home day after day watching soaps? id either be the size of a bus or hung myself ... if my life ended up like that it would probably be the latter , so id rather be busy and tired, looking forward to a day off rather than having nothing to get up for, xmas is always good to make you take stock and prioritise things and this year ive got my list ready....
As for new years resolutions ! im not making any ! (except im not making any more resolutions lol)
Im looking forward to whats coming this year and enjoying a few vodkas on the way...
Ive got a couple of new things on my ...want to try list, so no doubt ill let you lot know whats joining my horseriding this year....im getting worse and joining just about everything now..
Ive even had an invite to my aunts mansion to ride her horses with her! tally ho ! as my step dad showed her my riding photos and at the moment she pays people to go and excercise the horses 3 times a week( i only got the invite as shes as tight as a ducks a*** and looks on it as saving money) wise woman lol.... but as i love being near horses so much i will go and enjoy myself and thank her for inviting me of course.....i just got her house up on google and found a stunning hack id love to explore.. ...
Sometimes it really does pay off being blonde..... especially if its from a bottle..
You can allow people to treat you like dirt and put it down to yourself just being silly....hehe
If you get bored of tv repeats put the radio on.. they are playing some great music ...
Have a great day everyone and dont eat all those pies !! lol
Sounds like you're having a very busy time of it. So sorry to hear about your migrane, what timing! But as long as you're better now...
Lots of love honey.
Im feeling so much better today thankfully, weve slotted so much in recently i had the feeling it would get me, my vodkas untouched so is the brandy so im saving it for next time i get a headache starting then ill deserve one with style..lol
I hope you had a good couple of days off with boy and a bottle of naughtiness xxx
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