Monday, August 27
Sunny days

Sunday, August 26
Stars in my eyes

Wednesday, August 22
Friendship and love

Monday, August 20
Hurricane Dean

Gt Yarmouth siege 15 arrested
The attack in Great Yarmouth happened after police arrested three people in a van carrying sound equipment.
Police said 200 officers then broke up an "unlicensed music event" at a warehouse on Harfrey industrial estate outside the resort just before midday.
Forty-four cars were seized at the event, a police spokesman said. 'Serious risk' The attack on the police station was declared a major incident by Norfolk Police and Ch Supt Bob Scully said: "We acted swiftly to control the situation and restore order.
"What occurred was entirely unacceptable and inexcusable.
"This was large scale anti-social behaviour and officers dealing with the incident were put at serious risk.
"It is behaviour that won't be tolerated."
Two police vehicles were damaged and officers narrowly avoid serious injuries, police said.
Although it has been reported that one officer has a broken arm and another has facial damage after a full can was thrown at his face.
More than 100 officers from Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire police forces took part in the operation, which finally ended at 10 30 BST.
People have been warned to stay away from the Harfrey industrial estate, which is being treated as a crime scene.
(content from the bbc all rights to them)
Sunday, August 19
Ebay and Taxes

‘With internet sales set to mushroom in the next few years, the department faces a challenge to ensure it stays ahead of the game.
The Taxman is planning to clamp down on traders who make a living through auction websites such as eBay but fail to pay tax on their earnings.
HM Revenue and Customs is targeting consumers with a large number of ‘feedbacks’ to see how much money they make from the site.
A spokesman for HMRC said: ‘If you are trading or making money and profit, whether it be from a workshop or through this online auction house, then you should consider registering for tax and VAT.’
Yarmouth Police under siege
Police monitor a rave after their building is attacked
A police station in Norfolk came under siege in the early hours of the morning when a group of about 100 people hurled beer and wine bottles at the building.
The attack in Great Yarmouth, happened after police arrested three people in a van carrying sound equipment.
Police later attended an "unlicensed music event" at an industrial estate.
Ch Supt Bob Scully said the arrested people were not involved in the police station attack, but they were linking the two incidents.
The attack was declared a major incident by Norfolk Police and Ch Supt Scully said: "We acted swiftly to control the situation and restore order."
Police are now monitoring the "rave" event at a warehouse on the Harfrey industrial estate on the outskirts of the resort
What is is with people attacking the police, they are there to help and keep this country in order what happens if one of those throwing bottles last night gets burgled or attacked, i bet they would soon want the police to help though......
(Original content report by the bbc all rights to them)
Saturday, August 18
X Factor Danniis introduction

Friday, August 17

X Factor

Its X factor time again...
Time for Jo to actually take a night off from her headset to watch her 2nd most favourite programme..lol (im a celebrity is great fun watching them eat those grubs) too
Although this could now be my new no 1, as Danni's in it...mmmmm..
Shes so sexy.......lol
I love Simon too though, what i wouldn't do to be in the middle of those two.....lol
I read with interest about Danni's visit to the lap dancing bar, and rather fancied paying that place a visit, some people have all the luck, especially that dancer...lol
Anyway i took a real shine to Ben last season, I loved his look (his long hair) and his rock style husky voice, he used to make my hair on my arms stand up...hehe (god thats pretty sad really)lol
So can you imagine how excited i am now Danni's in it..........I love Kylie's music, but think Danni's far sexier in her mannerism, she has that x factor all of her own........ (simons seemed to notice too!)lol......
Anyway we are going to get a song from last seasons winner Leona on the first episode so ill be watching with interest, she has an amazing voice, the girls so talented, but as she seems really nice and down to earth well look on her with nothing except admiration.......she has mine...lol.. you go girl........
As for Mr Cowel lol......... God I love Him ......... Hes got such alluring eyes , hes the bad boy we all cannot help but love, but want to put in his place (wouldn't I..lol) i have the perfect place for him too, somewhere nice and warm..lol
Anyway i don't like TV normally , I'm not into sit com's or soaps, (why are they are all so miserable?) but i do enjoy watching talent get discovered, its nice that someones dreams are made to come true, especially mine watching Ben and now Danni.........oh yes............lol
Thursday, August 16
Diet Coke .. The best just got better

Hes back !! we haven't seen Farin (our diet coke bloke) all week, but today had a little surprise waiting for us...him ! hes working at the yard all day today and tomorrow........ lol
God we love working here...lol
He actually came over this morning and sat with us while we had our break, so me Julie and stelli sat there all with these huge smirks, this guys is a real gem.......
Not only has he a body to drool over (stelle's words) hes really impressed us now too with his personality, he is lovely.....
I found myself staring all all sorts of things i probably shouldn't have been... but those shorts....who could blame me..lol
We've found out a bit more about him, hes single, totally charming and made us really giggle this morning...............
So its as the advert says, the best just got even better....
Estelle's now singing the Queen - don't stop me now ...(farin-height song...lol) happily as shes typing away(shes even put a request on radio Norwich) so this could be serious..lol
Ive never known Stelli smile so much and i think tomorrow could be even more fun.. lol
Hes working in our bit all day clearing the shingle and things outside our front (well i had to get someone in, and he is local.. lol) and it does need some attention.. I like to keep my girls happy, as im happy then.......... it also makes this a great place to work...
Happy working day all you ladies out there.........
It certainly is here...........lol
Wednesday, August 15
One Bitten Twice shy

Forbidden Fruits

Tuesday, August 14

Where do i start....lol
Today i have been put firmly in my place, nicely..lol
Over the last few weeks ive been a little concerned about my partner...
hes started his new job and is really enjoying it , but the guys not been honest with me ..
He told me he hasnt earnt a penny over the last month that the sales hes had, were all hijacked and that hes been working 50 hours a week because he likes it..lol ?
I couldnt understand why so have been trying to talk to him at night, totally baffled to why he would work somewhere for fresh air, hes been working long hours and weekends too, so it made no sense to me, to be honest i thought he was being such a mug (well wouldnt you) lol
So tonight he pulls up home early, beeping a horn all the way up the road, with another car.... its for me........ yipeeee
With a smile as bright as the car, im over the moon that i have a car back but thats not the best bit..
The cheeky sods been winding me up for nearly a month, saying he hasnt earnt anything to see if id still be behind him, and not moan, even if i thought he was wrong (i did a little though) hands up..lol
So tonight i have been put in my place ... good and proper...lol
hes got paid for every car hes sold, plus bonuses.... (dinners on him now, no way am i cooking)...lol
Im so pleased, i was really worried and thought a year working with me had changed his personality, that hes letting people walk over him (like i do sometimes i guess lol) but hes not..
Hes restored my faith in business, that people can be fair and honest, if you are kind, fair and work hard and the guy wants him to stay so he can now have 2 days a week off with me...
I dont quite know whats happened up there today, but its so welcome, we said we would sit and discuss his job once hes been there a month and see if we are both happy..
If you had asked me yesterday i would have said no, but ask me now and ill smile, (eating a take away) and look outside..
very few people surprise me, but today 2 people have, a guy i thought was out only for himself, and my partner for getting me on the worse wind up ive ever had... seriously
I will slap him later, but ill also thank him, as he meant well..
So much negative stuff has happened throughout the last 6 months, a little more made no difference.. but he wanted to make something good happen, when i was expecting nothing...
and he just did.........
we never stop learning do we....
Sunday, August 12
Detox drink

Lol..... look what ive found...
Estelle brought me one of these into work this week as i was a bit down and thought this may help me...lol
Ive never heard of it before, but im now a fan..
Its called yoga Bunny detox and its lovely......
its been sitting in my fridge gently cooling so when it was looking at me earlier, i thought id give it a go..lol
its a natural drink, no nasties, loaded with echinacea (good for colds, aids your bodies defences) and ginseng which is just about good for everything (including stimulating things..lol)
It also the cheapest Psychiatry session ive ever had...lol
Its official then.............im cured...........lol
Totally balanced..........

Saturday, August 11
Like a bird

Classic chill out

I spent an evening last night, in the garden (yes i am weird)lol
but it was amazing....
I lit the whole place up with hundreds of candles and stuck on my classic chill out album..
The thing that made me giggle was the street seemed really noisey earlier on, and the moment i put on that album it all went quiet, i had a neighbour ask what it was over the fence, so it sounded like most of the couples around where i live ended up in their gardens too..no kids, no pets just peace and quiet and ambient noises coming from my garden stereo..lol yes i do have one,
You could hear a pin drop ...
It took me back when i heard one track to our fantastic holidays weve had, i remembered laying on my lilo floating about in the sea, with the sun on my face not having a care in the world... no work , no pressures just relaxation and over indulgence of food, drink and rest...
and the same thing happened last night, without the lilo ..lol
It was a beautiful night, i sat there watching the garden twinkling away...in my element
I could feel the stress just easing away, by 2am i was wrapped in a blanket, singing my head off (badly) and preparing to spend the night out there..lol (that may have something to do with too many cocktails)....
But its done the trick.... i feel so much better today...
The suns on my face and theres no work today, the hardest part of today should be keeping that horse on 4 legs....
Have a brilliant weekend everyone, go out and buy some candles.....lol
Friday, August 10

It holds many powerful meanings,
Yet we all search for it....
What is a soul mate.....
and how do we know if we've met ours.......
Its our search for the other half of one's soul, complete compatibility, for which all our souls are driven to find ...
Ive been in love with a guy I would have done anything for, we shared so much together and connected in so many ways but in some ways sadly we didn't...
it was the love and lust thing, but nothing further
I didn't feel safe with him, which only a woman can understand... i believe, its a word women whisper to each other, as we all know exactly what it means ..
Safety, security comes when you can feel so close to a person you trust them completely, you trust their words if they tell you not to worry and feel security when they are beside you, as this person also brings you strength, whatever happens if you need them they are there, unconditionally...
I didn't have those feelings, i had the love and passion, but not the trust or belief in him....
Searching for our 'soul mate' means we search for someone who is compatible in every way, some people believe all men and women have their duplicate opposite... someone who shares the same soul, whether there is one person or if there could be more than one...i cant say...
we walk through life day to day, searching for that person who understands us without explanation, hears without words, who we feel without touching..... he or she, is out there...
There is a belief that some souls are literally made to be our mates, for us both to play an important role in each others' lives... sometimes we cant explain strong connections to people we just know they are there, so who are we to argue history....
These souls are thought to have created a connection in a past life and have chosen this lifetime to help each other heal ...
How do we know when we meet them? and how do we know if its them? it is as they say...
you just know .....
The feelings have to be two sided, its no good you believing some guy is your soul mate and stalking the poor fella to death, when he doesn't feel anything for you, except you should be locked up..lol
It has to a mutual feeling from inside out..... so we mustn't get confused here, its a love that goes beyond just love , and a feeling this person completes us..
Its like music sometimes we all hear songs we feel 'must have been written for us' cutting words that sink so deep, right to the core of our very soul's..
this person does the same for us in all areas, its someone we feel we've known all our lives, who understands us, you feel totally comfortable around them, that never have to be anything except yourself with...
I watch every morning an elderly couple pass my house, every day they are there dead on 8 holding hands to fetch the morning paper, the love these guys have makes my eyes well up, for years they walk past, yet every day is like their first, i have no doubts they are true soul mates, just way they look at each other, makes the day a brighter one for me..
So whether we can all get to feel the same is down to us, it may be a case of luck or indeed fate, but whatever comes, never give up the belief theres someone out there made for you, i spent 9 years with a guy who abused me physically & mentally yet every night when i went to sleep i never lost hope..
I wanted my knight in shining armour to come and rescue me, away from all the pain, from the miserable life i had, but knew he was out there somewhere, i just had to find the confidence to free myself up and hope he would find me....
But regardless to whether he would come, it was the hope that made me strong, it gave me that ray of light that i would get up, bath and try to be the best i could, just in case is was today i met him.... and as strange as that sounds it worked...
So if you do or don't believe that person is out there for you, bury your beliefs and look at it as your ray of light..
A little hope that just might grow into something life changing..........
Soul Mate ...
If you have found a smile
that is the sweetest one you've known,
If you have heard, within a voice, the echoes of your own,
If you have felt a touch, that stirs, the longings of your heart,
And still can feel that closeness, in the moments you're apart,
If you have filled with wonder, at the way two lives can blend
To weave a perfect pattern, that is seamless, end to end,
If you believe some things in life, are simply meant to be,
Then you have found your soul mate,
your heart's own destiny.....
Emily Matthews

Wednesday, August 8

I just wanna make love to you ...lol
This ones especially for Estelle and the diet coke bloke ... lol
Tuesday, August 7
We Got Him ... Diet coke bloke

Hard shingle (sorry i was asked to change the title)

Monday, August 6
Diet coke break

Week ends

Sunday, August 5
Hit and Zimmer
I sit in the garden for the first time today to get a knock at the door, my sons just been knocked over by a car in the close..........
Hes ok a little shaken (and milking it) but its left me in an awkward position...
It was my other neighbours dad that hit him...oops
So the close is now at war as 3 people witnessed him speeding in to reverse run over my son and drive off and park his car before he comes to see if hes alright.. not good
The guys 78 and ive seen him drive ! but i am trying to sort it all out peacefully, as his daughter is badly getting wrong with the women in the close trying to defend her dad, as he claims he didnt even hit him ..oops again..
im not screaming at anyone just thankful noone was hurt and have just brought the kids indoors... the old guy is shook up, and will not reverse anymore without double checking where the path is im sure .....
Time for tea !
anyone got any brandy.................lol
Tanning days

How beautiful is this weather....
I spent an afternoon as usual putting the house back to good , bores me silly but I'm the only one that does it here so cant be helped..lol
We went to a few beaches last night, started off at Sea Palling, waxham, Happisburg, eating far too many doughnuts and candy floss, and finished up in a pub garden watching the sunset... bliss
It was so warm all night, a perfect night for swimming (so i did..lol) with the kids telling me about the sharks in there with me..lol
But it was a really nice night, just what was needed after this week esp Friday...
Im not allowed to work today Ive been told ...lol
So im gonna do all those little bits i didn't get time for this week and later this afternoon I'm gonna go out again....lol
Well you've got to make the most of it today haven't you , its gonna rain tomorrow.... so they say! lets hope they get it wrong again.......
I may also have another car coming very soon... (sooner than i thought anyway), my fella had one came in yesterday at his bmw place and they said it had Jo written all over it, shes gold and has 4 seats....he wont let me pay for it though, as the guy there sold mine and my fella has said hell take this car as wages for the last 2 weeks... i think he still feels bad mine was sold, but it wasnt practical anymore, as hes working i need a car to take the kids to the sitters house and you cant get 4 kids in a Z3 roadster..lol (i did try, i got 2 in the front and one in the boot ! ) lol
Happy Tanning everyone .........
Saturday, August 4
His shoulder was dislocated and his arms all plastered up but Ive got my happy neighbour back.... im so relieved
Hes got to rest up now as hes supposed to be going on his boat in 2 weeks for a holiday with his sons, so im gonna make sure i keep an eye out and hes doing what hes told (never!) lol....
Horse riding was very eventful too today....
I seem to be practising a lot of first aid this week on people ... no more please...........
A girl was thrown off badly during my lesson and it shook our other 4 horses up badly that we were riding... so Freedom decided to go up onto her back legs and do the black horse advert (talk about scared) i swore many times very loudly ...lol .... but stayed on (with the help of that saddle and white knuckles) my neice said she though i was a gonna ! thanks for that...lol
But they took them all out of the lesson and cut it short today, as they were concerned about their erratic behaviour (esp Freedoms)... they were probably hot and upset! bless ...
So i gave Freedom her Polo and booked in for next week .. hopefully it wont be too hot for her then, and noone will be thrown off ..
I was doing well today too, my horse is too fast to be behind any of the others, so i got to lead today... so although i didnt like her loan ranger impression much, up until the accident she was great to ride ......
Time to clean the house up and get back to normality (whatever that is this week) lol
I want to go to the beach .........
Sandy Thoughts

Friday, August 3
Blue Lights

Thursday, August 2
Diet Coke Bloke cont......
But we had to finish early as my sitter had to leave at 1pm, then as we were driving through the village we spotted him... he was on his way back to our yard !!! and wearing those shorts ! lol
So we now have a new lunch hour slot, dead on 1pm from tomorrow, the camera Ive left all ready and tomorrow we are on a mission to capture this guy on film...Ive warned his brother and they are happy to help ..lol
so with a bit of luck we can post a photo tom and see if you all agree with us ..............
I've also got another friend at work that comes to visit me (its a baby deer !) so working now is getting better by the day..lol
Wednesday, August 1
Eye candy.. Diet Coke Bloke
where we work theres only one other company a garden supplier...mmm
Theres 3 brothers that run it and we've met 2 of them (who are both nice chaps) but the 3rd brother ..
Hes got the hottest legs weve ever seen on a bloke, tanned skin and wears shorts all day at work.. oh yes............
Is is us or is it extremely hot today.... lol
Im gonna get my camera out sneakily later and get a photo, this guy should be seen... and mounted (on a wall of course lol)
So for any of you women out there (like us) who likes to see some eye candy while you work...keep checking...
His name is Farin ... hes too young for us (of course) lol but nothing wrong with window shopping is there.. lol it makes the day far more interesting...
Yesterday Estelle asked him if he does Topiary (hedge trimming) the poor guy thought she was serious and came over to see what we needed clipping, with Stelly playfully saying we have a bush each that we would love for him to trim.................lol
I couldn't say anything as i was crying at the time laughing... im gonna take some scissors out today to see if hell let me trim up his shorts a bit (a foot) ...lol
it makes a change to get our own back on the guys , so keep checking and as soon as i see him ill run out with the camera.......... hes got legs.... and knows how to use them !