Yeah...............I got a photo....lol
This is Farin ... hes our diet coke break guy...
Sorry we had to use our mobile phones to grab this one as this guy is quick... but not quick enough !! lol
You can see what we mean about him though... hes hot!
We like him better than the one in the lift on the coke tv advert, his legs are definately better and hes got a sexy smile....
There sits estelle playing "i just wanna make love to you" on her mobile loudly, and the guy still manages to give us a smile....so hes also nice...
Thumbs up for this guy, hes now joined my website blog and our wall of flames....
Would be even better if he would just let me trim those shorts a foot or two....................hehe
enjoy... sadly all our jobs are full at the moment......
and theres now a waiting list .......lol
Anyone for a coke girls ............. break time .....lol
Whats that hanging off those shorts.
But you can not see me as I am hiding underneath his tee-shirt, its nice in here being close to the heart where the bubbles are, anyway better come up for air,unless you want to hand me a snorkel. will check in again soon.
I wondered where you'd gone girl, what cha doing up there ..lol
Cameras and snorkles... you will get into trouble... lol
Shall i expect you early tomorrow then? hehe 6 o'clock start eh..
and how come you've put this guy on your side of the wall ?... lol
I think Estelle may have found a little soft spot for our coke guy ?.......lol
hehe xx
I enjoyed reading this, it made me smile so thnak you :-)
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