Good morning everyone, the suns shining again.......
I actually took a night off and just sat and watched a movie, i don't watch TV usually (prefer music) but it did make a nice change...
Well i cant wait to see what today brings..lol
Ive got feeling Stelly will be arriving early today (we were given a hint at what time he gets into a work so im gonna try make us late to see if she gets a little flustered..lol
I have loads to get into today and am looking forward to the day... esp those breaks..lol
We were talking yesterday at why we all look for such different qualities in people, my mum always said i go for the strange guys..lol i don't think they are strange...lol
I do however feel its really important to feel the substance of your soul, and go with whats inside ...
and it wasn't my fault they dressed strangely...lol
My sister brought me a photo in of the first guy i ever dated he was called Daryll James Worley (sounds posh doesn't he lol) he wore bright red shorts, blue air wear and a cropped yellow t shirt with 'slickers jazz funk' in black marker pen on the back... lol
but my god couldn't he dance (that was about his only talent, and he wasnt nice to me either..)
i can remember him coming to pick me up and my dad told him to go away and come back when he got dressed..lol he didn't like him much ! he he
I also had a guy that asked me to get engaged , my mum really, really , really, liked him (wonder why) whos dad just happened to be a millionaire and Keith was due to inherit the sweet business (Waller & co) a few months away but although he was a nice guy i wasn't comfortable at all with him, so as soon as i knew , i flew..... id only get fat eating all those sweets or worse still diabetic...lol
all he talked about was money and used words i cant even spell in conversations, so i stuck his ring in a toffee and posted it back to him , my mum was horrified and didn't talk to me for a week, but thankfully he found someone who had a much sweeter tooth and who was more suitable(dead in the head) ( and i prefer sour sherbet lol) so i obviously don't share tastes most women would.... lol
Well they don't usually like to eat chips on a market, feeding the birds or enjoy spending the night on a car bonnet watching the stars, and i do .... besides i get really nervous if i go anywhere posh,(drink far to much vodka or brandy and use all the wrong knives and forks..... so prefer to be around people that I'm comfortable with....and accept me as i am ...
Anyway enough gabble its time for work...
Have a great day everyone, enjoy that womderful sunshine........
P.s. Ive got the cokes.........lol
Reading this made me think of "soulmate". Is there such a thing as a soulmate? Or do we only have one if there is such a thing? Is it possible that we have more than one soulmate at the same time or at different times of our lives?
Well...your blog made me think of this anyway...a nice thought somehow, so thank you beautiful lady...and have a lovely day/evening..xx
I believe there is such a thing as a 'soulmate' its someone we feel totally at one with, connected in every way, mind, body & soul...
this person makes us complete, with it the feeling that we can fly...
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