lol... im so pleased tonight, ive been to see my dad and grandparents, i never seem to get enough time so tonight i made time.... precious time to me , it meant alot
Ive had such a lovely time, been talking to my dad and grandads been spoiling me rotten..
I took my little car, its back from having new wheels on it, im slowly getting used to driving an automatic lol, although i have to sit on my hand as i keep going to change gear..lol
My dads already offered to buy the car from me if i ever want to sell her bless (no chance) , he really loves it , im over the moon with it.. i may have lost my other little car, but i feel tonight ive got something much better.....the beauty is this car is 10 years old, so its not just people that shine if they are looked after well..........lol
I mustn't tell my fella, but my grandparents like mine better than his...lol (mines got angel eyes!) lol ........ with the devil driving it....lol
but ive come home ladened with gifts for the kids, smiling for england and really content tonight.......
I have a paris trip in the next week or so (as soon as my passports here) and am going to enjoy this weekend, i have lots planned, horseriding tom ! but have got to get a few hours out and go to the beach, my cars not lived in til theres sand in it....lol (it goes with me)
If anyone enjoys getting a video out and likes watching films that have a good story, ive got one for you, its called " blood diamond" and take it from me this is one of the best films ive seen in years, its way up there in stories to make you look at life through others eyes and realise how lucky we are here, it had me transfixed..... so if you want a good night with a dvd go and hire it.... its a must see......
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