We went out for the evening and had a really good night...
It started out a bit of a mix up as id gone in my flip flops and usually shower, swim and get changed for the evening there, but the pool was closed...oops
So instead we went out into the garden, where i could hide up in in a bush somewhere discreet...
We saw our friends at the start of the night which was wonderful, as due to my fellas job we don't get to see them as often as wed like (but im working on that one!) ...
So we had a meal when they left and a good talk about the future, so im a lot happier this morning things will ease up a bit, i work hard and don't mind being superwoman for a month or so but it does catch up with you as you lose time for yourself..... and yourself is important..
Some friends we used to see up there came in a little later, so after a few more drinks, i did go off and get changed as we decided to gatecrash the wedding there... what a blast, ive never done that before......lol
I sat in the garden listening to the singer (she was brilliant) and when one of my favourites came on, that was it, i wanted to join the party... but thought i may stand out a bit in flip flops and a riding t- shirt so i did make an effort to blend in a bit more.. although im not used to putting make up on at the end of a night ! lol
we knew a few in there, so no one asked any questions, so it ended up a really good night, badly overdue at that.... dancing away and enjoying the free buffet...
When we got home we had a houseful, my niece and her fella had turned up to see her brother that was sitting for the kids so again out on the garden we went til the small hours of the night..
So i do seem to have drunk rather a lot of alcohol this weekend....oops
The good part is i was given a talking too....hehe
but he is also dead right, with what he said, so its kick started me back to where i should be
he says I've lost my inner glow because its getting buried with work and the bad stuff and because i am a strong character i should fill it up with the good stuff, and be myself and he is right...
I found a part of me last night, at someone Else's wedding, that i shouldn't have been to...Tut Tut (god the bride looked grumpy though) very pretty, but nevertheless grumpy, she was talking to me in the toilets (i told her i was a friend of her husbands)...lol but she didn't seem best pleased he was out in a bush with the bridesmaid (they were just having a ciggy) i did just take a small peek....lol
the mad woman who runs a Mexican bar has invited us next week to a party, and ive said yes, so my fellas gonna go down to working 4 days a week (not 6) until hes properly trained up, so i can have a bit of a life after work and also get a day off to go do all that girly stuff i never seem to have time for anymore....
So i went out for a quiet night ended up finding my personality i haven't seen for a while, and having a brilliant night...
I'm not lost ...... never was (as James says)
just undiscovered.............. lol
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