Ive had a really good weekend, ive spent time this morning giving my daughter a rock chic look that she wanted for her day out, at the fair.. its been really good fun..lol
shes so much like me except she loves pink and very girly things, but shes so strong charactered it does make me giggle.. i cant see her letting any guy push her about, so im pleased she has strong values (except when she uses them to push me) we are both people that dont quit, so it gets quite funny, she gives me lessons horseriding and is a real natural, as she went flying past me yesterday, galloping, when we were supposed to be in canter lol.. she was screaming with excitement , and as she told me her little secret on the way home, loves the wind to blow her hair about ... lol ...thats me alright
Ive got the rest of the day on my own today, its lovely ....
my sister has taken her out for the day, 2 boys have gone with their dad all day and my eldest is never here anymore except for feeding.... what bliss for a sunday.....
I managed to keep awake yesterday and went into a cleaning frenzy on a high, so my house is spotless and peaceful, so im gonna go take a good book into the garden and chill out...
Todays the day i thought i would struggle, but i actually feel really happy today ...
We went to our friends house friday for a meal and to catch up, and as soon as i got there its like someone taking off a weight, the meal was wonderful (and more than ive eaten for 2 weeks) lol
but the company was unbeatable, i really didnt want to come home..lol
well would you, drinking vodka with such special friends in their jacuzzi ,watching the stars til morning..lol
Ive been longing to spot a shooting star for years, and have a stiff neck to prove it, but im glad i didnt get to see one, as that way i always feel that magical feeling when i stand in their garden, and hope .........
I went riding after 2 hours sleep and was buzzing around yesterday feeling like someone put the sunshine back inside me, and its all thanks to them................
Its todays feelings & experiences that give us tomorrows happy thoughts.........
So ill keep looking out for that shooting star .... to make my wish...
and feel thankful that ive got such wonderful people in my life........
Each one of you is a star in my eyes ........
Thank you so much guys xxx
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