Ive just got a call from my sister, who works for me..
She just took my niece horse riding to the stables where i go, but got the days mixed up..oops
Bless she pulled up in the car got out with my little niece and started to walk towards the stables when the guard dog came out....
they are usually locked in a spare stable when we ride, but tonight theres no riding so the lady let them out, on long ropes as normal, not knowing my sister thought today was Thursday...
The dog ran towards Julie and bit into her leg and as guard dogs do it wouldn't let go..
so she threw my niece onto the car and tried to get away, by this time the lady who owns the stables came out frantically trying to get the dog off her, its bitten Julies arms and legs so she now has to go to hospital to get stitched up, bless.....
she rang to ask me if i had any spare cotton ! how sick is that....lol
The lady is so apologetic its untrue, and its sad that to days world isn't honest enough that she needed to get a guard dog, as a few months ago someone tried to steal her horses so she had no choice, but i think she was worried my sister would prosecute..
Its like my sister said, its her home and her business and she loves her horses, so had to protect them as best she could, my sister shouldn't have really been there, so shes assured her nothing will be done, shes a lovely woman always helpful to us when we ride and I'm really glad no one was seriously hurt....
Ive given her a few days off but also offered to swap her job of packing and come sit for the kids 9-3 instead.. for her to reply " id rather sit for that guard dog!" lol
Week 4 of the school holidays eh..... nearly there............lol
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