Tuesday, July 31

Monday, July 30

Sunday, July 29

Saturday, July 28

I did it.................yipeee
I cant believe i actually found the place for the first time ..lol
Not just that my kids were beautifully behaved for me as they all had to sit and watch and ive now been allocated my own horse to ride every week... I got Freedom ! shes the one they thought would be too powerful for me, but the one i really wanted and trust, so its 2 huge acheivements for me today, as i rode well and was cantering round those fields today in my element, with a smile as big as the sun...
I stuck a packet of polos in my pocket and that horse knew...lol she was so beautifully behaved and it all seemed to click into place...where theres a will theres a way eh..lol
I cant wait to tell my fella I DONT need a satalite system if i know noones there to rely on, I can and will do it .....
Someone get me down from up here will you...
im flying today..............
On route

Thursday, July 26
French Tart

Kids make me giggle sometimes, i promised i would spend at least 2 days a week after work cooking and teaching them pastries and cakes (that's my speciality)..lol my fella has to do the same with meats so i got the good part.. all those lovely calories....
I haven't been well this week, but they wont let me get away with it that lightly, so when i got home today i had to swap wanting to go to bed, with a cookery course...
I have never seen so much mess making quiches and tarts, its everywhere....lol
But as promised i have taken a photo of one of the quiches (it looks almost edible too lol)
So im having a 5 min break to write this while they argue about which pie base is theirs armed with jam and spoons dripping strawberries all round the kitchen... god tomorrow its sponge cakes and butter cream so that should be fun... not ... lol
I must say though they've really enjoyed it, and didn't argue quite as much as usual, but they also get to know what we do with those herbs and vegetables we have been growing, so I'm happy Ive managed to do the work bit today and keep this lot amused and still have some hair left ....
I'm stealing my fellas car this weekend and taking them down to the beach so hopefully that will blackmail them enough to be good for me tomorrow, and we've completed week one without complications... 5 more to go..........................
I much prefer dirty dancing to cooking though... so ill try that later when they've gone to bed...lol
Monday, July 23
growing pains

Sunday, July 22
Happy Birthday To A Lady ......

Friday, July 20
New steps

Sunday, July 15

Saturday, July 14
Blonde roadsigns

Thursday, July 12
Friday 13th

Its been a good week, busy but good, so apologies for not posting for anyone who reads..
By the time Ive got finished every night Ive been falling into a heap ..
Today's my fun day... yes its Friday again, that means its a girls day, with my fella off to play with his worms again..lol
I decided to take my cuppa upstairs and have a bath this morning, so in i get smothered in bubbles to feel what felt like sand all over the bottom of the bath?
i couldnt work out what it was, it was spotless when i got into it, but after picking up my sponge which i keep 6 feet up away from the kids i discovered exactly what it was , lovely black grit.....

my son (bless) had decided to use my huge natural bath sponge to clean his skateboard with and popped it back without telling , so the minute it got wet out came all this lovely grit... im all up for exfoliation, but this was stretching it a bit far especially at this hour of the morning....lol
So I'm sitting here its now five o clock, and after calling my fella for over an hour I'm giving up, his packed lunch is ready and its like waiting for the dead to rise...lol ill send his dad up when he gets here, I'm sure he can get him out of bed, i seem to work in the reverse and he tries to get me into it... lol
I have lots of good stuff to do today that's been saved for the best day of the week, well my working one anyway ....I seem to have found my second wind this week and am rearing to go...
We had our pervy guy ring up again yesterday, hes becoming a regular now..lol
he starts the call every time by asking for help to find his daughter some sexy clothes.. (seems harmless i admit) til he swiftly moves on to she has huge tits... and likes to show them off, (getting friendlier now) and moves onto the heavy breathing while he describes what hes doing in graphic detail (not a good time to eat lunch, weve been there ! )he only lasts about 40 seconds (if you mention black lace and g strings)(so of course i will ) but yesterday we thought wed get our own back,... i have the perfect antidote all ready so am praying he calls again today.... what a way to end his friday 13th eh..... lol

I love the date, everyones nervous so im gonna enjoy milking it to the full today... lol
Have a great day everyone.....
dont walk under any ladders ! lol
Sunday, July 8
Friday, July 6
Friday feeling

Thursday, July 5
Tuesday, July 3
the room is spotless so i am happy....
Monday, July 2
Mens muscles ...lol
The party went ok, but we were let down by a few people, so my fella was a bit disappointed.... hes feeling uplifted now........lol
On the positive side the friends we did have there, more than made up for it, so its got a huge plus side...
I think personally hes sulking as hes now hit 40 ..lol (it must be a man thing) i cant wait til i get to 40, ive already decided im off somewhere hot so wont be wanting any party except for a beach and a bottle.... im gonna totally misbehave myself and not remember a moment ...... lol
Todays been a good one, im getting my house back to habitable, and catching up with little things i didnt get time for over the weekend... (like making huge rockets! lol) the boys needed rockets made and painted for tomorrow so im now smiling quite happy covered in paint and glitter but enjoyed doing my blue peter impression.... ive got brownie points too from the kids for cool custom flame effects.... my son claims i should be a famous artist, like the one whos dead !.... bless (thanks for that...)lol
Getting back to men, sorry i wandered off a bit there... we were into girls talk today and want to know the answer to a very important question, thats bothering me....lol
I want to know why mens bums dont sag ?
its true, men have more pert butts ... so im intrigued to know why...
if anyone can answer than one cleanly, id be really happy to know, it seems that the older a woman gets the more gravity takes things down, but with men its opposite... lol
The more men age the more things stay firm ...... i meant muscles..lol
come on ..you know what im talking about... im trying to ask a serious question here and its coming out all wrong... lol
Id love to know your opinions on this one, someone said today its because their muscle structure is different..lol agreed they have an extra one.... but women have muscles in their butts so why do ours lose shape and males dont (and if anyone says its because we use ours to sit down more.. (bare in mind i have your ip addresses..lol and a strange sense of humour) so please put me out of my misery..... cleanly....