Its been a brilliant weekend, today Ive been trying to get my house in order (and failing dismally lol) so Ive had a day of enjoying my kids instead....
Yes they are noisy, make such a mess of my home and blame each other, so sometimes its a struggle and you can forget the good parts they bring to your life..
Last night we were invited to our best friends house to a party at a neighbours, Ive been looking forward to it all week, and it took a day of me getting my lot organised at home set up meals etc just so i could get there, but it was well worth it..
my friends have a gift they bring to my life i cant explain, its like going away from everything i have to be here at home, there are so many demands sometimes its like i get in the car and leave mum ,the boss ,the cleaner, and referee at home, there i can go out simply as Jo...
My fella feels the same, hes struggled lately to find the good parts of himself , he sees himself as a failure in ways and that's NOT how it should be, his greatest gift is helping others so its a good gift to have, to put others first, even if sometimes it doesn't go right, look at me with my sense of direction, I'm that bad its untrue, its my time i do allow myself to admit I'm wonderfully good at being hopelessly bad at finding anywhere.. but at least i still keep trying... so in my books its the trying that counts the most... so we shouldn't look for the bad stuff in ourselves so much, we should just look harder for the good... and he is a good man..
I was really pleased last night as my friends children were also there, we've heard so much about them so you feel you already know them in some ways, but im so glad i got to spend an evening with them, it gives me hope....
Hope my kids could perhaps turn out as well, and that although sometimes being the parent is hard work and brings many sleepless nights and emotions we don't sometimes want to feel, it also changes when they grow in years, as it then changes into a friendship....im looking forward to that..
Who i met last night was a young lady who is the image of her dad, gifted beyond belief musically, but also caring, honest and totally down to earth... its a rarity...when she played on the piano its like everything stopped you couldnt help but get lost in her notes, it was really moving... and really moved me....
She was joined by her brother on his guitar who also has so many of his mums wonderful characteristics and talent its untrue, you can see the intelligence and kindness but also a real strength they are totally different characters but moulded together perfectly, its was such a beautiful balance...
coming from my house here, where the children have not yet discovered how to blend together, there is still attention seeking and rivalry, so I'm glad i was part of last night so i can see it wont always be like this, i love my kids unconditionally, but sometimes i just cant seem to be enough to keep them all happy, and I'm looked at as the referee, to stop the squabbling....lol
I spent quality time with my friends last night, and felt richer for the night they gave me, as they made us part of it, its the first time we've met the kids and as they are so much like their mum and dad you couldn't help but love them, they are both amazing ...
After rescuing my fella from falling into the Jacuzzi backwards, the whole night made me feel really warm, the band was brilliant (esp the Pink Floyd tracks) and has left me today smiling inside out....
If my kids ever grow up to be half as nice as J and S then i for one would be the tallest blonde in Norwich...
I have a daughter who plays the violin, a drummer, a guitarist and a keyboard player (who now wants a piano) so hopefully when they get a little older and decide they actually do really like each other, there may be hope for them yet....lol
Its so true what they say, music really does bring people together....
different characters, colours, from all walks of life...one things clear ...
everyone can hear notes... but it takes a special person to feel them ...
if we can learn to feel them as a group, thats when it all comes together...
That's what I'm hoping for someday , my peaceful sibling symphony......lol
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