Ive just been to my weekly horse riding lesson so thought id give you all a giggle...by telling you about my morning....
I had a map all ready decided i really did know the way so off i set, i left at 11.20 for a lesson that started at 12.30 so you would have though i would have easily made it on time wouldn't you...lol ...nope not me !
It went ok i went through the city fine all the roundabouts fine til im on a straight road ? thats where i went decidedly wrong.. i missed my turning..oops
My mobile is a pain the battery only lasts about 30 Min's so I'm doing 70 up a duel carriage way trying to ring home, my fellas NOT impressed with me at all today...oops again
There i was sobbing my head off telling him I'm lost again and him trying to ask where i was so he could help... i didn't know (if i knew where i was i wouldn't be lost now would i ! lol) so i kept driving...lol
eventually i found a turn off stopped the car and tried to remember how many bridges id been under so he could work out where i was, with some guy was shouting at me in the car behind ...oops oops again
with my daughter shouting you'll be late mum if you don't hurry up... lol
We eventually got directions with my fella getting up a map on Google (thank you ) im not sure how he did it but he got me back on route and to my lesson 1 minute late, id been driving for well over an hour .....
the funny part was when i got there Shadow was waiting for me (yes the white horse that doesn't like rain wind or sunshine) and was riding her today... lol
As it turns out i was upset enough with my driving i got on the horse without being nervous today and did really well, we happily trotted round on my own with shadow responding perfectly to everything i asked of her (bless she has hayfever) the instructor says i should get lost every week as my riding was excellent, so alls well that ends well...
My sister was also there with my niece today and knows exactly how bad my sense of direction is and offered me a lift beforehand, but i wanted to try it on my own? lol
yes i know now i should have took the lift, ill probably do exactly the same thing next week and will eventually buy myself a satellite system that i keep saying i don't need and do......lol
I defiantly prefer driving to the beach ( i also know the way there)... lol
Do they make such a thing as road signs for blondes ......lol
so if you see me out and i offer you a lift....... Dont .. not if you actually want to get anywhere
.... unless you want to go to lost of course...lol
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