Yipeeeeeeee.... Its true !! im now the boss again......lol
My partners officially landed himself an excellent job, and starts full time Monday.. god I'm so pleased...
hes back working in a field where he excells so will soon be back overtaking me ...
hes given me a huge boost tonight, i was hoping today would go well and it did..
The one thing ive learnt this year is, don't work with your partner, no matter how well you get on, it doesn't work the work spills over into your social life and if its a bloke he naturally tries to take control..lol (sorry about that if you are male)
Its true though, you tend to let the guy take charge and as mine said today, hes not me and doesn't work like i do, in fact we are complete opposites... he doesn't read (i read everything twice) he likes to sign everything without reading and it makes me have to work like a mad woman to get ourselves out of positions one signature put us in..lol
Its been a huge journey, and made me stronger as a person as i know now i can really dig deep, probably more than i even realised, but someone just took a huge load of my shoulders and put him back in the kind of job he does beautifully so we'll be back to competing again now and ill put him in his place by winning of course....lol (lets hope he doesn't read this) hehe
I love a challenge but this year has tied my hands so firmly up and made me work with people i didn't want to, but now im free..................................
Ive got a list of stuff i want to get into, machines that will be humming by Tuesday and a head full of wonderful things that now will come out without having to discuss anything with anyone ... im now away...
Im now gonna go jump in the biggest puddle i can find, scream at the first person who walks past my house, (get arrested) and watch my fella get back to best....
Hes done wonders to the website shop so has brought many good changes to the business, but hes also going to be able to take what he does best and mix the two, its not sexy talking about clothes all day with a partner, id much rather prefer taking clothes off with no discussions...
I'll get to see him sexily suited up every day and really enjoy listening to what his day has brought, so its great news and reason to really feel excited again....
Right most importantly first things first............ the first thing on my list anyway...

(estelle were freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
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