I did it.................yipeee
I cant believe i actually found the place for the first time ..lol
Not just that my kids were beautifully behaved for me as they all had to sit and watch and ive now been allocated my own horse to ride every week... I got Freedom ! shes the one they thought would be too powerful for me, but the one i really wanted and trust, so its 2 huge acheivements for me today, as i rode well and was cantering round those fields today in my element, with a smile as big as the sun...
I stuck a packet of polos in my pocket and that horse knew...lol she was so beautifully behaved and it all seemed to click into place...where theres a will theres a way eh..lol
I cant wait to tell my fella I DONT need a satalite system if i know noones there to rely on, I can and will do it .....
Someone get me down from up here will you...
im flying today..............
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