So far today the triplets went out to play got bullied again, thrown in a puddle so are now having to stay indoors until my eldest gets back from holiday, as noone messes with him, thanks to
Im struggling to get the website back up as the servers a mess so ive been all morning shouting at those so it looks like ill be working most of the night as i cant get it done until its back up...
So ive been using the time and getting some bits organised to keep the kids entertained... theyve chose mums gardening first only because i have some strange plants to grow......
Laurens got a venus fly trap and a hooded executioners plant..
Brandons got a cobra lily and a dracula plant...
and Callums got a waterslide of doom and draculas tongue.... you see i do love to give the kids interlectual things to please remember i do have strange kids ....
So tomorrow (thanks to my sister) im outta here and in my unit, its the first day of the school holidays and i can already see its not going to be easy....
The headsets out already..... im trying to work and not listen to the arguments in the backround and pray today gets better...........

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