Is it morning already......
I feel like i need to go back to bed today, Ive had 6 hours which is plenty but it feels more like 2.
Last night i got to do another double lesson at riding, for the first hour i was on Pip who behaved impeccably for me again, i found out yesterday that hes lost his sight in one eye and only has limited sight in his other, that explains why sometimes he startles at things, he likes his reins short and flaps his head about if you don't, now i know its because he relys on us to be his eyes and needs to feel every move, i love this little horse, why is it always the good ones... He was kicked in the head a few years ago by one of the other horses out in the fields and had a fractured skull, i knew he didn't have perfect sight as he occasionally trips when he hack out, but hes so happy and loves being ridden so we just have to make sure we get it right for him, i overheard 2 of the girls last night talking about teaming up and getting him on loan, id be so sick if i couldn't ride him anymore, I don't have enough coming in to be able to do that so its down to the money thing again, doesn't it piss you off sometimes, I couldn't find 40 quid a week to get him out of the school, I wish i could, so I'm hoping that lottery ticket comes in soon and they don't get him just yet, although i want him out of the classes too, so its whats best for him i should be thinking about, I'm just being selfish wanting him myself and shouldn't think like that..hes well loved up there by us all...
Anyway the first part went really well we came back both excited and flew around that arena again, i wasn't sure who i'd got for the second lesson but had to giggle, as it went from one extreme to the other, from Pip the little white horse to Solomon, who's a huge black horse with massive feet (imagine a plough pulling horse and you'd be ontrack) i also use him in my jumping classes, how weird did that feel though going from one to another like that, you get used to a certain size, so changing onto a massive horse made me laugh, i cant hardly move my legs this morning, but am not telling my fella, he will only say i shouldn't ride for 2.5 hours but id be riding all day if i had the chance, bugger sore legs its worth it...
The good thing is Karen wanted to see how my legs were progressing as Ive rode Pip now for a good few weeks, hes helped me with my transition and leg work so Solomon was going to test it out.
He was responding really well, always went into trot and did his circles lovely for me, but its the canter Ive been struggling with, on these bigger horses, i pulled my legs back more on him and sat way back deep in my seat, but it felt huge, its like sitting on a slippery seat that doesn't fit your arse on a plane (been there done that too) i keep sliding forward. The surprise was all this riding's paying off, every time i asked canter he gave it, its the first lesson where i was able to keep up with the hardened riders up there and hold my head up high for once...
Riding back through the rain had me deep in thought, the flood lights were on, the raindrops looked like they were lit up and dancing..
I closed my eyes just for a second, felt that rain on my skin and sighed ...
I think its my way of finding peace................
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