Its been a pleasant weekend, Ive caught up on some badly needed sleep, slept through the DVDs id hired out (they were apparently rubbish anyway) but thanks to my fella have shed some of those blue feelings that had crept up on me this week, its not often i get like this, but somehow he always manages to pull me out of it.. The kids call them dads pep talks, I call them need to feel positive talks...he always is! he also seems to know when i need one thankfully...
I took Lauren riding on Saturday for her lesson and ended up having a really good time, theres a chap up there who has been watching us ride recently, who last week came in and took part of our class, so i realised why hes been watching us, hes got some really good ideas we are all going to get to try out and yesterday managed to turn the 1 hour time slot i usually spend watching Lauren into something really peaceful as he took me with him through the fields to introduce me to some of those horses we don't usually get to see, hes taking over from Kevin when he goes away on holiday, but has promised me i can ride Sebastian in his first class ~ talk about excited!
Ever since i first went to this school Ive been looking at this horse thinking ~ I wish ! hes so huge and beautiful, so to say I'm shocked is an understatement, you will all get to see him as hes promised to photo him for me, as this is a moment i want to capture in a poster to add to my wall.. it will certainly make me smile when i look up at that one..
So whatever the outcome will be, or regardless of how good i can ride him its 'too good an opportunity to miss' for me......... if i fall on this horse, it sure is a long way down, so ill just enjoy the moment and remember to not look down......... :)
Although its Sunday today, Lauren has just roped me into sorting her bedroom out ~ so with bin bags at hand I'm going to disappear into the abyss and look forward to the meal my fellas cooking down here..
Ive decided this week, one day at a time I'm working through every cupboard, the attic and shed and intend spending next weekend getting rid of as much as possible, I want the space to start the kids bedrooms and at the moment you'd be lucky to find room to fit a paintbrush in this place......
Ive got riding Monday which i always look forward to and Thursday its salsa, so that doesn't leave much free time to do this after kids, work and school meetings, so no time like the present I say...
Its done us good this weekend, i badly needed to get some motivation and find some happy thoughts but thanks to my fella, Ive managed to finish the week in one piece, not in bits like i felt yesterday...
Thank You.........
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