Tuesday, August 12

Wet Ones

Oh my word, isnt it a beautiful day...lol
Its certainly put some life into my house this morning..lol
So far ive been flooded round the front door its been running up my hall and what once was a decking area now looks like a wonderful pond.. im just waiting for the ducks to make full use of it.. (i wouldnt actually mind that) hehe

I was going into work today on my own, but as my fellas not feeling so well ,i think my lost voice,hot sweats episode was a lovely bug, which ive now passed on to him.... oops
its been making me giggle though as he calls it man flue and of course has a much worse strain than i had.............hehe so im staying home and working today.. that way i can look after the kids and make sure they dont get fed crisps all day......... dads menu...lol

Half of my lot are now on their way to my unit, last year i was flooded out badly, i went into work one morning to 8 inches of local river flowing through my stockroom and offices, we thought we were insured but later found out that only half the stock was, as we did have two places then.. i know how people feel when their homes are flooded now, it must be even worse than your business, but somehow we got through that and my fella took precautions to stop it happening again (he built a damm) lol
I know ive been told not to worry but ive lived here 10 years and never had a flood so i cant help but wonder if my workplace is safe.. so hubby (with man flue) has thankfully offered to drive up and just check for me.......... theres not much point me sitting here loading up new lines if im under water.................lol

It was riding last night , i always look forward to mondays, we were in the school last night and Kevin for some funny reason put me on a tiny pony............... i felt mean just sitting on it.. his name was whisper and he was certainly a character, i failed dismally and couldnt get my canter right again, i honestly prefer to ride with no stirups.. i feel more comfortable and everytime i try to kick into canter do my feet fly out.................lol
So Kevins promised to take me out on friday for a ride while im up there working so hopefully i can try and work out what the hell im doing so wrong.......................lol
Its no good getting on a horse and the horse does it for me, i dont want that, i want to ride the bigger horses so have to get this right........ hes promised that i can start jumping as soon as i crack this hurdle.. trouble is i think i was the worst ive been last night, and riding a little white pony didnt help at all............... bless

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