To say Ive been feeling a mess the last few days is an understatement...as much as i hate to admit it i was so out of my depth..
Im always up for having a go at things and like to live life as much as i can, but theres some parts of it that i don't understand or deal with so well. The law is one of them, i don't break it so never really had dealings with it...When i was with Geoff i had to call them out a lot but the ambulance usually followed suit and people were always there to help with that side of it, i didn't have to do anything really, just get away from him..
With the help of two of my friends over the last 2 days , Ive managed to wake up today feeling so much more positive in myself. I actually slept like a baby and feel like Ive got some energy today.
Because things were complicated and bad i wanted to hide under the duvet and hope it was all just a bad dream, sadly the nightmare was still there in daylight..
I was referred to yesterday as a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights (thank you.lol) but that's pretty accurate if I'm honest.. I was frightened and totally confused to what i should do, where to start or who i could talk to, the police matter Ive been trying to deal with has had me banging my head up against the wall, Ive shed more tears this week than i have in years.. but at least i can see clearer today..so that's a positive..
The good part is today i know where to go and who to talk to now. I have a list I'm working through to get our lives back on track here and in regards of my sons education I'm going to fight this all the way.. hopefully also regain some kind of inner peace for us both..
The basic story went as i described in my other blog, except the thug in question is pressing charges on my fella for assaulting him.. the stories changed so much over 4 days that i cant recognise most of it anymore, I'm sick of writing statements, very concerned statements that were made have disappeared and was scared that the policeman i was given was good friends with the thugs dad and was telling me all about him but wanted me to drop just about everything..................... its not a good situation to be in is it?
They are well known around here as a group that likes to rule the land and both have long histories of breaking just about every law going. the youngest is just 15 so of course he cant be locked up but the older body building brother should be and so should all the thugs that terrified me on Friday, why should i just leave it , they will do this to someone else........ they have already started !
Somehow through all this shit I'm hoping the law will prevail, but i had to deal with this officer first so i can now hopefully get some justice sorted out, the first lad was arrested last night but its not what i wanted to do, i had no choice as this family wants to make my family look like the guilty party.. its not right.
My sons education has been messed up beyond recognition now hes still off school for his own safely and yet the thug is back in class and already picking on another lad, my sons best friend.. what a little arsehole.. whatever are his parents like? Ive already seen the brother and hes bad enough.
Today i start that long list of trying to get this mess sorted out..
Ive wrote to the people above the school now as my sons 3 days at school have been cut to nothing... he shouldn't have been the one who had to move out of a class because he was being bullied surely! why? because this schools anti bullying policies and measures for the diploma are crap...
Anyone who reads this, if you have teenage kids and they are thinking of doing the diploma please look into it more deeply, the government have spent thousands pushing this as the new qualification to go for, my lad had to beat quite a few pupils and undertook 3 interviews to get on it, yet they stick all the kids, regardless of grades into an overspill class and that's where our problems started, they are forced to try and study with kids that don't give a shit about school who stabbed him in the head with compasses all through class, bricked my windows and threaten to stab him next, all in front of the so called teachers and its allowed...
These lads took work experience so they could get 2 days out of school and are proud to say that... Ive lost my respect for the so called head teacher who was too busy to attend an important meeting with me as he was playing squash in school hours? whats happened to Great Britain...
Not so great anymore is it...............
I had just finished signing a statement last night when i got a phone call from another lads mother in my sons class, she was crying her eyes out, her son had come home from school yesterday in tears, the same bullies are not doing exactly the same thing to him... so shes expecting what i got Tonight.... its not fair this should be stopped..
Anyway whatever the outcome, I'm not going to go away quietly anymore, I'm going to keep going, i have to... for my kids future.
Ive always told them to be good and that good wins over bad and I'm lucky that i do have 4 good kids whom i love more than life, but for the first time in a long while Ive got to deal with it alone..
My fellas not here to bail me out of help with this so Ive put my positive G string on today and am setting out to get this done..
Thanks to the help yesterday i don't feel so frightened today...
Great to hear you're feeling more "in command" ... that's a tough spot you're in, and I can only admire you as a fighter...good for you!
A tip (probably superfluous, but just in case)...To be absolutely certain to get the school properly onside, forget the head...you now need to contact the governors, casually dropping the possibility of adverse publicity. This should be confirmed in writing, copy to the chairman of your local Education Authority and to your local MP.
The timetabling issues which apparently deliberately set out to thwart the governments diploma initiative should be thoroughly explained...together with your concerns that anyone who takes up the Diploma is automatically dropped into the dregs set...
It would also be good to air your concerns that the headteacher is not taking this seriously, and has proved inadequate in promoting an effective anti-bullying policy.
You may also wish to add that you're allowing 14 days, and after that time, if there is no full and favourable response, you're going to the media...
I've always found this tends to concentrate their minds...
(The Education Dept at your local council should be able to advise you contact details for the governors if the school website doesn't...this is publicly available info that you're entitled to....)
Our kids went to an RC school and a copy to the senior parochial priest usually worked there too...some parent's efforts (not me - just before my time) to our local "Napoleon" resulted in the head and about a dozen deadwood teachers suddenly departing during the Summer Hols....
All best wishes...
Thank you so much, Ive put in a letter to the governers and spoke to the county council, hopefully someone will see sense here.
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