Slowly things are settling down this end, its been nothing but worrying, police interviews and various things ive needed to sort out, the good news is hopefully its getting settled, my son after 2 attempts to get him back to school actually came home yesterday smiling.. that is such a relief..
He went back to his limited new classes Monday only to walk into 4 of the brick throwers in his new class of 8 so as you can imagine it wasnt pleasant, he did me proud and held his head up even though they really were being total thugs, thankfully one call to the headteacher in disgust hes swiftly sorted that out, hes now been moved in with his best friends and is feeling much more settled, theres only so much you can ask a lad to put up with.. Even i was losing my temper!
Im still pursuing the other avenues of tuition though which have been advised to look at and its looking bright, im also waiting for my response from the board of governers to see where this so called 'anti bullying' and ' every childs entitled to an education' things about ~ we havent seen much of that from any count. Hopefully someone will answer some questions..
The lovely lad whos given my family so much grief decided he would press charges on my fella for going after him ~ isnt the world such a lovely place sometimes, he did try really hard to cause so much upset and indeed has given me so much grief but he didnt win.. lies always come out in the end like i tell my kids .. so i still believe that honesty is the best policy ...
This weeks been a bit of a strange one, I went riding on Monday to try and get rid of some frustration i was feeling and thankfully the horses came through for me again, this week i got a huge white horse called 'Ice' for my jumping lesson, I nearly sh8t myself ~ how the hell i managed to get him to jump, ill never know, but i came home feeling much more confident for going and alot happier inside ..even if i couldnt walk so well the next day ! :)
Today was my day to spend in hospital ~ as i had to cancel my last appointment so they rescheduled it for today and told me not to miss it , its not something i was looking forward to, but over the last few months Ive had bouts of blacking out and dizziness (see i am a genuine dizzy blonde!) without any alcohol involved too, so i had to get it checked out..
After spending a few hours being shaken like a cocktail, having hot water poured down my ears and eyes squirted while wearing the strangest of blackout camera goggles on my eyes.. they discovered that my balance sensors are not working like they hoped, one side seems to go to sleep when it wishes, which is when i start doing my 'shes gotta be pissed routine' they do think its all connected with the migraines i get, and they are what is causing the system to shut down, so Ive been given some new drugs to try so will wait and see whats next.
My doctor thought as much and knew of one other lady that had the same symptoms, sadly she wasn't diagnosed until she was walking home from a club one night on her own and had blacked out in a shop door, people were all walking past her thinking she was on drugs or drunk and took no notice, she was found in the morning beaten up... so I'm thankful that i did get to make today in better shape.. theres always a positive somewhere...
Ive been a guinea pig for years, trying just about every new drug out for these migraines, but sometimes it ends with a cyclamorphine jab in what arse i have, and put to sleep... you've heard of people opening their front doors looking worse for wear right? well Ive been there, done that, and forgotten all clothing including my t-shirt .. thank god it was a friend at the door that's all i'll say......hehe
They are made worse when I'm stressed (isn't that part amusing) my life like most peoples is full of the stuff ~ i have 4 kids, a fashion business to run and a fella that's a workaholic .... but i wouldn't change any of it for the world... I look on the migraines now as my shut downs, when i need to stop they always seem to appear, and make me do what I'm told for a change...
Vodka gives me bad headaches too, the only difference is, I get a little dancing done in between falling on the floor and the headache :)
Tonight I'm knackered, I'm left with not much sense today (as you can all read), i feel sick extremely not right and have to go for new stock tomorrow ! so I'm going to be a good girl and go to bed early.. before i become a nuisance..
As usual ............
As usual ............
Im looking forward to tomorrow..... It should be a good day...
Good to know you're doing okay. I was getting worried, not seeing your regular posts.
Take things gentley honey. Be good to yourself.
Echoing everything Roses says - have to say though, (and of course you just KNEW didn't you?)...
"you've heard of people opening their front doors looking worse for wear right? well Ive been there, done that, and forgotten all clothing including my t-shirt .. thank god it was a friend at the door that's all i'll say......hehe"
Oh boy...I'll be a friend!
Roses ~ Thank you honey, I hope youre taking things gently your end also...
Ive been to collect new stock today and managed to actually stay awake in the car the whole time! Its been a good trip though , im really pleased with what today has brought..
I didnt write in here as i was feeling so down and negative inside ~ I didnt know what to write without someone ringing for the white coat brigade, but thankfully things are slowly returning to normal..
Today has been a good day for me and Ryan.. he seems so much happier.
cogidubnus~ You just made me giggle so much, ive got a stitch.. Next time i call the Dr out ill be sure to give you a shout, my friend just stood there in hysterics and couldnt stop laughing at me, she said i had one eye clamped shut and was leaning on the door frame to hold myself up! I could give quasimodo a run for his money its that bad... hehe
Where are you? Are you okay? Don't you love us any more?
Of course i do ! thanks for missing me.. thats so lovely..
Im hoping to finish loading the new stock in today so ill be back here as soon as thats done, been working round the clock this end to get it done..
Yes of course we're missing you... we've all been on tenterhooks!
Are you okay? Did you get your stock done? Did you take a baseball bat to the oiks? Do we need to bake you a cake with a file in it? Or to have a whip round for a decent lawyer, or guy to dispose of the bodies?
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