I think the last two days have been one of the most physical challenges Ive ever had, everything is everywhere here, I cant move! once id started ripping wardrobes apart there was no going back ~ i wished at the time i hadn't started it, talk about heavy... i didn't account for how i was going to get the heavy stuff down the stairs did i, or moving metal bunk beds from one end of the room to the other, my fellas usually here when i do stupid things like this... I'm not sure how i achieved that one, but i think i got so annoyed with the mess id made that it created some determination energy so i was able to drag the bugger.
Theres at least a skip full of rubbish outside now to greet my fella when he gets back, but so much stuff prepared thats hitting the boot sale and auction houses Saturday and Sunday, where did it all fit in here?
I know when my fella gets home Saturday I'm going to get one almighty bollocking for doing this but the majority of mess should hopefully be clear by then, hes working away so i cant keep putting it off and I'm an impatient bugger when i get something in my head like clearing out my house .. its a woman thing..
I have to be honest though, I didn't realise how much i was going to find up there today, im not sure i would have tacked that had i have known, but thats another lesson ive learnt... the hard way.....
The most amusing thing ive found so far is a big paddling/swimming pool, still in its packing and sealed ? but I have a shingle garden? I cannot remember when or where i had that mad impulse... but i need my head examined, if it was me... i'll blame him and giggle at that one..lol
Today i decided to pop my head in the attic ~ just so i could see how much was up there .. dont do that anyone, once i became involved with 'oh! whats that' that was it! 7 hours later and poor Sandra nearly worked to death im still up to my neck in crap, baby clothes and all types of wondrous things that we bought/got given or miraculously just appeared in my home.. how many different variations of corksrews do we actually need?
Ive found 9 bin bags of sample items up there i didn't know i even had at all ...
Its come to that part of the night (22.30) that i cant do anymore today, ive had a packet of outer spacers for tea tonight and have hit a brick wall in regards of energy.. im turning to strong coffee and ciggies now to stay awake and know its time to call it a night....
Tomorrows another day ~ hopefully ill wake up energised and get packed whats all round the lounge, kitchen,hall and up the stairs and then if i can find enough motivation start Ryan's room......................
I haven't done this for years ~ but Ive got the feeling this will all feel worthwhile when its done..
Tonight im just feeling knackered ...
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