I've just been to pick up my sons school timetable today.. to say im worried is an understatement..
Hes got Wednesdays and Fridays at College on his Business diploma but this is what classes the school has given him for the normal GCSE's..... 6 lessons out of 15..
Does anyone have any advice? or know where i can get the books to help him in English and Maths?( im crap at english so will do this with him to help us both) .. These are all the classes the school is saying are available on the 3 days hes there,they are not even at the levels he was at, but perhaps thats a good thing.
Im willing to do whatever it takes to help here, but all the Xs are where he's got nothing on and has to come home to study, the library periods he has to go sit and study by himself as its in between 2 classes and he wont get back in time if he comes home... its a bit empty isnt it?
Now i bet that white streak in my hair gets bigger...
Ive heard of fighting for education but im going to need boxing gloves to help him out here....
Seems to me you could do worse than contact Roses about English books ... she's one of the most literate people I've come across on here, and as you've probably seen her own writing skills are pretty awesome!
That sounds like a brilliant idea, i will email her in the morning.
Im so rubbish at this type of thing.
Hey honey. It sounds really, really crap.
First things first. Do not attend any interviews, either with the police or the school, without someone else there. Take a friend with you. Preferably someone scary in a suit. Make sure they are introduced by the name, and they must say nothing else, but take notes.
I've just dragged Boy in here to talk about English GCSEs. Please bear in mind I wasn't educated in this country so I'm struggling with a different system.
Boy said you need to go to the school and get a copy of the curriculuum. Because they will be covering English Language and Literature, you need to find out which books/poems/subjects they are covering.
If I were you, I would try to find an English tutor. Someone teacher trained who understands the curriculuum and the GCSE system. Have a look in shop windows.
Honey, I've had a little think.
Ring the County Council. There is a unit that deals with home education. Arrange to meet with them. They will be able to point you in the right direction.
There is a home schooling group, who you may be able to join.
I suppose the thing to bear in mind that education is not just about attending school up until you're 16 and passeing your exams.
This country has an excellent adult education programme. Don't stress and think Ryan's future will be jeopardised by this. It won't.
There are other routes, which actually might suit him better. Night classes, Access courses.
If he's doing a business diploma, if I were you and your relationship could cope with it, I would hire him. Give him a proper job description, proper pay, make him use what he's learning in college.
Take a deep breath, step outside of the whole 'school/education' box. It won't do him any harm. The internet is a fabulous resource as is the library. Kids who get let loose from school and have the opportunity to study what interests them, rather than what they are forced to learn, do really well.
If I were you, I would give Gee a ring for some advice. She has experience of both home schooling and sorting out schools.
Good luck my dear.
Thanks Roses..
Hope things are improving down your way...
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