Last night my fella arrived home, to say i was pleased was an understatement, We just wanted a quiet night in so we could catch up on whats been happening both ends ~ if only life was that simple....
I have wrote previously about the group of yobs that my eldest son is having to put up with in his classes outside of this diploma thing and now i can see exactly what hes having to put up with..
I was upstairs in my sons room sorting out when we could hear a gang of lads outside our house, looking out i could see there was about 8 of them at the time, i could hear them saying things about our lad and heard one lad say ill stab the bastard! then all of a sudden a huge brick gets thrown at our car window and they all run off... I shouted down to my fella and we both went outside, thankfully the window didn't smash but there was brick everywhere it had smashed into 4 or 5 bits and was all over the bonnet, my fella being my fella is having non of it, once my eldest son told him what this so called lad had been threatening to stab him at school in class today too, that was it ~ into the car he went with Ryan to go find them....
At this point i picked up the phone and dialed 999 ~ I was explaining on the phone to the lady what was happening and she had promised me a squad car was on its way, meanwhile my fella comes back, he had caught up with the group and had warned the ringleader that we wouldn't put up with thuggish behaviour from him or anyone and he let him go... I thought that was it !
In the next few Min's we could hear a crowd coming up the road shouting, so i ran upstairs to see what was happening, i told the police i could hear a gang so she told me to stay on the line and talk her through it ~ not much to say except this lads brother and about 30 of his mates decided they would come beat up my fella for tackling his younger brother ~ i had a gang of them one side of the door ~ the kids screaming and crying upstairs as they were out in the front garden and my fella trying to get outside to defend his family~ i haven't shook that much since Geoff.
I was on that phone to the emergency services for 18 mins before a team of cars and vans got here, the whole street was filled with blue and white lights, trying to break up the gang, if i had of been on my own i don't know what id have done, hed only been home about 2 hours..
This went on into the night til past 1.30am with police interviewing neighbours, i honestly thought they would take away my fella as he shouldn't have gone after them initially but what do you do when someone comes into your drive, smashes up your property and threatens to stab your kid?
After speaking to the police who i must say were really lovely, they brought in a female officer, im not sure if it was to calm me and the kids down but she did a good job, the main officer was brilliant with my fella and basically put our mind at rest that he'd been to see the initial groups parents and that the lad over dramatised what happened when my fella caught up with him, none of their stories matched up and one actually admitted they had come to cause trouble, but what started with a school messing up here escalated into something very very nasty last night..
The police have told us to either keep our lad off school Monday and demand that the classes get split up and given us various numbers to phone to help us here..
Needless to say i didn't sleep a wink, i was waiting for them to come back all night, what will happen tonight is any ones guess, but one things for sure..
Ive got to spend nights here on my own now with last night going round my head, all because of what? a bloody education system that's failed so many children and managed to cause a riot in one of the kids homes last night..
I am supposed to be going into hospital Monday afternoon, and the kids were getting their own keys to come home from school with my eldest, but I'm sitting here this morning thinking i need to cancel..
That's appalling.
No other word for it.
Hope you're doing better today. I think you're right about cancelling your appointment Monday, your kids will feel safer having you around.
I am sending you lots of protective energy.
On a more bizarre note, my word verification today is: mated!
I havent felt right all day I just feel so sick, it seems to be the.
Im going up the school tom with my fella and getting my lad out of that class, if it means i have to swap schools then so be it.
On the positive side the officers were so lovely last night, he has a son in the same school so said hes going to go speak to the teachers too, You do your best to keep your kids safe and then something like this happens,but the law has so many flaws. My fellas going to be working away now until at least xmas mon-fri so im going to have to deal with this alone,which isnt a nice thought, i can cope with one on one and would always stand my ground but 30 lads all 20-20 year olds on drugs and drunk is scary stuff... I was terrified and couldnt stop crying, i honestly thought someone was going to get badly hurt..it took so long to get help to us? yet those pompous sods in parliment keep pumping money down the drain telling us what we shouldnt be eating and doing? the police shouldnt be stretched to breaking points because of budgets its disgusting..
I havent been able to sleep properly for weeks before this so im gonna have to get lots of paint in i think..
Thanks for sending me some positive energy I really appreciate and need it today.
What an appalling thing to happen...I was once a victim of street violence just outside my home at 3am, and yes I thought I was protecting my family.
I got thoroughly beaten up and, with hindsight, wished I'd stayed in... but my experience was only with three blokes, not a mob...so don't know what I'd do in your place....
Thinking of you...
This is awful. I've lived in a street where things have got tense and you just end up feeling anxious all the time.
I really hope that this all resolves itself.
How terrifiying, I really hope things can be sorted, keep us updated xxx
Thanks guys..
Its been a really stressful weekend with not much sleep as i expected.
We have excluded our lad from school today and ive asked for emergency meeting with the various people in charge ~ hopefully they can sort this out today, if they put these kids back into class today after what happened at the weekend its asking for more trouble and i couldnt cope with another night like that ~ Friday night someone could have got badly hurt.
Will let you all know how today goes... fingers crossed.
I cancelled going into hospital this afternoon and have asked for another date.
How are you doing chook?
Its been a day of meetings with the school today, I kept my lad off so i could try and sort this out, putting him back into that situation would be like rubbing salt in an open wound.
The school after much deliberation has agreed that he can go back into mainstream classes from Monday but it means i have to home tutor him for 5 hours a week in maths for his GCSE as thats what hes missing when hes at college 2 days a week, I did get pretty good grades for that thankfully (thank god it wasnt english!)
My heads spinning tonight, theres rumours flyng round the school that we are going to get another visit but ill have to deal with that if it comes, my fella has to work so has to go away tomorrow...
After a weekend of no sleep and constant worry i pity the thug who knocks first thats all i can say, im like a bear with a sore head and didnt get any work done today..
The police have assured me they will come quickly if needs, so watch this space...
Im not going to end up a victim and constantly worry just for standing up for whats right, so ive got to be strong this week for my kids.
Good for you... Hope it's an uneventful night though!
Thanks Cogidubnus
I hope its a week full of uneventful nights..x
Me again. Making sure you're okay.
How're you doing sweetie?
Thanks roses
Im hanging onto my sanity by a thread tonight, im tired very tearful again so am going to bed and hoping tomorrow ill feel more capable of handling all this crap.
Tonight its beaten me so ill call it a day and sleep.
I want to move..........
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