Talk about clearing out, I couldn't believe what my daughter has been hoarding in her bedroom. I found everything from half eaten biscuits, a cheese sandwich that you could knock a hole in the wall with and endless bags of clothes all rolled up into bags hidden? the mind boggles....
I eventually finished cleaning at 8.30pm ~ that was just one room though! but 6 bin bags later and several swear words that apparently my neighbour could hear through out the day, I'm pleased to say I made the start..
My fella phoned and woke me at 10pm... I think he thought i was joking when i said i was in bed, yesterday was harder than riding and salsa back to back, the room is now ready to paint and I have one very happy little girl, who says she will make me tea all year, for what Ive done!! a brandy would be more useful to take away the backache..lol
Today i have to send off the orders first, Ive already done emails, fill the car up with petrol before it breaks down on me and try and juggle the day ~ I'm taking on the boys room today which means i have wardrobes to dismantle on top of cleaning, but Ive got the first 2 kids home at 4.00 so I'm on limited time today, I then have to pick eldest up at 4.30 from college then back to pick Brandon up from high school at 5pm, hes on a school trip today! its then back here feed the lot and be ready to cut and colour my aunts hair by 6pm tonight and "can i slot in her fella in between for a hair cut" too!................ god help me, why do i always say yes ~ when my heads saying i cant fit it all this in today! how the hell am i going to manage this lot?
Right rant over so its time for a quick cuppa and house work hopefully in 30Min's flat as they will only wreck it tonight again anyway, then its time to crack on and have a go.. I'm still wearing the same combats from yesterday, i need a shower and Ive got no hope in hell have I !
God i miss my fella........ its not any easier for him by the sounds of it either..
Thank god for weekends........
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